Friday, October 31, 2008

信仰の維持 To maintain our faith

I sometimes think maintaining teh faith is not easy.
People might say, " Then, why don't you compromise your faith?"

でも、信仰って自分のためにあるんじゃない。However, I do not think the faith is not for myself.
神様のため。Our faith is for God.

たくさんのほこりやちりにまみれた世の中。This world is messed up so much.
We can not even tell what is right and wrong.

Therefore, people try to do different things to seek for something which satisfies them.

でも見つかからない。However, they don't, because...

それは神様を知らないから。they don't know God.
または知っていても、神様への愛がかけてしまっているから。Or our heart is lacking love to the Lord. We don't love God.

信仰って良い子になるための道具じゃない。The faith does not exist for us to be good.
信仰って神様に愛されていることの確信。The faith is our symbol to make sure that God loves us.

We might not be perfectly obedient to God. We might not be walking in the righteousness all the time. However, it is ok. We repent our sin daily, receive his forgivness and try to be closer to him step by step through our life.

今、すべてできていなくたっていい。We do not have to be perfect today.

今日 友達に優しくできなかった。We might not have been nice to our friends today.
今日 めちゃめちゃ怒りくるった。We might have been mad to somebody today.
今日 不満だらけの一日になった。We might have been complaing something all day today.

そしたら 今日神様にごめんなさいって言おう:)
It is ok.
Just say, " I am sorry, God."
We grow step by step.

一番は神様を愛する心。The most important thing is to love God always from the bottom of our heart.

今日たくさんのお花の茎の部分を作った。Today I made a lot of stem parts of flowers.
一つだけ、花が咲いた。I put just one flower on one of them.

これから一個一個さかせていくつもり。I am going to attach flowers on the remaining of stems later.

今は一つ。There is a just one flower now.
However, it'll turn into a colorful flower garden sometime.

We might have experienced different things in our life already.

However, I want to ask the Lord to empty my heart onece more.
Then, I want to see my gardern with a lot of beautiful flowers in my heart sometime.

もし、私たちが自分の罪を言い表すなら、神は真実で正しい方ですから、その罪を赦し、すべての悪から私たちをきよめてくださいます。    1ヨハネ1:9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

わたし、このわたしは、わたし自身のためにあなたのそむきの罪をぬぐい去り、もうあなたの罪を思い出さない。   イザヤ43:25
I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more. Isaiah 43:25

すべての良い贈り物、また、すべての完全な賜物は上から来るのであって、光を造られた父から下るのです。父には移り変わりや、移り行く影はありません。   ヤコブ1:17
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James1:17

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Today I went to see a RT guy who is also a professor at UCF.

He is from Philipine and do medical mission work for Philipine as well.
He sents some staff from U.S.A to Philipine and provides techiniques or education over there. He also deliver expired medical equipments or products in U.S.A to Philipine.

Obviously expired products are acceptable in Philipine. It means the insufficiency of the supply of medical products there and expiration dates are not matter.

Hearing the average salary in Philipine made me surprised.

医者の月給 5万円。 Monthly salary of MD is $500.
看護師の月給 2万円。 For Nurses, $200.
He also said that prices over there is about same in U.S.A.

I have heard that U.S.A or Japan are great coutry for people to obtain high amount of salary, but I did not expect that there is such a huge diferences between our country and Philipine.
I feel I learned something new about the world from him today.

I am seeing another RT who had been working in Canada for more than 30 yrs tomorrow!
I do not know what kind of new information I can hear! It is exciting!

このように海外の医療事情などを 同じ地域で聞けるのもアメリカの素晴らしい特権!
I really think this is another good thing about U.S.A!!
I can meet different peoplr from different countries and hear variety of medical matters from over seas in one place!


Monday, October 27, 2008

Hold on!

Monday, October 20, 2008

助け合い Helping each other

I fhinished writing my blog aournd 1:30 am last night.

One of my friends got up around 2 am and checked my blog and he said the context I wrote yesterday was the exact one he needed yesterday. He thanked me.

私も励まされました。 I am encouraged as well.

We never know how and when we can help the others.

だから、今日も何か書いてみようと。So, I decided to write something at least today, too.

I am not writing this blog because I want pepole to look at.
It is a just memo to the Lord from me.

I also expect even one person can realize that God is with s/he through my blog.
God has been talking to each of us, not just to me.

