親愛なる皆様 Dear My Fiends
How have you been? I hope all of you have been doing good.Well, it has been alrady about one months since 2009 started and finally we are ready to start JM for 2009!
ファーストバプティストのメンバー代表として、牧師ビルと その秘書ナンシーの応援のもと、私がFBCO代表 そして、デイビッドが顧問。 マイク、ジェン が専門講師として入ってくださいます。
I is going to be a representative of JM for this year and we have David as a counslor and Mike and Jen as biblical adviser under supervision of Pastor B and his secretary Mis.N from FBCO.
To be honest with you, I was thinking to quit this ministry during winter vacation.
しかし、日本語でみことばを学び、祈り、周りの人とシェアしていくことの大切さ、力強さを覚えます。However, I realized how much important for us to learn God's words in our own language, pray and share the gospel! Language, just itself, has power. That is another special tool that God has given us:D
そして数の多い、少ないにかかわらず 様々な方から この日本人ミニストリーで励まされたとう証をいただくなかで、主の御栄光のためにFBCOからのサポートのもと、奉仕をさせてもらいという決断をしていくことができました。
I was also encouraged by those who left comment for our ministry and let us know how much this ministry could be used to reach out, encourage and noulish each of attendant's faith.
I met Pastor Bill today and raised these verses as this year's verse for our ministry.
Luke 15:4-6"Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Does he not leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? 5And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders 6and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, 'Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.'
I expect that we can experieneGod's blessings, grace and share the delightful life together with God!
前代表の 素晴らしいクリスチャン姉妹であるFさんがいなくなってしまう分、たよりないミニストリーかも分かりませんが、お祈りに覚えてもらえたら感謝です。
Our wonderful great sister, Miss N, is not with us, so our minisry might become a little bit less powerful for missing her; but we believe that God leads us.I appreciate if you remember our ministry and pray for it.
そして、過去2年間 力強くこのミニストリーを指揮してきてくださった姉が今後より主に高く用いられていくように 是非お祈りをつづけてお願いします。
Also, I would like you to pray for Miss N who had been graciously leading this ministry for last 2 years so that she will be guided and used to glorify God more!
定期的メンバーにかかわらず 裏で支え、祈りささえてくださっている方々にも心より感謝申し上げます。今後ともよろしくお願いします!!
I am thankful to people who have been praying for our ministry and supporting us as the backstage personnel as well. Thank you very much:)
Here is new information of our ministry.
日にち: 2月6日 金曜日
時間 : 午後7:00から8:30
場所 : ファーストバプティスト オブ オーランド: E-2 building Room 215
Date: Feb 6 ( Fri) : every Fridays
Time: 7:00-8:30 pm
Place: First Baptist Church of Orlando E-2 building Room215
This is going to be a weekly thing.
お子様づれの場合、以前同様に前もって その週の火曜日までに連絡いだたけると幸いです。ご協力よろしくお願いいたします。
Please let us know how many kids would be able to come in the case you bring your kids in advance. I appreciate if you can tell me till Tuesday of the same week,
Then, I am looking for ward to seeing you on Feb 6!! 主の祝福がありまうように。
God bless you!!
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