It has been 7 yrs since such a terrific news happened in New York.
That new is still hard for us to believe even now.
I still remember when it happened.
I was talking with my friend over the phone at home.
Suddenly, my friend said," Turn on TV! Something big thing seems to be occuring in New York!"
Every year I watch a documentary TV show about 911.
My heart is always upset every time I see it.
I feel still shocked, angry, sad or disappointed and I have mercy on all victimes or those family.
I am also amazed about fire fighter or volunteer worker's braveness or passion for their works.
There is a part of TV show about 911 that I can not forget.
それは、第二の飛行機のビル追突の直前に ある一人の乗客員が家族に電話をする場面です。
It is a scene which was describing the scenario tha one of the passenger in the second plane was calling to his family before the plane ran into the building.
”ごめんね。僕は死ぬことになるかもしれない。最後まで子供たちの世話をできなくてごめんね。死ぬ前にもう一度 お前と子供たちに会いたかったよ。愛してるよ。”
He called his wife and left a message like this.
" I am sorry. I will die soon. I am sorry that I could not take care of our children till the end. I wanted to see you and kids before dying. I love you."
I heard more than 3000 people died from this matter.
I guess the bereaved family would wonder, " Can it happen? Why is our family the one? How can God allow it?"
I think it is very natural for people to be weak in their faith and become skepticak about God.
I can not imagine how I become crazy if I encounter to this kind of situation.
I think the key to keep maintaining our faith anytime is if we really understand about God.
(ヨハネ 14:18)
I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. ( John 14:18)
We, our Christian, are not the ones who say that we are happy because I can see or experience God's great work for me right now!
キリストは、今の悪の世界から私たちを救い出そうとして、私たちの罪のためにご自身をお捨てになりました。私たちの神であり父れある方のみこころによったのです。 (ガラテヤ1:4)
who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father. ( Galathians 1:4)
何一つ罪を犯したことのないイエスキリストを私たちは 十字架にかけるために、いばらの冠をかぶらせ、服を脱がせ、つばきをはきかけ、そしてあざけ笑いました。 (マタイ27:29-31)
We hung Jesus, who was perfectly pure, on the cross. We set a crown of thorn on his head, took off his cloth, spit on him and mocked him.
However, the Lord kept loving us while saying...
そのとき、イエスはこう言われた。”父よ。彼らをお赦しください。彼らは、何をしているのか自分でわからないのです。” (ルカ23:34)
Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing. ( Luke 23:34)
今起きたこと。また過去に起きた悲しいできごと,それらは、本当に私たちの理解を超える出来事かもしれない。 Tragetic thing which has just happened or sad events occured in the past, those can be huge matters for us to accept.
でも、主を信じているもの、すなわち主を愛しているものは たとえ命をおとすことがあったとしても、主が天国に導いてくださる。だから、大丈夫。 However, anybody who believes Jesus Christ ,loves Him and is faithful to God is blessed and lead to Heaven. So, we do not have to worry.
残されて、信仰的な挫折をうけそうな人。 信仰はときに試練をともなう。
Faith involeves trials especially for people who encounter the difficulties.
So, we always want to remember what Jesus has done for us.
Let's tie up the belt of the faith around our waist and leave His foot print in this world as a testimonier because we are already forgiven and saved by him.
No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.
Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees.
Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees.
Hebrews 12:11-12