神様はこんな方です。 God is likely this...

あなたがたのうちに羊を百匹持っている人がいて、そのうちの一匹をなくしたら、その人は九十九匹を野原に残して、いなくなった一匹を見つけるまで捜し歩かないでしょうか。見つけたら、大喜びでその羊をかついで、帰って来て、友達や近所の人たちを呼び集め、”いなくなった羊を見つけましたから、一緒に喜んでください。”というでしょう。   ルカ15:4-6
"Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Does he not leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? 5And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders 6and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, 'Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.' Luke 15:4-6

Even God who is almighty and creator of everything care about one sheep out of 100.

Isn't it incredible?
Then why aren't we like him?

Sunday, October 19, 2008

柔和 Gentleness

Today, I was talking with N-san. She is my best friend and the one I really respect of her faith.

いつも、柔和でありたいね。We were saying we wish we can be always gentle.


But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,gentleness and self-control. Galatians5:22-23

It is very famous verse, but I do not think there is anybody who can perfectly maintain all of the fruit of the Spirit all the time.

However, I do not like myself when I am upset, uncomfortable or frastrated and those emotions stay in my heart for a while.

きっとそれは、神様の義に背いている、イエス様のようになろうとしているのに、逆の方向に行っているということが私たちを葛藤させるように思います。= 義に飢えているということ。
Maybe this conflict occurs because we know that our heart is against God's righteousness and going toward the opposite direction from his likeness.
= our heart is thirsty for rigetousness.

でも、神様は However, God says,

義に飢え乾いている者は幸いです。その人は満ち足りるからです。 マタイ5:6
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
Matthew 5:6

He is such a gentle guy! He says thirstiness is ok with us!

Therefore, we can seek for the Lord more!

イエスキリストでさえ、このように祈った。Even Jesus prayed like this.

”父よ。みこころならば、この杯をわたしからとりのけてください。しかし、わたしの願いではなく、みこころのとおりにしてください。”  ルカ22:42
"Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done." Luke 22:42

Jesus knew that he would be betrayed by one of his deciples nad be lead to the death.
He was deeply sad and struggled.

I think always being geltle is good.

I pray that my mouth or behavior is protected by the Lord as much as possible as well.
Even if; however, our words or behavior was protected on the surface, I do not think none of us besides God can maintainn complete and unchangeable gentleness in our heart perfectly.

But, but,but!! I do not want to suffer from conflict! What should I do, God?!!!!
私はあえぎ苦しむことがあります。I sometimes struggle!

So, I decided to remember God's promises again :)

私があなたがたのために立てている計画を良く知っているからだ。それは、わざわいではなくて、平安を与える計画であり、あなたがたに将来と希望をあたえるためのものだ。 エレミヤ29:11
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

耳を傾け、わたしのところに出て来い。聞け。そうすれば、あなたがたは生きる。わたしはあなたがたととこしえの契約、ダビデへの変わらない愛の契約を結ぶ。   イザヤ55:1-3
"Come, all you who are thirsty,
come to the waters;
and you who have no money,
come, buy and eat!
Come, buy wine and milk
without money and without cost.
Why spend money on what is not bread,
and your labor on what does not satisfy?
Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good,
and your soul will delight in the richest of fare.

Give ear and come to me;
hear me, that your soul may live.
I will make an everlasting covenant with you,
my faithful love promised to David. Jeremiah 55:1-3

Friday, October 17, 2008


私のとってもかわいいアメリカの妹 Jちゃんが教えてくれました。
My cute American sister let me see this youtube.

Both of us cried while seeing it.

信仰なんて! What is the faith?
神様よりも、もっと楽しいこといっぱいある!There is more exciteing thing than faith!

そんな風に思うこと、私もあります。I sometimes think like that too.

However, we would become more miserouble if we walk away from God.

神様を知るということ  =  いい子になる
Knowing God = you have to be a good girl
It is not ture.

神様を知る   =  守られる
Knowing God = You are protected.

先日のカンファレンスでいらしてくださった A先生が言ってました。
The other day, Pastor A told us that the faith is not that we hung on to it.


すべてを手放し、主にゆだねる。In stead, the faith is that we lift everything up to God and rely on Him.

力を入れて、意気込むのではなく、We do not have to become tightened by making an effort to with all power we have.

