Saturday, January 24, 2009

子供に夢を!Give dream to Children!


I think children have been observing adults really well and realize even little children are willing to help and support thier parents for somhow.

そして 子供なりに自分ができることを親に返したいと小さいながらにも思います。

私も幼いときそうでした。I was also like that when I was little.

今日お母さん帰ってくる前に 家を片付けておいたら お母さん喜ぶかな?

I used to think my mom would be happy if I tidy up the room before she comes home.


Does she feel thankful if I cook something for her?

今でも覚えています。I remember what I did and thought it would be a great idea for my mom one day when I was 7 years old.

小学校2年生のとき、見よう見まねでカレーを お母さんが夕方に帰ってくる前に作りました。

I decided to make curry rice for my mom one day.

そのころから料理番組に興味があり、チョコレートやブルドッグソース、はちみつ、しょうゆ、りんごなど隠し味をいれることによってカレーにこくが出るということを習っていた私は ありとあらゆるものをカレーの中に混ぜ込みました。確か珈琲やミルク、マヨネーズなどなんでも加えた気がします。


I was alreay very interested in cooking by then and used to watch cooking TV show; therefore, I knew sord of strategies to make curry better by adding different kinds of spices or sources.

I knew chocolate, soy source based source, apple, or hanny makes taste batter, so I put those into curry. Also I investigated some other stuff which might be able to help aditional flavors by myself. mayonaze, milk or coffee was my choise. I added all of them in the curry source and itended awful taste as you imagine. In addition, the mess I made in kitchen was GREATE!


When I was having a felloship with kids from my church in Japan, I again realized how much their heart is thoughtful to their parents.


I want to do this or that. Their desires come up in their mind; however, they also consier thier parent's financial situation ,mental situation or so on. Then they even gave up to think about it.


でも、教会ってすごいなって思う。However, remember we belong to church!


Church makes any kinds of stuff possible!

Children might think they want to learn piano for example, but it is expensive for their parents to let them take a lesson outside.

Yet! We have piano. We sing a song. They can learn piano at church! They can have opportunity to touch piano. Not only piano, but also a guiter, dram handbell.....


If you want to learn claft, there are so many ladies who can do claft at churh.

教会は神の家。 Church is the house of God.


People who have different kinds of gift has been assembled at church.


I really thought I do not want children to give up having dreams or desires and going forward to achieve those.

欲しかったときと与えられるタイミングやその方法は 想像していたものと違うかも知れない。

The timing or the way given might be different from the one we are expecting sometimes, but keep trusting God and seeking for it.

でも信じ続けて 主の御名によって願い求め続ける。



To keep trusting might demand patience and courage as well since we completely have to lift those prayers to the Lord. Cildren might need to be encouraged by adult's faith so that they can see faith which is to keep trusting the Lord is powerful and meaningful for our life.



Our great God does not miss even a little prayer in our heart.

”そんなこと今させてあげられません”ではなく、大人も神の働きを信じて 子供に信じる信仰の励ましを勇気をもっていしていきたい!

Insrtead of saying " We do not afford to let you do it," we as adult should believe that God should amazingly work for children's life and encourage children to trust God.

イスラエルの民たちは、エジプトから脱出するときに 主の祝福をなんども体験するにもかかわらず、それでも主の働きを疑いました。

People in Islael could not stop doubting God even though they were experiencing God's mercy or grace when they were runing away from Egypt.

これが、私たちの罪なる性質です。This is the sinful character that we have.


Tomas could not believe the man who was standing in front of him was Jesus either, ( John 20)

主はいいます。The Lord says,


"Have you believed because you have seenme? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."
