Monday, May 24, 2010

What did I do??????

What did I do?


Do I deserve to be loved so much?


Then why are people so sweet and kind to me?

I do not know!

God, why do you bring such great and wonderful people into my life?

I did nothing and feel I do not deserve to recieve all gifts from you, father.

Today, ladies from my church took me to a exellent restaurant near the pier. They offered me a delicious dish of fried fish, french fries and coleslaw. Those were awesome!

Then, they gave me a lot of cards and gifts!

I am not moving to anywhere else! I am just going back to Japan for a while.

Regardless of how long I am out of town, they said they wanted to give me a good-by party!

Isn't it amazing?

People are so great. I mean people God allow me to meet are inspiring and delightful.

They are mature in the faith, so I am always encouraged and strengthened in the faith.

I am just overwhelmed!

Now I do not know what I can do for them and for God!!!!!!!!!!

Well I definitely keep praying for them even though I am not with them for a while and ask God
to keep blessing them and protect them as well.

I always think it is awesome to be a Christian because I feel we are all same as children of God regardless of where you are from, race, or even age!

We worship one great God, our great savior, Jesus Christ and there is no boundary between us in Christ.

It is great!

Again, I would like to say thank you to those ladies who spent time with me, gave great cards or gifts today and also to other members of Cross Point Fellowship Church in Bradenton.

I feel I am at home at the church and blessed.
I will be definitely missing great friends in Bradenton!

May the Lord Bless you!!!
I dedicate all my love and gratitude to God.

Your statutes are my heritage forever; they are the joy of my heart. My heart is set on keeping your decrees to the very end. Psalm 119:111-112

Sunday, May 23, 2010

New Season has come again!

I want to say congratulation to my great fiathful friends, Mike and Jen:D

Mike graduated from RTS and completed his master degree of biblical counseling.

Last 2 years Mike worked so hard for his education, works and voluntary jobs for Japanese ministry. He is very driven and willing to serve to others for God's glory.

Also I was also inspired about Jen's faituful atttitude as a wife. She is very supportive, understanding and sweet to her husband, Mike. She is such a godly and faituful women and I believe Mike would not be able to achieve his goal without her faituful encouragement.

Whenever I see them, I could see how much God love them and bless their marriage relationship. Very Beautiful. They have been a good model of Chirstian marriage, and it meant a lot to me. Thank you so much!!

I miss you them so much since they are moving to Maryland, but I believe God will highly use them regardless of where they are at, and people who see them will be able to see Christ.

I am so thankful to God who let us meet here in Orland and work together through Japanese Ministry.

I also enjoyed attending to RTS commencement because God offered a re-union type of meeting with people whome I have not been able to see for a while!!!

I have been really encouraged in the faith by God this week especially from the scriptures of Dueteronomy. Mose keeps reminding us to remember what God has done for us. Because of what he has done for us, we need to be strong in the faith, obedient and active in action for God's kingdom.
He constantly tells us,

Keep his decrees and commands, which I am giving you today, so that it may go well with you and your children after you and that you may live long in the land the LORD your God gives you for all time. Dueteronomy 4:40

Keep his decrees and commands!!! 神が命じたおきてと命令を守る!!!

Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them. Dueteronomy 4:9

Mike and Jen are definitely people who faitufully follow God's command and leave the righteousness and truth on their journey with thier footsteps. A little Tyler must have already started seeing it!!

God bless you!!!

P:S 写真の順番がまったくもって逆になってしまいましたが、黒のガウンを着ているのが主役です!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010


I have been really blessed at the church in Bradenton.

My English is not still good enough to do as much as other native speakers do, but the members of this church trust me and allow me to be involved in serving at the church.

Prayer meeting on Wedneseday nights, for example, I tend to hesitate to pray in the big group of people in English. I worry if they do not understand what I pray about and it just makes me so nervous.

So I have tended to avoid having eye contact from the person who asks prayer.