ただただ、神様の導かれるままについていけばいいんですね!We just need to follow Him!

うれしい :D Be relaxed :D and enjoy the relationship with God!

Thursday, October 16, 2008



Why is a baby so cute?


Why do they look like happy?


Even if the baby is sick, s/he has very mirouculous power to comfort and heal people around s/him.

やっぱり罪を知らない赤ちゃんって 知らずと出てくるその不思議な魅力もピュアなものからくるんだろうなぁ。

I guess babies who still do not know sin can send very pure attractiveness.


very mysterious attractiveness.

今日も じっくりと赤ちゃんをながめてみた。
I stared at a bay today for a while.


Cu-------------te :D


I htink we should have babies in the future definitely as women!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

必見! Please take a look at!


I should write about what I learned through canference, but it is a lot and I have a big exam tomorrrow. So I will update it later.


By the way, I got a great gift from God this morning!


I was thinking about different things in my mind even though I had prepaired breakfast on the table already.


Since I have my own expectation, idea or vision toward my future, those make me confused and creat conflicts in my heart.


I have been trying to solve those one by one by being aware of God's words and hunging on to Him, but I still can tell there are some conflicts b/w my flesh and spirit.

なぜらなら、肉の願うことは御霊に逆らい、御霊は肉に逆らうからです。この二つは対立していて、そのためあなたがたは、自分のしたいと思うことをすることができないのです。  ガラテヤ5:17

For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want.

Galatians 5:17

29 years old. Single. I am not dating with anybody.

Considering about having a relationship with a perticular guy at least might be common idea.

I do not say that I do not have any desires about having a family and children in the future.

デートは過去一年断ってきました。However, I kept denying about dating with anybody for last 1 year.

また男性とそういうシチュエーションにならないように気をつけてきました。I was also very careful not to have any situation that men might misunderstand about relationship.

神様との関係を修復したかったからです。The reason was that I wanted to restore the relationship with God.

Recently, I was introduced one guy to meet by my friend from my previous church.

The way of introduction of him was a little bit different from the one I have had before.
Both pastor and my friend thought about me at the same time when the guy mentioned about his desire of meaningful relationship.

That made me pray hard.
I really prayed hard to make sure my desire one more time.

なんとも言えない不思議な体験でした。 It was a quite interesting experience for me.

Even though I know my desire of marriage, God's guidance is totally difference.

The things He has talked to me for last 3 weeks were....

主は、ユダヤを去って、またガリラヤへ行かれた。しかし、サマリヤを通って逝かなければならなかった。 ヨハネ4:3-4
When the Lord learned of this, he left Judea and went back once more to Galilee.
Now he had to go through Samaria. John 4:3-4

This means even Jesus needed to go around to eventually reach his destination.

In Genesis 28, Jacob deceived Esau and their father mistakely blessed Jacob instead of Esau.
Therefore, Jacob, who was afraid of his brother's revenge, needed to leave away from his home town and decided to move to his uncle's land.

He whould feel very lonely and scared on the way to go to his uncle's place.
He was " alone."

However, his blessing from God increased much more that he had imagined by the time he came back to his home land.

とおっしゃったことを成就されたわけです。  創世記32:12 (一部)
God's promise was fullfilled.
'I will surely make you prosper and will make your descendants like the sand of the sea, which cannot be counted.' "  (A part from Genesis 32:12)

I am assuming there is a place God wants me to take after my graduation.

I received a good opportunity to remember what I was praying about and asking for to the Lord before making a decision of study abroad.

"I want to master English so that I can be better care giver for more people."

Sometime, anxiety or fear comes out whenver I think abour his unpredictable and misterioius guidance.

29 years old. Can I say I am young enough to refuse the offer of relathionship?

I wonder I might be single forever and eventually might regret those days that I refuse possible relashionship opportunities....

It'll be a very lonely travel of my life..... etc

Also what my friend and poster said attracted me.
Both of them said,,," he is really really handsome!"

It was about time for me to answer to them and my conflict or confusion got bigger.

I was thinking it would be very rude to see him without any desire of relashionship no matter if he likes me or not.
It should be very inmoral I say, " I am sorry I have any intention to have serious relashionship with anybody because I have strong desire to go somewherelse. But I was just curious about you and wanted to see you!?"

So I wanted to make sure my first priority, well I would say God's calling first, and my desire.

