Today I went to see a RT guy who is also a professor at UCF.
He is from Philipine and do medical mission work for Philipine as well.
He sents some staff from U.S.A to Philipine and provides techiniques or education over there. He also deliver expired medical equipments or products in U.S.A to Philipine.
Obviously expired products are acceptable in Philipine. It means the insufficiency of the supply of medical products there and expiration dates are not matter.
Hearing the average salary in Philipine made me surprised.
医者の月給 5万円。 Monthly salary of MD is $500.
看護師の月給 2万円。 For Nurses, $200.
He also said that prices over there is about same in U.S.A.
I have heard that U.S.A or Japan are great coutry for people to obtain high amount of salary, but I did not expect that there is such a huge diferences between our country and Philipine.
I feel I learned something new about the world from him today.
I am seeing another RT who had been working in Canada for more than 30 yrs tomorrow!
I do not know what kind of new information I can hear! It is exciting!
このように海外の医療事情などを 同じ地域で聞けるのもアメリカの素晴らしい特権!
I really think this is another good thing about U.S.A!!
I can meet different peoplr from different countries and hear variety of medical matters from over seas in one place!