It has been for a while since I attended to a pretty gougeous wedding last time in Japan.
I could tell it costed a lot. She changed her dresses three times in total a day!!
Here is Japan, so everything was very organized and went on time.
Decorations were pretty and gougeous and looked cleanly.
二人の誓いが始まると フロントのブラインドがあいて空に十字架が浮き上がるように配置されていて、
Especially I really liked the wedding ceremoney room which as a big cross on the window. The blind was raised up when they started promising a marrige each other.
The big view from the window was very beautiful and the cross on the window looked
floted in the air!
ホテルの牧師さんは バイトの外人さんだと聞いたことがある。
Sad part is that I have heard that the pastor at hotel in Japan is usually fake and
a part time worked as a English speaker.
式では聖書で有名な箇所 第一コリント13:4 愛は寛容であり、愛は親切です。。。と聖句を読み上げ、目を閉じてお祈りもささげる。お祈り箇所は英語なので 何を言っているか100%分かる人のほうが少ないだろう。
そして アーメンでお祈りを閉じる。
We read bible scripture of 1 Cor 13:4 in Japanese at first. Then everybody closed eyes and listened to the prayer from Pastor. However prayer was English; therefore, only a few people would be able to understand what he was saying.
アーメンをいつ言うのかそのタイミングさえ 英語なので分からなければ、それを言うものだを知っている人も少ないだろう。
Who can say Amen after prayer?
How peoplw would be able to say Amen after listening to English based prayer? It would be difficult to figure out the closing of prayer. Nobody might not even know if we supposely say Amen in the end of prayer though....
不思議な気持ちだった。 It was awkeward to me.
Anyway I prayed in my heart by myself and asked God to bless their marriage.
私たちの余興の歌もなんとか無事に終わり、朝から晩までにぎやかな一日でしたが、とても和やかで 素敵な一日でした!
We would be able to sing well for them as well....!?
It was very wonderful and beautiful wedding of my friend today!!
第一コリント 13:4
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.