Sunday, May 9, 2010


I have been really blessed at the church in Bradenton.

My English is not still good enough to do as much as other native speakers do, but the members of this church trust me and allow me to be involved in serving at the church.

Prayer meeting on Wedneseday nights, for example, I tend to hesitate to pray in the big group of people in English. I worry if they do not understand what I pray about and it just makes me so nervous.

So I have tended to avoid having eye contact from the person who asks prayer.

しかし、牧師先生が”つかさ、できるよ。今日は祈ってね。”と言われ、緊張しましたがそういう機会をあたえてくださった牧師先生にも感謝をし 神様にただ集中して祈らせてもらうことにしました。
Yet, Pastor Bob is different. He says, "Tsukasa you can pray for us tonight. I know you can do it."
I felt, "Oh my goodness! Did he perticularly call my name as a prayer?" but he was not hursh. Instead he aked me to do it gently.

I know my prayer was not organaized, but people were so patient and encouraged me to do so.
After having a prayer, I felt blessed horizontal relationship with people in addition to vertical relathionship with God.

牧師先生は早口なので 牧師先生のペースに合わせてふさわしいパワーポイントを出していくことは
Now people ask me to be incharge of doing powepoints for worship music or sermon lecture during Sunday service sometimes.
Especially putting proper slide shows on the screen during sermon is challenging for me. Pastor Bob speaks so fast and just catching up his words is sometimes maximum I can do. Catching up the words is not necesarrily that I am understanding. So I thought again it is impossible!!!

I prayed about it, thought it must be again God's offering to me and decided to receive that offering. Thanks to encouragement from members of the church, I am getting to be used to do it!

I believe these little works for church are also coming from God and I am thankful to God who allows me to do things like that at church. Also I am thankful to members of the church who trust me and allow me to do. Thank you very much for their patience!!

My works are so tiny things; however, I feel more joyful if I could see more things I can do at the church. Thank you Lord for your guidance to this great church in Bradenton!!!

Paul tells us that each of us is like a organ in the body and emphasizes that the little parts are vital to perform a function of body syetem which is a metaphor of human society.

そこで、目が手に向かって、”わたしはあなたを必要としない。”といういうことはできないし、頭が足に向かって、 ”私はあなたを必要としない。”ということもできません。それどころか、からだの中で比較的に弱いと見られる器官が、かえってなくてはならないものなのです。また、私達は、からだの中で比較的に尊くないとみなす器官を、ことさらに尊びます。こうして、わたしたちの見栄えのしない器官は、ことさらに良い格好になりますが、格好の良い器官にはその必要がありません。しかし、神は劣ったところをことさらに尊んで、からだをこのように調和させてくださったのです。 1コリント12:21-24
21The eye cannot say to the hand, "I don't need you!" And the head cannot say to the feet, "I don't need you!" 22On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, 23and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor. And the parts that are unpresentable are treated with special modesty, 24while our presentable parts need no special treatment. But God has combined the members of the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it.

Isnt it incredible and merciful words from God??? Amen!!!!!!!!!!