I should write about what I learned through canference, but it is a lot and I have a big exam tomorrrow. So I will update it later.
By the way, I got a great gift from God this morning!
I was thinking about different things in my mind even though I had prepaired breakfast on the table already.
Since I have my own expectation, idea or vision toward my future, those make me confused and creat conflicts in my heart.
I have been trying to solve those one by one by being aware of God's words and hunging on to Him, but I still can tell there are some conflicts b/w my flesh and spirit.
なぜらなら、肉の願うことは御霊に逆らい、御霊は肉に逆らうからです。この二つは対立していて、そのためあなたがたは、自分のしたいと思うことをすることができないのです。 ガラテヤ5:17
For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want.
Galatians 5:17
29 years old. Single. I am not dating with anybody.
Considering about having a relationship with a perticular guy at least might be common idea.
I do not say that I do not have any desires about having a family and children in the future.
デートは過去一年断ってきました。However, I kept denying about dating with anybody for last 1 year.
また男性とそういうシチュエーションにならないように気をつけてきました。I was also very careful not to have any situation that men might misunderstand about relationship.
神様との関係を修復したかったからです。The reason was that I wanted to restore the relationship with God.
Recently, I was introduced one guy to meet by my friend from my previous church.
The way of introduction of him was a little bit different from the one I have had before.
Both pastor and my friend thought about me at the same time when the guy mentioned about his desire of meaningful relationship.
That made me pray hard.
I really prayed hard to make sure my desire one more time.
なんとも言えない不思議な体験でした。 It was a quite interesting experience for me.
Even though I know my desire of marriage, God's guidance is totally difference.
The things He has talked to me for last 3 weeks were....
主は、ユダヤを去って、またガリラヤへ行かれた。しかし、サマリヤを通って逝かなければならなかった。 ヨハネ4:3-4
When the Lord learned of this, he left Judea and went back once more to Galilee.
Now he had to go through Samaria. John 4:3-4
This means even Jesus needed to go around to eventually reach his destination.
In Genesis 28, Jacob deceived Esau and their father mistakely blessed Jacob instead of Esau.
Therefore, Jacob, who was afraid of his brother's revenge, needed to leave away from his home town and decided to move to his uncle's land.
He whould feel very lonely and scared on the way to go to his uncle's place.
He was " alone."
However, his blessing from God increased much more that he had imagined by the time he came back to his home land.
とおっしゃったことを成就されたわけです。 創世記32:12 (一部)
God's promise was fullfilled.
'I will surely make you prosper and will make your descendants like the sand of the sea, which cannot be counted.' " (A part from Genesis 32:12)
I am assuming there is a place God wants me to take after my graduation.
I received a good opportunity to remember what I was praying about and asking for to the Lord before making a decision of study abroad.
"I want to master English so that I can be better care giver for more people."
Sometime, anxiety or fear comes out whenver I think abour his unpredictable and misterioius guidance.
29 years old. Can I say I am young enough to refuse the offer of relathionship?
I wonder I might be single forever and eventually might regret those days that I refuse possible relashionship opportunities....
It'll be a very lonely travel of my life..... etc
Also what my friend and poster said attracted me.
Both of them said,,," he is really really handsome!"
It was about time for me to answer to them and my conflict or confusion got bigger.
I was thinking it would be very rude to see him without any desire of relashionship no matter if he likes me or not.
It should be very inmoral I say, " I am sorry I have any intention to have serious relashionship with anybody because I have strong desire to go somewherelse. But I was just curious about you and wanted to see you!?"
So I wanted to make sure my first priority, well I would say God's calling first, and my desire.
I can feel physical loneliness so that I feel the need of attention or attachment in my flesh.
I feel God has been asking me, " Go to the place I will guide you" on the other hand.
そんなんで、葛藤、混乱。Conflict. Confusion.
So let's back the original story I was sharing in the begining.
I was out of it while leaving breakfast on the table.
そして、ふっと Then I came back to real world finally.
"Oops! I have to start eating cereals otherwise those would be soggy!"
I put my head down to pray and the thing I saw on the spoon was............
Cross !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
私は本当に確信しました。 I could make sure God's presence once more.
神様は私の悩みも、不安も全部ご存知。 He knows everything.
神様はともにいてくれます。 He is with us.
ハレルヤー!! Hellelujah!!
So I prayed for my friend from JM as well.
神様は 決して私たちを見捨てて離れたりはしません!
He never leaves us abd forsake us!
”私は決してあなたを離れず、また、あなたを捨てない。” ヘブル13:5
"Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." Hebrews 13:5
実は、天井のファンがスプーンに反射して 浮き出るように十字架がでたのですが、ちょっと位置をずらしたら十字架でなくなってしまいます。
I took 2 pieces of picture as an evidence.
Actually the fan from ceiling was reflected on the spoon and the shape of the fan looked like the cross because of the distortion from the reflection.
I attempted to do the same thing once I came home; however, it did not come out in the same way. I could not see it clearly or even not see anything with the some cracks on it. I am still looking for the spoon I used this morning.