Thursday, June 5, 2008

信じる Trust

イエスは彼女に言われた。”もしあなたが信じるなら、あなたは神の栄光を見る、とわたしは言ったではありませんか。”  (ヨハネ11:40)

これは、むやみやたらに自分のほしいものを祈り、神にぶつけるというものではない。神様が計画されていることは 必ず約束どおりすべて成就するということ。そして神がご計画されていることは、私たちが想像している以上にすばらしいということ。



最近私は新たな目標のゴール達成のため、毎日かかさず行っていることがある。しかし、経済的余裕がないとか、学校のために時間に限界があるとかいろいろ理由があって、自分のできる範囲で行っている最中だ。いろいろWEBSITEで情報をリサーチしては夢をみて, あー本格的にできる日がきたらどれだけ楽しいだろうっと考えつつ、、、、(実を言うと、これ。ものすごい誘惑で、かなり勉強時間を阻害しいた。とりつかれるって怖い)でも神様に、

それだけでも 勉強の励みになる!



Then Jesus said, "Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?"  (John 11:40)

Trusting Lord does not mean that we just dream about things we want and beg them to God.However, the things promised by God is surely happned by Him.Those things might be different that we imagine, but always more blessing than we expect.
I used to have a confidence that I have been trusting Lord completely; however, there was a time that I realized that I had not been trusting Lord at all, but it took time for me until I realized it because of my high confidence. Then I was disppointed about my self when I noticed it.
A couple of weeks ago, I needed to repent my weakeness which I have not been absolutely trusting God and lifted up my life to God again. Since then, things has been changing. My heart, my life, my soul, everything.Great Gods' words come to my heart more smoothly and purely.
Recently, there is the things I have making an effort to accomplish another new goal. It is getting to be actually more temptation by researching or obtaining the information.
However, it is so much fun.
Then I realized I have been spending so much time for that new project and affecting my heart and study time. Again, I needed to lift up this desire to God and promised I do just the things I can do right now and wait until your time comes because I knew there is a limited budget and time.
"If you want me to do it, you will give me a chance to do sometime in a wise way."

Well... today he gives me a light of possibility to accomplish my dream.
I sitll do not know how things are working out with my tight schedule from resp program, but possibly I could take my dream class with Resp program in the next semester. In that case, it does not extra cost or time since I have to take one extra class to meet the criteria from goverment as a foreign student.
I wish it happens!Only thing I can do is just to keep praying about it.
Anyway, my point is not about my dream, but God's great plan for us.His idea or plan is perfect. There are no mistakes and he cares about every little details,too.This is the real truth.I would love to be flown by Him through my entire life.

The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases. ( Proverb 21:1)

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