Saturday, January 31, 2009

神様からのメッセージ Message from God

みことばは 神様からのメッセージ。

God's words are message from God.


Even though we know it, these words do not seem to be penetrating our heart sometimes.


We feel like the Bible is just a story book.


I experience such a thing often as well.




Before I could make a decision of leadership of our ministry, there is an American lady I was asking to pray for it.( Because I knew she is always such a prayer.)

A message from her was surprising. She attached the verse that I raised as a year verse for 2009 which is Philipians 4:8.


Then, I got an e-mail from a Chrsitian sister from Japan.


Even I kept praying for her, I did not receive any God's verse for a while and it took me time for a couple days until I finaly responded to her.

ある日、ふっと ”あっ!あれだ!”とひらめくごとく聖句が与えられ、彼女にメールをやっと返すことができました。

One day, I just felt like "Yea!! this is the verse I need to share with her." All sudden, the verse came down into my heart, so I attached the verse into the e-mail and I gave it to her.


It is just amazing.

She said, " Oh wow! ( well, maybe Japanese never say like WOW as you know, but it sounded like...) this is the verse actually I received from God recently and wrote it down as a testimony!"


Isn't it just wonderful?

神様は生きておられる。 God is alive!

そして 祈り人を通して、聖句に神様からのメッセージとしてさらなる確信が与えられてくる!

God even sometimes gives us sureness of God's words through pther prayers like this!!


Personal relationship with God is important. It is sometimes difficult for us to estabilish the relasionship through just our own prayers.

祈ってもらおう! We need to ask to pray for us.

他の人のために祈ろう! We need to pray for the others!

これって本当に大切だなって 改めて実感しました。

Again, this event reminded me the basic principle of our christian life!

Thank you, Lord!!