I had been living in a domitory when I was a nursing student in Japan.
Living togetehr with many firends under the same house causes sometimes problems or some kinds of events.
Especially, my domitory was next to the hospital where I was doing clinicals; therefore, students needed to be stuck between hospital and the domitory.
Friends become like a family.
We can not be nice each other on the surface.
We have to be ourselves. We sometimes fight against each other and forgive each other, then we can understand each other more.
そんな 3年間の共同生活を終えたからこそ、今でも本当に気を使うことなく友人としていられる。
We went through many things toghether throughout the domitory life of 3 years, so we can have a good friendship even now.
We lough a lot and can be ourselves without worrying how the other thinks.
It is such a relaxing relationship.
本当に私たち 一人一人自分勝手にやってきた3年間だったけど、今はちょっと大人になったよねなんて
It has been 11 years since we met each other. Are we growing??
There are no Christian friends from High School,nursing school and hospital which I used to work.
It takes really long time,but it has finally become normal for them that I am a Christian. My friends started thinking that Christianity is not abnormal.
You might think it the lowest standard about gospel, but it is still a big stage for them. So I am very thankful to God.
It is a big change!
In Japanese society, people tend to generalize the religion and it is biased like people who depend on the religion is either extremely weak or psychologically crazy.
私たちの仲間の一人が7月25日に結婚します!そのための余興の練習に今 励んでいます!
One of our group member from nursing school is going to get marry on July 25.
None of us can organize a group work well, but I hope we can do well.....
I really want to make the relationship with non-Christian precious. Even if they did not understand God, I believe the time that they can see the real love from God will come sometime.
Lord, please bless our relationship and satisfy with your grace!
あなた方のすることは、ことばによると行いによるとを問わず、すべて主イエスの名によってなし、主によって、父なる神に感謝しなさい。 コロサイ316
16Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. Collosians 3:16
Tsukasa, it is nice to see that you are having some great times in Japan.
But I miss you!!!
It's lonely without your laughter, cooking, sleepy mornings, late nights, crazy stories, etc. Praying for you!
Hi Jessie!
My littel and cute American sister, Jessie! You are such a prideful sister to my friends!
How are you doing??
I know we should think something fun that we can do together after I come back to Florida:D
You should also let me know what you want me to bring back, all right?
Let me give a big big hug from me!!
HUG !!!!!!!!!!!1
Love you so much~~
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