I do not have any regrets basically in my life.
後悔について 昔ものすごーい長い討論を友達としたことがあるんだけど、やっぱりありません。
I have had a debate about regret with my friend long time ago, but I still do not think I have regrets.
However, I realized that there is one thing that I become so obsessed not to regret.
私が絶対に後悔したくないと 思うほどに執着しているもの!それは 食べ物です!
It is about food!
That is why it takes almost forever to make a decision to order and ordering menue which I would never regret is my strong policy.
そして、冷蔵庫にある食べ物もそう。 もうすでに腐りかかってきた野菜がいたら ”彼らを救わなければならない!”という食べ物に対する後悔をしないという念が 私の中に非常にあつく燃え盛る。食べ物を救う会会長として我が家の中で頑張りました!
Food in refrigerator is also my target.If I see vegetables which are getting to be bad, I think " I have to be their savior!"My compassion and mercy toward those vegetables extremely burn up in my heart and I became obsessed about cooking.
My attachment, once I have it, is sometimes too persistent.
毎日毎日 授業中でも even during classes at school......
冷蔵庫の下の段には、まだじゃがいも4つに、小さいにんじんのパックが1つ半。たまねぎの半分の残りが上のだんにあって、きゅうりは2/3、いんげんは昨日いためてもう味ついたやつがのこってるのと、生のインゲンも100グラムくらいあって。あーーそうそう、5本あるさつまいものうち1本は ものすごいダメージをうけているから、トータルで500グラムくらいでしょ。。。あーあの青ねぎ束になって5本あるけど、1本は絶対にやばいわ。
I was thinking my little vegetables in the fridge.There are 4 potatoes, one and a hal packages of little carrots. We still have a half of onion. Cucumber is like 2/3. There are green beans cooked last night and also a package of fresh ones.So tatal seems to be about 100g. Also there are 5 sweet potaoes, but one of them has gone badly already. Well....maybe I can still use a part. Maybe tatal is about 500g. Green onion....there are 5 pieces, but I know one of them is definitely bad.
細かい。 そして数学?
I just kept thinking so many details including other ingredients like species of cheese, milk, eggs or whatever in fridge. Was I doing math problem as well?
ていうか、どーでもいいんです。こんなこと授業中。でも 食べ物のため!と思うととまらない。
Well...I do not know. Anyway, those are not important for my class at all; however, I could not stop thinking those!
ホストマザーが ”あれー チキン5切れまだのこってたっけ?”とか独り言いっていたら、”おととい3きれ使ったから、残り2きれ。” 即答。 早押しクイズじゃないって。。。。
If my host mom was talking herself like how many piece of chickens is remaining.I quickly answered, " there are 2 piece remaining since we used 3 pices 2 days ago."I am not doing the quick answer game, either.
As conculusion, what I want to say is that we should save Mr.vegetables in fridge since GOd saved us!?
うまいか、下手かは別にして。 料理って理にかなってるなって思う。
I do not care if I am good cook or not, but I think cooking makes sence.
We touch, see, smell, taste ingredients and our stomach gets full, too!
No wonder why I am satisfied from cooking because I have such a deep flesh toward food.
Mybe it is just SELF-SATISFACTION :b
ブログ手伝いを言ったよりも味試しのほうがよかった。ToT うぅっぅ
Now I got what you mean!
There are so many things I want to do right now...and trying to think what is supposed to be the most priority....
Too many temptations around me all the time....
箴言 10:8 知恵ある心は戒めを受け入れ/無知な唇は滅びに落とされる。 本当は1の10を見ているが、何となくここまで見てしまいました。
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