Friday, October 31, 2008
信仰の維持 To maintain our faith
I sometimes think maintaining teh faith is not easy.
People might say, " Then, why don't you compromise your faith?"
でも、信仰って自分のためにあるんじゃない。However, I do not think the faith is not for myself.
神様のため。Our faith is for God.
たくさんのほこりやちりにまみれた世の中。This world is messed up so much.
We can not even tell what is right and wrong.
Therefore, people try to do different things to seek for something which satisfies them.
でも見つかからない。However, they don't, because...
それは神様を知らないから。they don't know God.
または知っていても、神様への愛がかけてしまっているから。Or our heart is lacking love to the Lord. We don't love God.
信仰って良い子になるための道具じゃない。The faith does not exist for us to be good.
信仰って神様に愛されていることの確信。The faith is our symbol to make sure that God loves us.
We might not be perfectly obedient to God. We might not be walking in the righteousness all the time. However, it is ok. We repent our sin daily, receive his forgivness and try to be closer to him step by step through our life.
今、すべてできていなくたっていい。We do not have to be perfect today.
今日 友達に優しくできなかった。We might not have been nice to our friends today.
今日 めちゃめちゃ怒りくるった。We might have been mad to somebody today.
今日 不満だらけの一日になった。We might have been complaing something all day today.
そしたら 今日神様にごめんなさいって言おう:)
It is ok.
Just say, " I am sorry, God."
We grow step by step.
一番は神様を愛する心。The most important thing is to love God always from the bottom of our heart.
今日たくさんのお花の茎の部分を作った。Today I made a lot of stem parts of flowers.
一つだけ、花が咲いた。I put just one flower on one of them.
これから一個一個さかせていくつもり。I am going to attach flowers on the remaining of stems later.
今は一つ。There is a just one flower now.
However, it'll turn into a colorful flower garden sometime.
We might have experienced different things in our life already.
However, I want to ask the Lord to empty my heart onece more.
Then, I want to see my gardern with a lot of beautiful flowers in my heart sometime.
もし、私たちが自分の罪を言い表すなら、神は真実で正しい方ですから、その罪を赦し、すべての悪から私たちをきよめてくださいます。 1ヨハネ1:9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9
わたし、このわたしは、わたし自身のためにあなたのそむきの罪をぬぐい去り、もうあなたの罪を思い出さない。 イザヤ43:25
I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more. Isaiah 43:25
すべての良い贈り物、また、すべての完全な賜物は上から来るのであって、光を造られた父から下るのです。父には移り変わりや、移り行く影はありません。 ヤコブ1:17
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James1:17
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The End Times
ダニエル 12:3
That is a really nice verse.
I met a girl from China recently and got a chance to share the testimony of each of us!
Let's keep praying for China!
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