Saturday, February 6, 2010

こんなにー! Oops!

I did not realize how long it has been since I updated my blog last time.

その間に頂いた神様からの恵みはたくさんありすぎて 一言では書ききれないのですが
I can not even describe so many things that God has done briefly either.

I came back to the U.S.A in Jan 1, moved to Bradenton and started atttending to new school here.

新しいホストファミリー、新しい環境、新しい学校と新しいことがだらけですが、またまた素晴らしいクリスチャン家族に囲まれて さらにクリスチャンとしての成長の恵みを頂くことができそうです!!!
God provided new great chirstian family here and I have been supported by them.
I am very sure that God will encourage and strength my faith through this wonderful christian family more.

It has been about one month, but God has already shown his presence and great works through my prayer.

1)私のホストファミリーは80台、70台のご夫婦ですが信仰にあってめっちゃめっちゃパワフル:D!! 週に5日は教会奉仕で外に出て、聖書のびのとき、他のクリスチャンとの交わりのとき、そして伝道 と 忙しくしています。  私が負けそうです。
First of all, it is about my host parents. My host dad is about 80 and his wife is about the middle of 70. Their age is double as much as my age. However, they are just powerful!! They actively join different kinds of activities from their church, help people, pray for the others, nourish their faith from bible study and do more devotion at home. Amazing!!! I feel like I am behind.

2)良き友達が与えられるように祈っていました。祈り始めてから、学校内、教会、また日本人クリスチャン との出会いを頂く導きまで頂きました。
Then, God has been giving me really really good friends at school or church. He even offered Japanese Christian couple!!!

Additionally Japanese bible study started to be held at my house!!

It has been just one month since I moved to Bradenton, but he has aleady provided more than I was expecting. To me, it is almost miracle that we deserve to receive God's mercy and blessings like this.

主はやさしい。 God is very sweet.

主はいつくしみ深い。 God is merciful.

主は慰め主。 God is a comforter.

Another essential point of our great God is that he cares each one of us. He takes care of each individuals no matter how many people are on this earth.

誰が特別だからとか、勝っているからだからとか、劣っているとかではなく、主を受け入れる者一人ひとりを しっかりと守ってくださって、助けてくださって、義なる祝福への道へと導いてくださるということです。
We do not have to try to be more special or superior to the other, and we do not have to be necessarily extremely bad either. God is capable enough to approve each individuals as a child of God, and he gives his support, help and guidance to the rigteousness.

"Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins[a] and loses one. Does she not light a lamp, sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it? 9And when she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbors together and says, 'Rejoice with me; I have found my lost coin.' 10In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents." Luke 15:4-6


I am not sharing this as a result of my experience or probability.
I am sharing this because God says so.

I belive God has power to fullfil his promises.


Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, 21being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised. Roma4:20-21