I can feel physical loneliness so that I feel the need of attention or attachment in my flesh.
I feel God has been asking me, " Go to the place I will guide you" on the other hand.

そんなんで、葛藤、混乱。Conflict. Confusion.

So let's back the original story I was sharing in the begining.
I was out of it while leaving breakfast on the table.

そして、ふっと Then I came back to real world finally.

"Oops! I have to start eating cereals otherwise those would be soggy!"

I put my head down to pray and the thing I saw on the spoon was............

Cross !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

私は本当に確信しました。 I could make sure God's presence once more.

神様は私の悩みも、不安も全部ご存知。 He knows everything.

神様はともにいてくれます。 He is with us.

ハレルヤー!! Hellelujah!!


So I prayed for my friend from JM as well.

神様は 決して私たちを見捨てて離れたりはしません!
He never leaves us abd forsake us!

”私は決してあなたを離れず、また、あなたを捨てない。”  ヘブル13:5
"Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." Hebrews 13:5



実は、天井のファンがスプーンに反射して 浮き出るように十字架がでたのですが、ちょっと位置をずらしたら十字架でなくなってしまいます。

I took 2 pieces of picture as an evidence.
Actually the fan from ceiling was reflected on the spoon and the shape of the fan looked like the cross because of the distortion from the reflection.
I attempted to do the same thing once I came home; however, it did not come out in the same way. I could not see it clearly or even not see anything with the some cracks on it. I am still looking for the spoon I used this morning.

Saturday, October 11, 2008



Our 2days conference has started today while inviting a pastor from Japan!


It is amazing that we can have a special canference just for Japanese people here in Orlando.

Especially it is for 2 days!

It is grace from God.

I again devote my gratitude to the Lord.



Tomorrow more poeple seem to come. It is exciting!

I am tired today, so I will write what I learn through this ocnference sometime soon...hopefuly..



I pray that tomorrow becomes more blessing day and each of us can know and see the Lord.


Friday, October 10, 2008

死 Death


I received the news that my friend's dad past away.

彼女の両親はカトリックでしたが、なくなる2日前に彼女と旦那様は お父様のために真剣に祈ったそうです。

Her parents were Catholic believer; therefore, she and her husband had been praying hard for her Dad and asking the Lord to save him before he dies.


Praise our Lord! He was really saved through their prayer!


They also shared some bible scriptures ,showed pictures of heaven and let him know his grace and mercy by letting us go to heaven in addition to thier prayer.


My friend also shared that this whole process until her Dad died was special blessing for their kids as well.


Their kids learned God's great peace and comfort for their grandfather by seeing his merciful guidance.


Oh my goodness! It is such a poweful testimony!!!


I had never imagined that our death can be turned into our comfort.


I would remember that the death is fearful instead.

あとは、連日に及ぶ暗い儀式の連続で、 ちょっとうれしかったこととして思い出すことは、毎日お寿司を食べれたことかなぁ。

Only thing which made me joyful or happy was that I could eat Sushi every day for a couple of days. Other than that, very dark funeral ceremony ,which last for several days, was  torture for me.


Well, food should not be related to somebody's death anway.

I would not learn the meaning of the death at all.


I thought somebody's death could be a great opportunity for kids sometimes so that they would learn God's miroculous work which alternates death into peace.

Adult should have responsibilities to do it for kids, though...


I learned how to accept somebody's death and how to teach about the death to kids.


I appreciate that this couple shared all testimony they had even in the middle of challenges.

It is such a powerful testimony.

見よ。神の幕屋が人とともにある。神は彼らとともに住み、彼らはその民となる。また、神ご自身が彼らとともにおられて、彼らの目の涙をすっかりぬぐいとってくださる。もはや死もなく、悲しみ、叫び、苦しみもない。なぜなら、以前のものが、もはや過ぎ去ったからである。  黙示21:3-4

"Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. 4He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." Revelation 21:3-4

Thursday, October 9, 2008

人生の分岐点 A junction of our life


I guess anybody has faced to the situation that you have to make a choice of the way for your life.


It is about time for me to make a decision which way I am supposed to go after my graduation.



There are a lot of things I have to consider for my moving.

For example, visa statement, finance, education or maintenance of my spiritual life.....


Sometimes I become confused to identify if the desire comes from me or God.


Sometimes I can not even figure out how to pray.

