Sunday, October 18, 2009
up date
( Scroll down for English)
皆様、 しばらくの間連絡が途絶えてしまっていて申し訳ありませんでした。
5月に卒業をし、無事に国家試験も終えて 一時帰国のつもりで日本にもどってきていましたが、 帰国後 私がバセドウ病の診断を受けて、治療に専念することが先決と医師より申し出があったので、日本の滞在期間を延長することにしました。
またその後, 母も仕事中に倒れ 意識を失ってしまい、救急搬送そして 入院ということもあり、祈りとともに今は日本にいることが一番良いとさらに確信を与えられました。
一時は私も気が動転してしまい、落ち着かない日々が続きましたが 現在は二人とも症状は落ち着き 穏やかな日々が与えられています。
病気の初期のころは、現状が受け入れられず、神様にただただ疑問を投げかけては 涙をこぼしたこともたくさんありました。
私は医療の現場が大好きです。そして、何のとりえのない私が唯一神様の御栄光を現していける貴重なギフトであるという思いで いつも感謝でいっぱいでした。
しかし、その思いとは反対に私の体が思うように動かないんです。心臓がいつもドキドキいって、苦しくて階段も上れない時期がありました。直ぐに低血糖を起こしてしまって、めまいがきて倒れこんでしまいます。手が急に震えだして 字が曲がってしまいます。
そんな身体変化に気がつかされたときに 本当に悲しかったです。主は何を考えておられるのだろう? ただただ主の御心が見えなくて 見放されたような感じがして悲しくて、大好きな看護の仕事もできないんじゃないかって思ったら すごく悔しくて。
主を信じるということが 本当に難しいことを体験しました。 ”信じる”とただ一言でいえば簡単な言葉ですが、心から100%の思いで主に信頼する。
あるとっても有名なクリスチャンの素晴らしい医師で 日野原先生という方がいらっしゃいます。私はその方の講演を聞きにいったことがあるのですが、その時に
”医療者は 死なない程度の病気をもっていたほうが良い”とコメントしたことがあります。
私は自分が苦しい思いをして、やっと苦しみが分かりました。また治療を受けている身でもあり、治療を受けながらの生活の難しさや フラストレーションもやっと分かりました。だから優しくなれるようになりました。話をしっかり聞こう、どんな思いでいるのか、どうしたいのか。どうしたら早く その希望にそった方向に導いていくことができるのか。一緒に考えていくことに、意識がもっと向けられるようになりました。
病の中にある患者さんの笑顔は とてもたくましいし、輝いています。本当に励まされます。
病気で苦しみ、悩んでいる人が 心の面で主に癒され、励まされていきますように、お祈りに覚えてくださると幸いです。
また1月以降アメリカに戻ってきた後も、現在行っている東洋医学の治療が受けられないため 学業を継続していくために厳重な体調管理を行っていく必要があります。
そのため 今行っている日本人ミニストリーからはおろさせてもらい 今入ってくれているメンバーに主の導きを頂いてもらうことにしました。
どうぞこれからもオーランドの日本人のクリスチャンのコミュニティーの中に 大きな祝福と恵みを与えてくださり、さらに霊に燃やされていきますように。
本当に罪人な私たちで、義を知っているからこそ罪責感が生まれることもあると思います。しかし、主の愛はそれ以上です。主は私たちの生みの親ですから、”お父さん!助けてー!!”と素直に助けを求めていけばいい。本当にむしがよくって、都合のいいお話ですが、私たちの主はそんな寛大な神であるんという 半信半疑の不信仰生活から主がおしえてくれました。
どうぞ お一人お一人の上に、主の豊かな豊かな祝福と恵みがありますように。
わたしは、あなたがたに悟りを与え、行くべき道を教えよう。わたしは、あなたがたに目を留めて、助言を与えよう。 詩篇33:8
Dear My Friends
I am so sorry that I have not been in contact for a while with some of you.
I graduated from school in May, finished all board exams and went back to Japan to take a summer break. However, I needed to stay in Japan longer since I was diagnosed with Graves Disease. My primary physician suggested that focusing on treatments is the most important for me right now so I decided to extend my stay in Japan longer until my physical condition became more stable.
