I fhinished writing my blog aournd 1:30 am last night.
One of my friends got up around 2 am and checked my blog and he said the context I wrote yesterday was the exact one he needed yesterday. He thanked me.
私も励まされました。 I am encouraged as well.
We never know how and when we can help the others.
だから、今日も何か書いてみようと。So, I decided to write something at least today, too.
I am not writing this blog because I want pepole to look at.
It is a just memo to the Lord from me.
I also expect even one person can realize that God is with s/he through my blog.
God has been talking to each of us, not just to me.
神様はこんな方です。 God is likely this...
あなたがたのうちに羊を百匹持っている人がいて、そのうちの一匹をなくしたら、その人は九十九匹を野原に残して、いなくなった一匹を見つけるまで捜し歩かないでしょうか。見つけたら、大喜びでその羊をかついで、帰って来て、友達や近所の人たちを呼び集め、”いなくなった羊を見つけましたから、一緒に喜んでください。”というでしょう。 ルカ15:4-6
"Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Does he not leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? 5And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders 6and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, 'Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.' Luke 15:4-6
Even God who is almighty and creator of everything care about one sheep out of 100.
Isn't it incredible?
Then why aren't we like him?