Since I was on the spring break last week, I decided to visit one of my friends in Bradenton.
I felt somthing was not quite right even the day before my departure and let me continually pray.
Through my prayer, I felt my lovely car need to be checked out. So I did it as much as I know.
よし!完璧!!! Well....isn't it perfect??
でも、まだ落ち着かない私。 No! I just do not feel peace completely yet.
ふむ、、、他に何ができるか???Let me see...whatelse can I do?
そして、ふとひらめいたのは 車のお掃除!!! Yes!! That is right! I need to wash my car!
God must like clean!
ルンルン気分でお掃除。 そして終了!!! Yes, yes, yes!! This is what I needed to do:)
I left home and started driving; however, I still do not feel peace.
普通じゃないくらいに祈らされる。Something forces me to pray.
運転しながら 本当にずっと祈った。 I really kept praying while I was driving a car.
I prayed, " Please deliver me to the place I am going safely."
何度も何度も祈りつつ、運転。Over and over, I prayed.
あーーーーーもう、到着地に着く!! Yes!!! I am alomost there. I made it!!!
しかし!! 案の定道に迷った。 もうその町には着いていたのだが、そこから先の道順がよく分からない!!とりあえずわき道に車を止めて、知り合いに電話をして道を確認することに。
Yet, I got lost as usual. I ended up parking my car on the side of the road and calling to my friend to ask the direcion.
It is very natural, but the first thing my friend saked me was...
”それで、どこにいるの???” " So, where are you at?"
グッドクエスチョン!!! Good question!!!
どこにいるか伝えなければ相手も、教えようがない。I do not know!
" OK, let me drive back so that I would be able to see the sign of the street. It is right there!"
Oh my god!! My car leaned backward once I was almost able to see it!
うそーーーーーーーー穴にはまった?? アクセル踏んでもタイヤが空回りする音しかしない。
Wait a minute! Is my car in the ditch? Even though I accelerate my car, I heard the tires were rolling in the air.
そして車なんか宙に浮いてる感じ????? Isn't my can in the air?
ひゃーーーーーーーーーこの穴ってドンだけ深いの????And, how deep is this ditch?
I tried to look outside through the window; however, the car moverd when I moved. I felt like I became the core of the pole.
I do not remember what I sad over the phone, but I needed to hung off the phone to concentrate on what I was supposed to do.
よし、まずは祈り。First thing to do.....let's pray!
"God, I do not know what is happening now. Please tell me what to do!"
Then a woman showed up and asked me how she could help me.
I told her that I needed to get out from car; otherwise, the car might be exploreded because the steam was coming out from the front.
She pulled my arm, and I jumped from my car to the edge of the road. I landed!!
When I saw my car in the ditch, it was really leaning backward and stayed at 45 dgree. The depth of the ditch was more than 6.5 feet.
I saw a lot of fluid was coming out from the bottom of my car, and was thinking it was going to cost a lot to fix my car...
However, God's grace was much more than the car accident.
1: 二人の男の人が現れて、車を引き出してくれたので 911の人が来たときには私も、車も無事。
2 guys showed up and helped me to pull my car out the ditch; therefore, everything was just
ok by the time 911 people came. They just left without giving me any report.
2: 翌日、車を修理所へ持っていった。そして、車に一つのダメージもないとの診断を受けた。 車からの大量の水は エアコンを使用して出てきたたまり水。オイルはオイルのタンクのキャップ
がなかったため オイルがエンジンに撒き散らされていて、水と一緒に出てきた。
Next day, I brought my car to a car fixing place. Then staff said that there was no damge in
in my car. Alot of water I saw was just the pooled wated due to the condensation from the
use of airconditioner. The oil coming down with water was because of the oil splash out of the
container. There was no cap on the container. By the time my car was checked, there was no
oil in container. The container was evern completely dry. Therefore, there was no damage to
my car.
3: オイルのタンクにオイルが一滴もない場合、普通、エンジンにダメージを与え、車機能が完全に失
My car was completely fine and fanctionable once he poured the oil into the container.
If there was no oil in the car and forced to drive, it damages the engine and the car loose
the function completely. Yet, my car engine was absolutely fine.
4: また私の車のように、オイルタンクにキャップがされてなくて、オイルがエンジンのそこらじゅうに散
If the oile was splashed out all over the engine place like my car, it sometimes causes fire.
It was very possible that my car caused fire from 2 and a half hour driving.
Thankfully, I did not get injured and my car did not damaged. In addition, I was told that I needed to put the cap on the oil container.
I would not realize about the cap if I did not have this accident and even lost my car from the complete engine damage due to the oil missing.
オイルのタンクは本当にカラカラでした。Again, the oil tank was really really dry.
God protected not only me but also my car! There is any scar on the body of my car.
People say my car is such a clunky car, but it is very precious car for me:) My car is almost like my best friend who had adventures with me in U.S.A.
It was very scarely experience, but I felt God was in control and took care of everything.
I was just in His hand and protected really well.
I was very very very thankful to God.
恐れるな。わたしはあなたとともにいる。たじろぐな。わたしがあなたの神だから。わたしはあなたを強め、あなたを助け、わたしの義の右の手で、あなたを守る。 イザヤ41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:10