朝4:30分。 病院に行く仕度。
”神様、今日一日があなたにとって素晴らしいものとなりますように。 あなたの御名がほめたたえられる一日となりますように。”
反面、現在ICU・CCU研修中のため 今日一日がどのようになるのかという不安もあり、神様にすがって、、、
ただただ ”あなたの御心にかなう一日になりますように。あなたの名が今日も褒め称えられるように。”
まず、あたえられたプリセプター。クリスチャン。 会った瞬間に分かりました。
彼女の仕事、患者、家族、またスタッフに対する姿勢は ものすごく喜び・感謝に満ちていて、12時間のなか40分くらいの休憩しかとれなかったなかでも絶えることはありませんでした。
そして研修終了間際にかわした 彼女との会話を通して彼女がとても素晴らしい彼女の子供たちへの信仰的模範になっているということも分かりました。
また彼女がスタッフにも キリストについてシェアしているということも分かりました。
なんで神様は 心の奥深ーーーーくから神様のことを慕えていない私がいるのに、いつも素晴らしい信仰をもった兄弟姉妹を送ってくれるのだろう?そして私の信仰を励ましてくれるのだろう?
でもヘルプで ひさしぶりに今日一日だけ日勤が与えられていました。
私はあなたの御前を離れて、どこへのがれましょう。 (詩篇139:5-7)
4:30 am. Ready to go to Hospital.
I decided to have a quick prayer since I was in a hurry to leave home.
" I pray today is going to be the day for you. I pray that your name will be praised today too."
I did not say anything about me since I knew my heart.
I knew that my heart was not fully thankful or joyful toward the Lord this morning.
At the same time, however, I was nervous about today's clinical at ICU; therefore, I wanted to ask the Lord to protect and help me during the clinical.
Yet, I kind of hesitated to beg something with this dry and selfish heart.
So I realized anyway today has to be the day for the Lord not for me.
He is just wonderful. He answered my prayer.
My preceptor was Chrisitan. I could tell that she should be a Chrisitan at the first meeting.
Her attitude toward patient, family, staff or work was always very thankful and joyful and it did not fade for straight 12 hours!
Once I got a chance to talk about a little bit private thing with her before clinical finished, I could make sure that she was a Christian.
She shared that her daughters aloso love Lord and consider theier non-Christian friends.
Actually her daghter has a Japanese friends and has been trying to share the gospel with them!
Oh my goodness!!
Also my preceptor has been shareing about the gospel of Christ to staff at the hospital whenever she is given a chance.
On my way home from the hospital, I took a time to talk to the Lord while driving as usual.
I againg just ralized people that holly spirit is working inside are different.
They have such a diefferent power that people can not creat by themselves.
I was fully satisfied and just thankful to the Lord who always send people who encourage my faith.
Even if my fleshness says," Whatever, Lord. He does not stop giving us the path of light."
I felt I am totally moved by God, but it is huge blessing.
In addition to this episode, I was given a chance to talk to one lady from hospital for 40 mins after my clinical finished.
She shared about her private life and those were quite sad.
Since I was fully charged with my faith and holly spirit, thanks to my preceptor, I could be brave enough to talk about my opinion based on biblical aspect and she liked it. HUH!!
You hem me in—behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.
Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? ( Pslam 139:5-7)
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.
Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? ( Pslam 139:5-7)
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