Tuesday, July 28, 2009

雨の中の海水浴  Beach in the rain

今日は教会の子供たちと。。。。  海!!!

Today I went to the ocean with kids from my church.

日本に帰ってきて 初海!しかし、今週一週間 横浜は曇り。

This is my first visit to the sea in Japan since I came back to home.

However, the weather of this week in Yokoham is cloudy.


Anyway we decided to go to the sea even though it is cloudy unless it is not raining.


Well...it tunrned into a blessing rainy day after we arrived at the beach.

しかし、子供は雨など気にすることなく ひたすら遊びます。

In spite of such a strong rain, kids' power is stronger!


They do not care about the rain. They were busy from catching fishes or crabs.


It remeinds me when I was a kid.



I realized the adults tend to forget about enjoying the nature which is given by God.

全てのものが 神様によって造られています。

Whenever we go to natural area, we then realize that all creatures are created by God.


Natures from God's grace.


We should be thankful more and enjoy natures.


I felt that I learned thankful mind toward the natures form kids today:D

これからも 自然の中で 両手いっぱいひろげて

Now I feel like I want to strech my body in the grace of nature and enjoy it more!!


Be thankful to all creaturs that God made for us!!


”産めよ、増えよ、海の水に満ちよ。鳥は地の上に増えよ。”  創世記1:22

He blessed them all and told the creatures that live in water to reproduce and to fill the sea, and he told the birds to increse in number. Genesis 1:22