Wednesday, September 10, 2008

夢からのレシピ?  Recipe from dream?





I had a dream that I was cooking a crepes.

The procedure of cooking was vivid in the dream, the smell was good and I saw myself eating that crepe with a big smile!



I woke up at 6:30 am while the dream was fading,,,,

ベッドからコンピューターをつかみ、 I grabbed my computer from my bed.

インターネットから クレープの生地の部分だけ材料の部分をチェックし、

I checked the ingredient or quantity for cooking crepe from scratch.

7時! At 7:00 am!

朝っぱらから 機械の卵泡だて器を ガーガーとならし


I was making a big noise while mixing all ingredient with an egg beater, and my host mom was suprised to see me cooking something such an early morning.


However, it went really well!

もちろん パパとホストマザーの分もつくって

みんなで ちょっと優雅な 朝食を!

I made it for my host mom and grand-papa and all of us enjoyed a little bit formal breakfast!

夢からきたレシピ。 Recipe from dream,


It is a little bit interesting feeling, but I would love to share it with you!

It is an easy, quick but very tasty crepes!  

Please try it!

1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon white sugar
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cups milk
2 tablespoons butter, melted
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 eggs

1: beat 2 eggs until it becomes fluffy.

2: add remaining all ingredients and mix together.

3: heat a pan and spread scratch thinly. fold the cooked material into triangle shape.

4: once you used all mixture, wash a pan.

5: add orange juice and put all triangle-shaped materila back in the pan and cook them with low heat until crepes becomes hot.

6: put some crepes on the dish and add heated oranje source on them.

7: you can add any kinds of fruits if you want!


クレープの生地の作り方は インターネットでクレープの生地で検索すると、日本で使用しているメジャーカップをベースにした作り方を紹介していると思います。生地はクレープなら何でもいいと思います。