しかし、牧師先生が”つかさ、できるよ。今日は祈ってね。”と言われ、緊張しましたがそういう機会をあたえてくださった牧師先生にも感謝をし 神様にただ集中して祈らせてもらうことにしました。
Yet, Pastor Bob is different. He says, "Tsukasa you can pray for us tonight. I know you can do it."
I felt, "Oh my goodness! Did he perticularly call my name as a prayer?" but he was not hursh. Instead he aked me to do it gently.

I know my prayer was not organaized, but people were so patient and encouraged me to do so.
After having a prayer, I felt blessed horizontal relationship with people in addition to vertical relathionship with God.

牧師先生は早口なので 牧師先生のペースに合わせてふさわしいパワーポイントを出していくことは
Now people ask me to be incharge of doing powepoints for worship music or sermon lecture during Sunday service sometimes.
Especially putting proper slide shows on the screen during sermon is challenging for me. Pastor Bob speaks so fast and just catching up his words is sometimes maximum I can do. Catching up the words is not necesarrily that I am understanding. So I thought again it is impossible!!!

I prayed about it, thought it must be again God's offering to me and decided to receive that offering. Thanks to encouragement from members of the church, I am getting to be used to do it!

I believe these little works for church are also coming from God and I am thankful to God who allows me to do things like that at church. Also I am thankful to members of the church who trust me and allow me to do. Thank you very much for their patience!!

My works are so tiny things; however, I feel more joyful if I could see more things I can do at the church. Thank you Lord for your guidance to this great church in Bradenton!!!

Paul tells us that each of us is like a organ in the body and emphasizes that the little parts are vital to perform a function of body syetem which is a metaphor of human society.

そこで、目が手に向かって、”わたしはあなたを必要としない。”といういうことはできないし、頭が足に向かって、 ”私はあなたを必要としない。”ということもできません。それどころか、からだの中で比較的に弱いと見られる器官が、かえってなくてはならないものなのです。また、私達は、からだの中で比較的に尊くないとみなす器官を、ことさらに尊びます。こうして、わたしたちの見栄えのしない器官は、ことさらに良い格好になりますが、格好の良い器官にはその必要がありません。しかし、神は劣ったところをことさらに尊んで、からだをこのように調和させてくださったのです。 1コリント12:21-24
21The eye cannot say to the hand, "I don't need you!" And the head cannot say to the feet, "I don't need you!" 22On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, 23and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor. And the parts that are unpresentable are treated with special modesty, 24while our presentable parts need no special treatment. But God has combined the members of the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it.

Isnt it incredible and merciful words from God??? Amen!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 24, 2010


今学期はあまりにも読み物と書き物に追われてしまい、必要以外はタイピングをしたくないと思うほどにペーパーに追われてまったくといっていいほど ブログを更新できていなかってのですが、Bredontonへ来た事は本当に神様の導きだったなーとつくづく思わされている毎日です。
I have not been able to update my blog constantly any more since this semester started. I feel like this semester is the hardest one I have ever taken. Every day is like the repetition of reading and writing. I even feel I do not want to open my lap top if it is not necessary... English has been killing me....

It is a time of finals, but my mind can not be focused on studying since I just can not stop thinking about kids that I have been taking care of this week at church. So I decided to organize my heart while updating my blog and hopefully I can clear up my mind and get more focus later on.

Since I got a permission that I could attach some pictures of kids in my blog, I did it.
Look at those adorable kids!!!

They were abusolutely cute kids and I have already been missing them so much!
Unfortunately today was last day that I can see them and I just feel very sad.

2歳のケイラは私のことを ”マミー” と呼びます。
Actually, Keyla who is two-year-old girl calls me " Mami-!"
How wouderful sound it is!!!!
Just cute.
I felt I became a real mom for her and just got into her so much.

In Japanese bible study of this week, we leaned about faithful action.
We need to produce actions as christian by faith.

Even if you say, " I have faith!" but did not have appropriate action according to whatever you say, people would not see great Christ's natures such as love, peace, steadfastness, patience or righteousness from us.