On the top of being diagnosed with Graves’ disease, my mom fainted, became unconscious and lost her memory temporarily while she was working. She was delivered and admitted to the hospital.
Because of these issues, staying in Japan was the best for me and it was God's will through my prayer.
I was almost paralyzed when my mom's episode happened and had very difficult days to understand God's will, but both of us are doing well and we have been given very peaceful days.
We still do not know the exact cause of my mom’s symptoms yet. I consulted with my friend who is a brain surgeon about this episode with my mom, but he thinks it shouldn’t happen again. She went back to her work now and we just depend on God.
I am still in the middle of treatments for my Graves Disease. I have been learning other alternative treatments on the top of western medication now and have also been trying those.
There were difficult days for me to understand why it happened and to trust God. I kept asking God about his will and crying.
However, I can now understand patients' frustration, pain, struggles or physical difficulties.
As most of you know, I love the medical field and I have been believing that this is the only gift that I can show God's glory and I really think God really agreed with it.
I always felt I do not have many talents, but he gave me a great one to this sinful girl. Whenever I am at the hospital, my heart is always filled up with my joy and gratitude to God. Also he really helped me to be nourished in the medical field in the U.S.A as well. To me, it is almost a miracle because he is the one who forgives our sins from the past and even fills up our life with his blessings. Therefore, I wanted to do my best for God and was passionate about being used in the medical field.
Especially after graduation and being certified as RRT, my heart was full of excitement and hope of God's plan for my life.
On the other hand, my body was not able to follow my feelings. My heart was beating really really fast. I sometimes could not even climb up the stairs of the station. I needed to stop. I had difficulty breathing because of that. I fainted due to hypoglycemia. My fingers started trembling so that I needed to stop writing.
Once I realized these kinds of changes in my physical condition, I felt really really sad. I wondered what God has been thinking. I just could not see God's will in these events and I was very discouraged in the faith because I felt God was taking my favorite thing away from me again. I really thought that God was taking my nursing job away from me. I got really disappointed.
Just understanding the fact of the disease was difficult for me. Then my mom fainted.
I just had a broken heart. I shouted to the Lord. " I do not want to have any more challenges! I’ve had enough!!!"
I experienced that just believing God and trusting God is difficult. It is very easy to say, but very very difficult to really do so.
I could not do that for a while.
It has been about 3 months. I have finally started being able to see God's will. It was after a lot of arguments with God.
God is not trying to take my favorite nursing job away from me. He wants me to understand people struggling from disease or sickness.
I have listened to a speech of one of the famous Christian physicians in Japan before. He said, " medical staff should have some kind of physical issues which are controllable and do not cause too much complications”.
Now I can understand what he meant.
Our job is usually available compared to other jobs. We receive pretty reasonable salary and we can establish our fame or classification in the society.
It is very easy for medical staff to boast about ourselves.
However, we need to stand on the same standard as the patients and are required to have a humble attitude to understand them like Jesus did to us.
I finally understand how frightening and painful it is if we have heart or breathing issues. I now know how frustrating it can be if our life is regulated because of disease. It is not fun to live with long-term medication. So I can be sweeter to patients. God let me be humble. God gives me more wisdom so that I want to try to think what kind of desire each patient has and how we can help.
The hospital I work at has a long-term patients. Communication builds up trustworthy relationships which are not easy sometimes. People's smile during their disease condition is very impressive and beautiful. I would appreciate if you remember diseased people in your prayers somehow.
Since I am required to rest for a while, I decided to stay in Japan until the end of December. I work at the hospital and receive treatments for myself at the same time.
I am planning to go back to U.S.A and continue finishing my next degree. Since I need to take care my health really carefully, I would like to narrow down the things to do. I prayed about Japanese Ministry and I think God has prepared other great brothers and sisters to lead now, so I decided to pass the leading of JM to those great brothers and sisters.
I believe there are so many thing I would not be able to do throughout JM activities, but I am thankful to God who has given me great advisers and supporters to continually do JM. I keep praying that Japanese ministry will be used for a part of God's kingdom and people will be healed, encouraged and nourished in their faiths.