最近私は 神様から素晴らしいガイダンスを受け取りました。

I received great guidance from God recently and helped the fundamental issue of my prayer.


自分から語る者は、自分の栄光を求めます。しかし自分を遣わした方の栄光を求める者は真実であり、その人には不正がありません。   ヨハネ7:17-18

If anyone chooses to do God's will, he will find out whether my teaching comes from God or whether I speak on my own.

He who speaks on his own does so to gain honor for himself, but he who works for the honor of the one who sent him is a man of truth; there is nothing false about him. John7:17-18

そうでした!神の御心を行おうと心から願う。 とてもシンプル。

The solution was so simple! I just need to pray and ask the Lord that his will be done through me from bottom of my heart.

キーワールドは信仰です!The key word was faith!


If we take a look of Hebrews 11, we are able to see people was used due to thier faith.


I was reading a local newspaper this morning.

A stoker news was written in there.

An arrested boy is 19 years old. His father is a very famous lowyer.

This boy was chasing a girl and even hacking her e-mail or other stuff.


Even if your parents are great in their education or business,

even if you are such a good boy at school,

different kinds problem would happen unless inside of your heart is healthy.


Only God can make our heart healthy because he lives in us.


”神は、私たちのうちに住まわせた御霊を、ねたむほどに慕っておられる。”  ヤコブ4:5

Or do you think Scripture says without reason that the spirit he caused to live in us envies intensely James4:5


So seeking for the Lord is the most essential thing we need to do.


It is not about money, education or fame.


It is about God!

ただ強く、雄雄しくあって、わたしのしもべモーセがあなたに命じたすべての律法を行え。これを離れて右にも左にもそれてはならない。それは、あなたがたが行く所ではどこででも、あなたが栄えるためである。     ヨシュア1:7

Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

不平不満はいいません!No more complaint!

Both Japan and U.S.A are such spoiled and blessed countries.


While all necessaries are given to us, our fleshly and self-centered desire has grown more and more.

I used to think I was sent to U.S.A so that my faith was trained and grown.

でも、最近は日本からの一人のクリスチャンとして海外に送られてきたという感覚が強くなってきました。However, I recently think I was sent here from Japan to be used and to share the gospel with people from different countries.

There was something which had lead me to repent at bible study yesterday.

God pointed out my sin which I complain about such a little thing in my life or require something to accomplish my own thoughts or desires.

Can I really pray for somebody else instead of trying to satisfy myself or my life?

Isn't there anything I can do for somebody?

There are children who do not have parents and were placed in Children's home.

勉強をしたくても 勉強道具さえあたえられない子供もいます。
There are children who are not given any stationeries or books.
There are children who have to overcome the winter seasons with clothes or shoes which have many holes.

There are children who can not go to hospital even though they are sick.

We were born in an advanced contry according to God's plan.

I do not think God is asking me to change my life style completely so that it becomes as same as those people's and I would be able to understand how it looks like.

でも同じ地球に住む人間です。However, we should not forget we are same humanbeings.

Shouldn't we have more responsibilities to share something important with people who are significantly suffered since we are already given by God?

まず私たちができる小さな一歩。 The first step that we can do.
不平不満をこぼさない。 No more complaint!
どれだけ恵まれているのか改めて知る。We should recognize how much we are already blessed.
神様に心から感謝する。Have and show our gratitude toward God from bottom of our heart.
Look around us and see if there is anybody who is suffered. What can we do for s/he?

I do not know what kind of path God has been preparing for me; however, I again realized I want to be used by using great gift God has given for me. It is medical.

God has given me everything I have kept looking for since I was a kid.
何も恐れずに主についていきたい。So I really want to follow that powerful God.
He changed my life completely and this testimony is true.

宗教ではなく、真実を伝えていきたい。I want to tell the truth, not religion.
そして、主に愛される子供が増えていきますように。I pray children who do not know God's love can receive real love from God so that they will be guided to the righteousness.

あなたがたのすることは、ことばによると行いによるとを問わず、すべて主イエスの名によってなし、主によって父なる神に感謝しなさい。  コロサイ3:16-17
16Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. 17And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:16-17
あなたがたは、主から報いとして、御国を相続させていただくことを知っています。あなたがたは主キリストに仕えているのです。    コロサイ3:23-24
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, 24since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Colossians 3:23-24