今学期はあまりにも読み物と書き物に追われてしまい、必要以外はタイピングをしたくないと思うほどにペーパーに追われてまったくといっていいほど ブログを更新できていなかってのですが、Bredontonへ来た事は本当に神様の導きだったなーとつくづく思わされている毎日です。
I have not been able to update my blog constantly any more since this semester started. I feel like this semester is the hardest one I have ever taken. Every day is like the repetition of reading and writing. I even feel I do not want to open my lap top if it is not necessary... English has been killing me....
It is a time of finals, but my mind can not be focused on studying since I just can not stop thinking about kids that I have been taking care of this week at church. So I decided to organize my heart while updating my blog and hopefully I can clear up my mind and get more focus later on.
Since I got a permission that I could attach some pictures of kids in my blog, I did it.
Look at those adorable kids!!!
They were abusolutely cute kids and I have already been missing them so much!
Unfortunately today was last day that I can see them and I just feel very sad.
2歳のケイラは私のことを ”マミー” と呼びます。
Actually, Keyla who is two-year-old girl calls me " Mami-!"
How wouderful sound it is!!!!
Just cute.
I felt I became a real mom for her and just got into her so much.
In Japanese bible study of this week, we leaned about faithful action.
We need to produce actions as christian by faith.
Even if you say, " I have faith!" but did not have appropriate action according to whatever you say, people would not see great Christ's natures such as love, peace, steadfastness, patience or righteousness from us.
もし、兄弟また姉妹のだれかた、着る物がなく、また毎日の食べ物にもこと欠いているようなときに、あなたがのうちだれかが、その人たちに、”安心して行きなさい。暖かになり、十分に食べなさい。”と言っても、もし体に必要な物を与えないなら、何の役に立つでしょう。それと同じように、信仰も、もし行いがなかったなら、それだけでは、死んだものです。 ヤコブ2:15-17
Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. 16If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? 17In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. James 2:15-17
Honestly, I was hesitating to take this role when I was asked while saying, " Wait a minute! It has been busy. Let me think." However, this verse helped me to make a dicision and decided to obey the Lord.
As a result, God has blessed me so much and I could not even control my joyful and thankful heart!
私ができることはほんのわずかですが、それを何十倍にも増し加えてこんなに喜びを与えてくださいました。 小さな働きと思えても、それを必要としている人がいるということですね!
Lord is just wonderful. He multiplies blessings or grace no matter how small our works are.Only thing I could do is just to play with kids, but it was such a blessing.
I also would like to say thank you to those kids who gave me big smilings and laughing coming from their pure heart. Those were very special.
私もいつか本当に マミー!と呼ばれたい!!
私もいつか本当に マミー!と呼ばれたい!!
I thought I wish the day that I am really called "Mami-!" comes sometime soon.....!?
P.S. ブログを私のホストファザー Uncle Urivinに見せたら、子供を生む前にまずは結婚してくださ
After sharing my blog to Uncle Urvin, my host father, he said, "Get marry first." It is
understandable. I pray for my marriage....:D
Haha! Uncle Irvin! That's funny. :)
Was this like a Vacation Bible School program?
It looks like fun!
Looking forward to seeing you after finals! You can do it!
Hi, Jessie!
Both of us must be so happy from being free from school, yea!!!
I did not write any detail how I met them in my blog just to avoid any clue of their personal things.
I will let you know sometime this week when I see you guys in Orlando!! See you then:D
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