もし、兄弟また姉妹のだれかた、着る物がなく、また毎日の食べ物にもこと欠いているようなときに、あなたがのうちだれかが、その人たちに、”安心して行きなさい。暖かになり、十分に食べなさい。”と言っても、もし体に必要な物を与えないなら、何の役に立つでしょう。それと同じように、信仰も、もし行いがなかったなら、それだけでは、死んだものです。 ヤコブ2:15-17
Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. 16If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? 17In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. James 2:15-17

Honestly, I was hesitating to take this role when I was asked while saying, " Wait a minute! It has been busy. Let me think." However, this verse helped me to make a dicision and decided to obey the Lord.

As a result, God has blessed me so much and I could not even control my joyful and thankful heart!

私ができることはほんのわずかですが、それを何十倍にも増し加えてこんなに喜びを与えてくださいました。 小さな働きと思えても、それを必要としている人がいるということですね!
Lord is just wonderful. He multiplies blessings or grace no matter how small our works are.Only thing I could do is just to play with kids, but it was such a blessing.
I also would like to say thank you to those kids who gave me big smilings and laughing coming from their pure heart. Those were very special.

私もいつか本当に マミー!と呼ばれたい!!
I thought I wish the day that I am really called "Mami-!" comes sometime soon.....!?
P.S. ブログを私のホストファザー Uncle Urivinに見せたら、子供を生む前にまずは結婚してくださ
    After sharing my blog to Uncle Urvin, my host father, he said, "Get marry first." It is
understandable. I pray for my marriage....:D

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


ただただ 神様に感謝をさせてください。
Let me just devote my gratitude to the Lord.

”神様はなぜこんな私を大切にしてくれるのだろう?どう してこんなに祝福を与えてくださるのだろう?






" Why is God taking care of me so well? Why does he bless me so much? I do not deserve to

receive all of his grace or blessings if I think about my past. He does not only forgive me but also

continue blessing me. I just do not understand. I would like to ask God to let me humble before

him since I am too happy. I am too joyful! I am afraid if I boast myself. God, please help me

that my heart always remember your cross. Help me that I can look for something I can do for

my precious friends or family as well. Let me keep praying for your glory and help to pray for

my great brothers and siters."


で 私が傲慢になることがないように、読んでくれている方にも祈ってもらいたくて書き残しました。
Nothing special happened, but I am too satisfied with full of joy and holy spirit. I thought I need

to ask my friends to pray for me so that I do not boast myself.

それだけです。 That is about it.

Monday, February 8, 2010

希望の力 the power of hope

A scripture given from Today's devotion is below.


For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? 25But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.
( Roma 8:24-25)

This scripture reminded me about a conversation I had with my friende in Japan.

Only three of us including me is still single out of 10 girls best friends from my nursing school.

So three of us decided to travel together and talked different things, but gilrs mainly like to talk about something romantic stories that we have.

But!!! I do not have a boyfriend. I do not have any boy's friend whom I perticurally consider any romantic relationship either. My friends concerned about me so much.

They said, " I can not say much about you, but are you really ok???''

I loughed so hard and said, " I am completely fine!! I do not worry because it'll happen when the time comes!!"
They frowned.

One of the girl had a relationship with a guy who had a kind of complicated isues and broke up.
The other girl has been dating with the same boy friend a long, long time, but nothing procceded.
Additionally they even said that they might not be able to find anyone they like if they lose the contact with a guy who is in contact now or the guy who cares about them might not appear forever!!!

Oh my goodness. You are the ones who have problem!!!! " Excuse me, are you ok???"
That I want to say to them.

Then one of girls said, " You are too optimistic. You have the worst situation than anybody else, but you do not worry. It is strange that you can still hope!!"

Thank you, thank you, thank you, the Lord! Amen.
That is right!

We have hope!!!

My heart is full of joy because of the hope that God has given to me.
I did not even realize it until she said that.
So I am thankful to my friends as well!

In the devotion, it tells us a study result from prisoners in a shelter. The examiners devided prisoners into 2 groups, and they kept giving negative information to one group and positive one to another group. Negative information was such as the death of family members or friends, multiple death from terrorist or war.)