Since we are all sinners, but know righteousness, there is a time that we feel disappointed about ourselves. However, the love of our great God is much greater than that.
He is the one who gave us life and brought us to this earth; He knows who we are. If we have any troubles, we just need to ask his help honestly. My heart was unfaithful and it sounds such an unbelievable gospel to believe, but I experienced that his mercy and love is amazing. He puts his hand in front of us, helps us and lets us know He is always with us.
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you. Psalm32:8
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
夏休み中から今まで 私はどこへ行ってしまったのだろう?と思われた方もいるようでした。
すみません。消して隠れていたわけではないのですが、今年の夏も日本では本当に 深ぶかな 主の御心をじーっくりと祈り 考えさせられる。そんな時となりました。
I am so sorry that I have not bee in contact for a while. I guess some people wondered where I went. It was very ver deep summer for me in diffrent ways and became a great opportunity for me to take more time to pray and ask God's will for my life.
So many events were going on and I do not know how I can start sharing my story of this summe.
実は日本では田舎生活を送っていました。静岡県の最南端で 看護師が本当に不足している 常勤医師も二人という なんとも都会では考えられないところへ勤務することになりました。
Well..let me explain where I was at.
I was in the country side of Japan where was the most south of Shizuoka prefecture. They have a serious shortage of medical proffessionals and there were only 2 regular doctors at my hospital.
結論から言うと、田舎は違う!!都会で育った私は 日本を知らなかった自分にショック!!!
Let me tell the conclusion of country side of Japan. It is just different world of Japan from one I know in dwontown.
教会は一時間半離れたところにあります。 It takes one and a half hour to get to the church.
コンビニは駅前にもありません。There is no supermarket near the station, either.
海が目の前なので 景色は最高です。また温泉はそこらじゅうにあります。しかも無料。
The view around there is gorgeous since the place is near seashore. Hotsprings are here and there and some of them are even free.
There are somany fishermen in the littel town and they are really friendly.
Vegetables and fruit are very fresh too.
If I take a walk in that town and meet people, people give me fruit or vegetables which were cultivated in there even though I do not know them!!
電車は単線で 東京から海沿いを静岡半島をずっと走っていく。 オーシャンビュウ:D
The train line is just simple one line. The train sometimes has to wait until the other one pass.
It goes along the seashores of Shizuoka Island to get to my station, and the ocian view is just going on and on. Amazing.
病院では ご家族がお礼にって手土産をよく持ってきてださる。それも、 魚!!!
We someimes receive gifts from patients or their family members.
What we receive is.............FISH!!!!!!!!!!!
Very interesting. Yes I can see his little mouth, eye and tails....hum...
魚大きいの3匹、鯛一匹、ひじきに寒天の海草が 一パックになってボンと手渡された時には びっくりした。
Wher I received three big fishes, one really really big fish , seaweed and another special type of seeweed to make gello in one package, I was just surprised!!!!!
It is just intresting!
そんなギフトは今までもらったことがなかったので。。。I have never seen that kind of gift before.
People from country side of Japan do something different! It is just a cultural shock. Ifelt like that even though I am not a foreigner in Japan.
Anyway, interesting things has been going on, but I can see so many blessings from God and a big plan from God in there.
現在オーランドに戻ってきており、すこし時間があるので 時間に余裕があったらアップデートします。
Since my personal internet conection is not avaialble in that country side, I barely could chek my e-mail while I was working and have time to do so.
Now I am Olando and have time to update....hopefully/
I am thinkign that'll be geate if I can share my difficult time in faith during summer and how God
helped me so that I can rely on him more.
Because there is somebody we care about, we sometimes feel dissapointed, depressed and even hopeless when something unexpect happens.
Because we are serious about God, we sometime become very emotional with God.
I believe it is ok.
私の不信仰記録。 My unfaithful record.
その中で見える、それ以上の主の愛情の深さ。 God's much bigger love in our unfaituful nature.
それを分かち合えていけたらと思います。 I wish God helps to restore our faith for somehow by sharing my experience with God.
Many times he delivered them, but they were bent on rebellion and they wasted away in their sin.
But he took note of their distress when he heart their cry;
For their sake he remembered his covernant and out of his great love he relented.
