Recently I have been experiencing that Hospital is not only the place where I am healed but also the place where I give healings.
1:癒しを受ける場としての病院 As the place where I receive the healing.
I met a lady who was fighting against the disease but always smiling and showing her gratitude to Lord.
彼女は言いました。 She said....
" I think seeking for the value of our life regardless of circumstances is very important. Majority of people may have difficulties to find out the great value of our life in thier unexpected situations. You know?, but I am trying to be thankful to any kinds of circumstances since I believe everything is done in His hand."
I bet there are so many things that she has to concern about since she is a mom of two daughters.
However, her smiling is so beautiful and I could not tell that she is even one of patients staying at hospital.
I will not forget her beautiful smile forever.
2:ミニストリーの場としての病院 Hospital that workers can do ministry.
My patient's breathing was deteriorated.
3 respirator therapists worked hard to improve his oxygenation by changing settings of ventilator or bagging; however, his oxygen level just kept going down.
Finally, his oxygen level got recovered once my heart rate almost reached out to maximum on the other hand.
What one of respiratory therapists did after everything was all set.....
患者さんの胸に手をあてて、She put her hand on the patient's chest and started to pray.
" Thank you, Jesus. Thank you for recovering him. Please continually be with him and heal his body."
When I was doing the last vent check before leaving hospital, a guy came into this patient's room. ( This is the same patient whose oxygen dropped before.)
またまた私は彼が入ってきた瞬間に 彼がクリスチャンだとすぐに分かりました。
I could identify he would be a christian for somehow once he came in.
He started talking to the patient who was sedated and praying toward the end of conversation.
I also joined in his prayer.
彼は患者さんのお友達で お祈りにいらしたということでした。
He was a friend of his patient and visited him to pray.
Again this experience reminded me that hospital was such a great place to reach the gospel out to people who were hungry spiritually.
そして私もミニストリーを受けている! Also patients even encourage me.
なーんて素晴らしい!! Just wonderful.
39So he bent over her and rebuked the fever, and it left her. She got up at once and began to wait on them.
40When the sun was setting, the people brought to Jesus all who had various kinds of sickness, and laying his hands on each one, he healed them.
Luke 4:39-40
病気の人は癒しを求めている。 Sick people are seeking for healing.
またケアを提供する側も患者さんから証を頂く。 Care workers also receive great testimonies from the diseased people.
すごい!! Just wonderful!