I appreciate of friends a lot.
Three more weeks are remaining until this semester finishes.
I feel physicaly tired more than mentaly tired this time.
そしてしまいには つい、ぼーーーーーーーとしがちになってしまい、
So, I am sometimes totally out of it in the class and can not pay attention to the lecture even though I look like I am listening.
My best talker through the letter in the class, Brendalee who is always joyful, smiling and loughing.
We always communicate by exchanging a pieace of paper during the lecture whenever we get bored.
How many pieaces of paper do we use per a day?
Sometimes 2?
Well, the context is not so important that I do not even remember.
でも彼女は集中するときには 集中します。
However, she gets intense into lecture suddenly and focus on it.
It is very spontaneous and quick change!
I am like What? I thought we were loughing each other through the letter a couple of seconds ago and only I am still loughing about it now!
Now she is lining the sentences in the text book with highliter and her arm and hands are moving so fast to draw!
おー彼女はもう 勉強の世界へと入り込んでしまった。
She has already been in the study world!
Then she tells me who is still in the previoius mood from the letter....
"Tsukasa, come back! Focus! Focus!"
She always encourage me by saying, " Hung in there, hung in there! What we are doing is very important. Just focus on what we are supposed to do!"
また私のもう一人の大親友 Mr.デイビット! 彼はクラスのプレジデントになりました!!
Another my best friend, Mr.David! He became our class president!
彼はとにかく面倒見がいいです。 He takes care of people really well.
私はいつも ”私のお父さんはどこ?”というくらいに、私の勉強の姿勢から発音などなど細かく面倒みてくれます。
His treatment for me is just incredible! He teaches me about from life to english pronounciation.
I even look for him while saying, " Where is my daddy?"
He does his job as a husband, father, student and worker at one time, but never show his frustration or stress on the surface. He controls his emotions really well.
I also have a good relationship with his wife, so she trusts me even though we sometimes have to spend a time for school work.
She is like, " Oh, Tsukasa. I do not worry about her at all."
信頼されているってうれしい!! I am happy that we can trust each other and respect each other.
これも神様のおかげです。 It is because of God's work!
彼もいつも言ってくれます。 He tells me..
" This education is the wonderful opportunity from God. Do our best!"
Both Brendalee and David are married.
I think thier labor and responsibility that they have to take care of is more than I do.
でも 二人は本当にしっかりと 一つ一つこなしていきます。
However, they just do thier jobs one by one and finishes them up by the time that things have to be done.
そんな二人から言ってもらえる励ましによって 私は学ばされるし、大きな恵みです。
The encouragement or advise from them is such a huge help and grace. I have learned a lot from them!
よし!私も二人のように 力強くやっていこう!
All right! I am couraged by them, so I will have better concentration and do my best for my future as a respiratory therapist!
Well, but you know what? There is one thing I might not be able to beat you is the speed and quantity that you eat, David!
You are such a great eater and improved why you are a tough man by the amount you ate at the restaurant.
I do not think I can overcome that forever.