I has been confused about something recently....
そのあることとはミニストリーのことです。 It is abour our ministry.
Should we continually do it or not?
Why do we still need to do it, but why do we quit?
続けた場合は こんな感じ、、、It might be like this if we continue this ministry.
続けなかったら 変わりにあれをしてみる、、、、、???Do I do that instead if we quit ministry?
つづけたらみんなはどう思うかな、、、、How people would think if we continuously do it?
つづけなかったらみんなはどう思うかな、、、、???How people think if we did not?
考えます。A lot of thinking..... Hum Hum Hum Hum Hum.......
I am kind of amazed how much human being can be persistent to focus on just one thing sometimes!!
私だけかなぁ。。。Is is just because of me???
あるお友達に イザヤ43章を今週の始めに渡しました。
I gave one of my friends Isaiah 43 in the begining of this week.
I really thought those verses from this chapter would be helping this person for this week and wanted her to encourage in her faith. I also promised to read these verses for this week as well with my prayer.
However, I was the one who was encouraged :D
That was written in still same chapter but different place from the message I was memorizing and purposely gave her.
先の事どもを思い出すな。Remember not former things, nor consider the things of old.
昔の事どもを考えるな。 Behold, I am doing a new thing.
見よ。わたしは新しい事をする。今、もうそれが起ころうとしている。 (略)
Even though I know biblically it has been told like that; however, understanding it and accepting it are different.
The authority is upon the Lord. The Lord has power. Jesus is ever lasting. Jesus! You are righteous!!
ていうワーシップソングが確かあった。 This is the phrase from worship music.
主に主権!!! The authority is upon God!!!
Yes, Lord :D !!!