I want to say congratulation to my great fiathful friends, Mike and Jen:D
Mike graduated from RTS and completed his master degree of biblical counseling.
Last 2 years Mike worked so hard for his education, works and voluntary jobs for Japanese ministry. He is very driven and willing to serve to others for God's glory.
Also I was also inspired about Jen's faituful atttitude as a wife. She is very supportive, understanding and sweet to her husband, Mike. She is such a godly and faituful women and I believe Mike would not be able to achieve his goal without her faituful encouragement.
Whenever I see them, I could see how much God love them and bless their marriage relationship. Very Beautiful. They have been a good model of Chirstian marriage, and it meant a lot to me. Thank you so much!!
I miss you them so much since they are moving to Maryland, but I believe God will highly use them regardless of where they are at, and people who see them will be able to see Christ.
I am so thankful to God who let us meet here in Orland and work together through Japanese Ministry.
I also enjoyed attending to RTS commencement because God offered a re-union type of meeting with people whome I have not been able to see for a while!!!
I have been really encouraged in the faith by God this week especially from the scriptures of Dueteronomy. Mose keeps reminding us to remember what God has done for us. Because of what he has done for us, we need to be strong in the faith, obedient and active in action for God's kingdom.
He constantly tells us,
Keep his decrees and commands, which I am giving you today, so that it may go well with you and your children after you and that you may live long in the land the LORD your God gives you for all time. Dueteronomy 4:40
Keep his decrees and commands!!! 神が命じたおきてと命令を守る!!!
Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them. Dueteronomy 4:9
Mike and Jen are definitely people who faitufully follow God's command and leave the righteousness and truth on their journey with thier footsteps. A little Tyler must have already started seeing it!!
God bless you!!!
P:S 写真の順番がまったくもって逆になってしまいましたが、黒のガウンを着ているのが主役です!!