The study showed that prisoners given negative infomation started being pale, depressed and even thinking suicide. On the other hand, prisoners given positive infomation started having more hope and being eager to survive.

Our heart becomes more joyful and passionate when hope is given.

また私たちクリスチャンに与えられている希望は 一時的ではなくて”永遠の命”という滅びることのない神様からの約束によって この地上にいるあいだずーーーと上を見上げて、生きていくという力を与えてくださるものです。
And the hope that Christian is given is eternal. It is never destroyed and perished.
We can seek for living because of unchangeable eternal hope given by God.
How strong courage it is for us to live on the earth if we have it in our heart!!!

この水を飲む者はだれでもまた渇く。しかし、わたしが与える水を飲む者は決して渇かない。わたしが与える水はその人の内で泉となり、永遠の命に至る水が湧き出る。(ヨハネ 4: 13-14)
Jesus answered, " Anyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but who ever drinks the water that I give him will never thirst. In deed the water I give him become in him spring of water welling up to the eternal life."
( John 4:13)

We tend to focus on something which is happening at this moment and suffere from it.
I would like to be thankful to anything happening on the earth and overcome traials with my joy due to the hope he gives me! Help me Lord:D

Saturday, February 6, 2010

こんなにー! Oops!

I did not realize how long it has been since I updated my blog last time.

その間に頂いた神様からの恵みはたくさんありすぎて 一言では書ききれないのですが
I can not even describe so many things that God has done briefly either.

I came back to the U.S.A in Jan 1, moved to Bradenton and started atttending to new school here.

新しいホストファミリー、新しい環境、新しい学校と新しいことがだらけですが、またまた素晴らしいクリスチャン家族に囲まれて さらにクリスチャンとしての成長の恵みを頂くことができそうです!!!
God provided new great chirstian family here and I have been supported by them.
I am very sure that God will encourage and strength my faith through this wonderful christian family more.

It has been about one month, but God has already shown his presence and great works through my prayer.

1)私のホストファミリーは80台、70台のご夫婦ですが信仰にあってめっちゃめっちゃパワフル:D!! 週に5日は教会奉仕で外に出て、聖書のびのとき、他のクリスチャンとの交わりのとき、そして伝道 と 忙しくしています。  私が負けそうです。
First of all, it is about my host parents. My host dad is about 80 and his wife is about the middle of 70. Their age is double as much as my age. However, they are just powerful!! They actively join different kinds of activities from their church, help people, pray for the others, nourish their faith from bible study and do more devotion at home. Amazing!!! I feel like I am behind.

2)良き友達が与えられるように祈っていました。祈り始めてから、学校内、教会、また日本人クリスチャン との出会いを頂く導きまで頂きました。
Then, God has been giving me really really good friends at school or church. He even offered Japanese Christian couple!!!

Additionally Japanese bible study started to be held at my house!!

It has been just one month since I moved to Bradenton, but he has aleady provided more than I was expecting. To me, it is almost miracle that we deserve to receive God's mercy and blessings like this.

主はやさしい。 God is very sweet.

主はいつくしみ深い。 God is merciful.

主は慰め主。 God is a comforter.

Another essential point of our great God is that he cares each one of us. He takes care of each individuals no matter how many people are on this earth.

誰が特別だからとか、勝っているからだからとか、劣っているとかではなく、主を受け入れる者一人ひとりを しっかりと守ってくださって、助けてくださって、義なる祝福への道へと導いてくださるということです。
We do not have to try to be more special or superior to the other, and we do not have to be necessarily extremely bad either. God is capable enough to approve each individuals as a child of God, and he gives his support, help and guidance to the rigteousness.

"Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins[a] and loses one. Does she not light a lamp, sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it? 9And when she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbors together and says, 'Rejoice with me; I have found my lost coin.' 10In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents." Luke 15:4-6


I am not sharing this as a result of my experience or probability.
I am sharing this because God says so.

I belive God has power to fullfil his promises.


Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, 21being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised. Roma4:20-21