I encountered a new event which I have not met before today.
今日の研修先はMedical ICUといって、主に多臓器に渡っていろいろと問題が生じて集中ケアが必要な患者さんを取り扱うユニットにいました。
I was at Medical ICU today. We take care of patients who have a lot of complications of their health in this unit.
The thing that I faced was something I needed to consider about patient's quality of life or free will of death. There are differences of those between U.S.A and Japan.
In Japan, for example, we are not allowed to discontinue the invasive machine or treatments once we resucitate the patient and put him on those as long as his respiratory or cardiac system is properly kept and managed. In other words, discontinuing the life support equipments is agains the low unless the patient's respiratory or cardiac system is completely ceased.
The news that a physician discontinued the life support machine for a hemodynamically stable patient was sued is very famous in Japan. The reason why the physician did it was because the patients did not want to keep his life with the life support machines. However, it is against the low.
On the other hand, we are allowed to discontinue the invasive care in the middle of the process of medication and let patient sleep forever if it is the patient's will in U.S.A.
One of my patients for today was on the vent. He was resuscitated and put on the vent from last night. However, what we found out today was that this patient did not want to be resuscitated. Because of the miscommunication withine family members in the emergency situation last night, one of the family member told us to resuscitate him.
So we made sure all documental proof and decided to disconnect the vent machine from the patient.
At that time, patient was alert and his respiratory or cardiac status was just fine.
Therefore, I would not be able to understand why we are doing this and even felt that I am allowing this patient to comit suicide.
However, it is allowed here in U.S.A.
We discontinue everything if it is patient's will.
His breathing or heart beat calmly went slow down and he eventually past away for next a couple of hours.
I have encountered so many death of patients in the past, however, I have not really seen the patients who were disconected from the life support euquipment while their heart rate or respiratory rate are still stable. It is very new experience to me and I can not describe how I felt about it today.
We do not want to be forcefully tereated. Patients definitely have to have the right to make a decision of the medication.
More things are getting to be possible with high advanced technology now. It seems to be more difficult to predict the life span of people.
Do you expect the hope in this possibility? Doesn't it sound like gamble???
How do you think about this issue, God????
I do not know. It'll be my next homework.
I do not know if he is Christian or not, but I hope that he is in God's hands and lead to heaven...
Very interesting story. I'm not sure how I feel about it either. I do believe that it is up to the individual to decide whether or not they are recuscitated or whether or not they want to be kept alive on the ventilation machines. What kind of life would someone have if they were just kept alive on the vent machines? None! They'd just be a vegetable. There is no quality of life. So why FORCE them to remain alive on the machines? Why are we so afraid of death and why do we try everything we can to prevent it? It's going to happen. It's just a matter of time. Don't get me wrong, I believe that we should do everything we can to help save someones life. But who are we to decide whether or not they should remain alive on machines? We are not God. I'm saddened that this law exists in Japan that keep patients alive on machines. I don't believe it was suicide for that person you described in your blog to allow himself to pass. If I were in their shoes, I think I would do the same. I do NOT want to be kept alive by some machines. It is not how life works. To me, it is no life at all.
Thanks for your thoughts. I'll be checking back to read here more often. Also, thanks for posting in English as well.
Thank you for leacing a message for me. I guess that is depengind on the possibility of the life span at the moment that Patients are diagnosed.
I really agree that that our life should not be kept for nothing by just machine.
I also have seen the patient whoes life was kept by machines and who looked like almost zombie. I could tell it was very miserable and the whole medication process meant nothing. The patient was kept alive just for family member's desire and I could not see anything of patient's will.
On the other hand, the case I fased this time, he seemed to have still possibility to live. He was still so young that able to torelate the invasive care and live longer. However, as you say,medication has to be done according to patient's will. So, it should not be processed unless patient has desire for it....
I am not denying about the way the U.S.A does;however, it is challenging for medical staff to proceed teh medication for patients nowadays.
We need to save patients life if patients whant to live longer, but we do not do anything for patients who do not want to be resuscitated.That is the individual care which need to be considered ideally.
I am just not used to see the death process while discontinuing the life support equipment. It was very difficult for me to deal with this issue in my heart.
Thank you for your comment!!
たけど、もし心だけ自然に生かしたら、他の器官が医寮機材で補助してか、全置してもいいと思います。 例えば昏迷とか昏睡になっても、言葉が出来ないですか、心臓から伝えてくるではないか、“生きたい、生きている”手術中によく見えてきます、その生き帰す、ふっかつと奇跡。
使徒 21:13 そのとき、パウロは答えた。「泣いたり、わたしの心をくじいたり、いったいこれはどういうことですか。主イエスの名のためならば、エルサレムで縛られることばかりか死ぬことさえも、わたしは覚悟しているのです。」
使徒 21:14 パウロがわたしたちの勧めを聞き入れようとしないので、わたしたちは、「主の御心が行われますように」と言って、口をつぐんだ。
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