Sunday, June 8, 2008

感謝でいっぱい Full of appreciation!

日本からある牧師先生とその奥さんをお迎えしての 特別スピーチをいただきました。

もうとにかく 笑顔と喜びに耐えないお二人をみて、将来自分もこんな夫婦でありたいなーなど想像しながらお話を聞いていました!!

お母さんが一人で8人の子供を子育てされました。 お母さんは必死に働いたそうです。
でもいつも子供たちには 愛情をいっぱい注いでいてくれたそうです。

また、空の月や星を指差し、”どんなお金持ちもあのすばらしい、月や星を買うことはできない。またどんな頭のいい科学者もあれを作ることはできない。 神様だけがそれをなすことができる。”

牧師先生はとっても愛に満ちている方で、”聖霊によってみたされる クリスチャンにあたえられた特別な喜び”を教えてくださった。


柔和、自制です。このようなものを禁ずる律法はありません。 (ガラテヤ5:22-23)

本当に聖霊にたくさん浴びされている ご夫婦でした。

Our Japanese ministry was blessed today too!
We had special guest speakers from Japan: a retired pastor and his wife.

First of all, his wife gave us her testimony.
She has 8 brothers and sisters. Her father died when shw was 3 , so she does not remember his face or anything. Therefore, her mom was the only one who raised up all children and she worked hard.

She said, however, her mom was always joyful and lovely while saying that " we are poor, but we do not have to worry about our life becuase our heavenly father is always with us."
Also her mom used to point the moon or stars in the sky and say, " nobody can buy those beautiful creatures even if he is rich. No very intelligent scientists can creat those, either. Only God can do."
Therefore, she could naturally see God's great power and authorities through her mom.

The pastor was also very joyful and lovely person. He shared " the special joy that only Christian has."

Pople tend to keep looking for something which make us satisfy.
Pople pick one little thing and test if it is the one which can make us happy, but it does not last.
Then they see a different attractive thing and try it, but again it does not give any full satisfaction. It does not just only satisfy him or her, but also it sometimes hurts others at the sametime. He said it is because of our selfishness.

"Don't do it!"
Let's be satisfied with God.
Let's be thankful to God always.
Holy spirit heals everything.

22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. ( Galatians 5:22-23)

They were a really joyful and gentle couple.
I was wishing that I can have this kind of relathionship with my partner sometime!!

I again really appreciate of God who gave us such a special opportunity today.

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