Psalm 106:43-45
信仰の成長過程は 人それぞれです。人と比べる必要なんてない。主は一人ひとりをそのまま愛してくださっています。
すみません。消して隠れていたわけではないのですが、今年の夏も日本では本当に 深ぶかな 主の御心をじーっくりと祈り 考えさせられる。そんな時となりました。
I am so sorry that I have not bee in contact for a while. I guess some people wondered where I went. It was very ver deep summer for me in diffrent ways and became a great opportunity for me to take more time to pray and ask God's will for my life.
So many events were going on and I do not know how I can start sharing my story of this summe.
実は日本では田舎生活を送っていました。静岡県の最南端で 看護師が本当に不足している 常勤医師も二人という なんとも都会では考えられないところへ勤務することになりました。
Well..let me explain where I was at.
I was in the country side of Japan where was the most south of Shizuoka prefecture. They have a serious shortage of medical proffessionals and there were only 2 regular doctors at my hospital.
結論から言うと、田舎は違う!!都会で育った私は 日本を知らなかった自分にショック!!!
Let me tell the conclusion of country side of Japan. It is just different world of Japan from one I know in dwontown.
教会は一時間半離れたところにあります。 It takes one and a half hour to get to the church.
コンビニは駅前にもありません。There is no supermarket near the station, either.
海が目の前なので 景色は最高です。また温泉はそこらじゅうにあります。しかも無料。
The view around there is gorgeous since the place is near seashore. Hotsprings are here and there and some of them are even free.
There are somany fishermen in the littel town and they are really friendly.
Vegetables and fruit are very fresh too.
If I take a walk in that town and meet people, people give me fruit or vegetables which were cultivated in there even though I do not know them!!
電車は単線で 東京から海沿いを静岡半島をずっと走っていく。 オーシャンビュウ:D
The train line is just simple one line. The train sometimes has to wait until the other one pass.
It goes along the seashores of Shizuoka Island to get to my station, and the ocian view is just going on and on. Amazing.
病院では ご家族がお礼にって手土産をよく持ってきてださる。それも、 魚!!!
We someimes receive gifts from patients or their family members.
What we receive is.............FISH!!!!!!!!!!!
Very interesting. Yes I can see his little mouth, eye and tails....hum...
魚大きいの3匹、鯛一匹、ひじきに寒天の海草が 一パックになってボンと手渡された時には びっくりした。
Wher I received three big fishes, one really really big fish , seaweed and another special type of seeweed to make gello in one package, I was just surprised!!!!!
It is just intresting!
そんなギフトは今までもらったことがなかったので。。。I have never seen that kind of gift before.
People from country side of Japan do something different! It is just a cultural shock. Ifelt like that even though I am not a foreigner in Japan.
Anyway, interesting things has been going on, but I can see so many blessings from God and a big plan from God in there.
現在オーランドに戻ってきており、すこし時間があるので 時間に余裕があったらアップデートします。
Since my personal internet conection is not avaialble in that country side, I barely could chek my e-mail while I was working and have time to do so.
Now I am Olando and have time to update....hopefully/
I am thinkign that'll be geate if I can share my difficult time in faith during summer and how God
helped me so that I can rely on him more.
Because there is somebody we care about, we sometimes feel dissapointed, depressed and even hopeless when something unexpect happens.
Because we are serious about God, we sometime become very emotional with God.
I believe it is ok.
私の不信仰記録。 My unfaithful record.
その中で見える、それ以上の主の愛情の深さ。 God's much bigger love in our unfaituful nature.
それを分かち合えていけたらと思います。 I wish God helps to restore our faith for somehow by sharing my experience with God.
Many times he delivered them, but they were bent on rebellion and they wasted away in their sin.
But he took note of their distress when he heart their cry;
For their sake he remembered his covernant and out of his great love he relented.
Psalm 106:43-45
信仰の成長過程は 人それぞれです。人と比べる必要なんてない。主は一人ひとりをそのまま愛してくださっています。
The process of faithful growths is different. We do not have to compare.
God loves you no matter who you are.
I could understand that amazing gospel from our great God throughout this summer again.
Thank you, the Lord.
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