Sunday, January 18, 2009


Well,,I am still in Japan and leaving for U.S.A on this comming Wednesday.

5 Weeks. I thought it would be long enough for me to be realaxed and calm; however, it was not at all. I feel like I am always fighting againt time.

Work, churches activities, a personal couseking at church, coffe or dinner time with my friends, meeting with people form respiratory industory, fellowship with my relatieves...

家でゆっくり母と聖書の時間をなんて考えてたがそんなことができずーーーーーと思いきや、神様はすばらしい! 時間の制限にかかわらずきちんと 神様について話せる時間が与えられる!
I was planing to spend a calm bible study time with my mom, but I could not. Inspite of my packed tight schedlue, God has been giving me a grace on our family relationship. There was no day that I did not talk about God or gosple to my mom. Even if I could not come home, I still can share gospel or grace that God has giving me for today or grace on the phone. GOd is the one who always gives us wisdome:D!!

The best thing I felt since I came back to Japan this time is that Japanese are very serious about everything basically and do not hesitate to make their effort in anything. Anything such as food, music, dance, medicine, whatever.
日本人ってやっぱりまじめだな。 がんばりやだなって。そして、私もやっぱり日本人だよなって。

I was so much encouraged about what I am doing or am trying to do by meeting different people from different business or activities in Japan.

”熱い”っていいじゃんみたいな。 " Passioon!"

熱しすぎて疲れちゃうのが日本人だけど、その熱さの矛先を神様に向けていったとき もっともっと力が湧き出されていくんじゃないかなって。
Japanese tend to foclus on just one thing and put all energy or effort in it and then burn out.
HOwever, I believe that we will be more strengthened and pwerful if we are guided by God and lead to one straight path all the time toward heavenas long as we are used on the earth.

Do not put our all effort or energy for our satisfaction.

やりたいと思うことに対して ”できる!”って信じて前にすすむ。
Just go forward do things you believe you should do while trusting you can do it!
I received that kind of passion from pepole in Japan this time.

今年30歳!? 自分でも信じられないけど。
I'll be 30 yrs this year. I know I can not believe it either...
People sometimes say I do things without thinking my age.

でもできることを ”できる”って信じて成長させられることを日々楽しみたい!
I do not care what people say.
I do things I belive I have to do and want to enjoy to be strengthen and noulished.

今年私の課題成句。(ごめんなさい。私仕事前に 日本帰ってきて始めてインターネットカフェに立ち寄りブログを書いているので 日本語での聖書がないのですが、、、)
ピリピ 4:8
My God's word for 2009!! Philippians 4:8 ( Well it is my Birthday! I did not chose it becaus of it, it just happened. God is wonderful!)

そして そのとこによって神様が ピリピ4:13を成し遂げてくださることを信じます!!
Then I believe that God let me achieve the things written in Phillipians 4:13!

Amen and Hallelujha!!


Anonymous said...


To-to with Christ said...

そうですね、日本はやっぱり食事が最高でした:D ゆりさんはお元気にしていますか?
日本に今回かって 本当に日本への福音の大切さをまた覚えてきました。 近いうちにゆりさんともお会いできたらいいなぁと思います! 今年もゆりさんにとってよい一年になりますように、主にお祈りしています!!

Patrick + Ivetka said...

Hi, I came across your blog. My name is Patrick Higgins and I am a pastor in Bratislava, Slovakia. We have a Japanese family in our fellowship and are looking for songs that are in both English & Japanese. I saw a few on your blog. Do you have others from your church? If so, would you be willing to email me them? ( Thanks so much for you help!
Blessings in Jesus,

To-to with Christ said...

Dear Pastor Patric!

Thank you for leaving your message in my blog!
How wonderful it is!
I know I need to add more worship music which has both English and Japanese...Well you encouraged me to keep diong that :D
I have to go now, but I will e-mail you later!
Again, I am very thankful to God who gave me another great fellowship from different country!
Did you also check worship in both English and Japanese that I attached on the left on my blog.
This is worship blog that I made can 1click it and see a little bit more.

God bless you!!!