Monday, June 30, 2008

目は心の光 Eyes are the light of the heart

私たちの目は うそをつけません。
Our eyes do not tell a lie.
If we are lying or pretending, our eyes telling the truth.
Our various emotions such as anger, sadness, pleasure or hope are also described in our eyes.

Sometimes people believe that they can hide thier emotions in thier heart and the others can not see those; however , the bible tells us....

からだのあかりは、あなたの目です。目が健全なら、あなたの全身も明るいが、しかし、目が悪いとからだも暗くなります。   (ルカ 11:34)
Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are good, your whole body also is full of light. But when they are bad, your body also is full of darkness. ( Luke 11:34)

私は最近 博士号を持っているような大変頭のよいある女性に神様について話す機会を与えられました。
I got a chance to talk to a lady who is very intelligent and has PhD.

She clearly told us that she is not interested in going to the church.
She even shared her feeling that going to church frustrated her.

However, she saw me and said, " I can tell there is the light in her eyes. I feel power of God from her eyes. I want to hear God's story from her."
I was a little bit shocked to hear her and thought I could not tell anything to such a intelligent woman! I almost steped back, but I prayed in my heart for her.

Also I remembered an advise that my best biblical adviser, Miss N, always tells me in my head.
" Do not spak God's word ambiguously. Do not bend the truth. Speak out the gospel straight."
Therefore, I spoke about Christ sitraigh as much as I know.

彼女は未信者さんです。神の存在すらも否定していました。 しかし会話終了後に、このように言ってくださいました。 She is not a believer. She even denied the presence of God; however, she told me like this after the conversation.

”神様は本当にいる。あなたに本当に働かれている。あなたの目から出てくる光には力がある。それは、本当に数人の人にしか与えられないものすごい力だと思う。” " I think God really exists. I can tell God is really working in you. I see the power of God from your eyes. I guess only certain people have those special gift."

I told her Bible also tells us the same thing.

主の仰せはきよくて、人の目を明るくする。 (詩篇19:8)
The precepts of the LORD are right, giving joy to the heart.
The commands of the LORD are radiant, giving light to the eyes. ( Psalm 19:8)

行いによっても、また自分の努力によっても 心をきよめて光をもつことはできません。
All answeres we question about are written in the bible.
We can not possess the light in our heart by our action or effort.
It is not my effort or power.
The Lord has changed me.

Jesus Christ heals each individuals' heart and fills it up with love, peace, hope, blessing or grace.
Those satisfies us from inside of our heart.

私もまだまだ罪びとです。 I am a still sinner.
死ぬまでずっと罪びとです。I will be a sinner until I die.
完璧にはなれません。I can not be perfect.

I still sometimes doubt or dislike God. I sometimes become thankful.
I sometimes beg to the Lord for just my own purpose.

However, God forgives us. In addition, he coveres up our heart or life with blessings.

I pray that many of you experience a greatfulness of God's kingdome.

Also I appreciate this lady who honestly spoke out to me.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

God's Protection?

朝4:30分。 病院に行く仕度。


”神様、今日一日があなたにとって素晴らしいものとなりますように。 あなたの御名がほめたたえられる一日となりますように。”






反面、現在ICU・CCU研修中のため 今日一日がどのようになるのかという不安もあり、神様にすがって、、、


ただただ ”あなたの御心にかなう一日になりますように。あなたの名が今日も褒め称えられるように。”



まず、あたえられたプリセプター。クリスチャン。 会った瞬間に分かりました。

彼女の仕事、患者、家族、またスタッフに対する姿勢は ものすごく喜び・感謝に満ちていて、12時間のなか40分くらいの休憩しかとれなかったなかでも絶えることはありませんでした。

そして研修終了間際にかわした 彼女との会話を通して彼女がとても素晴らしい彼女の子供たちへの信仰的模範になっているということも分かりました。

また彼女がスタッフにも キリストについてシェアしているということも分かりました。




なんで神様は 心の奥深ーーーーくから神様のことを慕えていない私がいるのに、いつも素晴らしい信仰をもった兄弟姉妹を送ってくれるのだろう?そして私の信仰を励ましてくれるのだろう?


でもヘルプで ひさしぶりに今日一日だけ日勤が与えられていました。








私はあなたの御前を離れて、どこへのがれましょう。   (詩篇139:5-7)

4:30 am. Ready to go to Hospital.

I decided to have a quick prayer since I was in a hurry to leave home.

" I pray today is going to be the day for you. I pray that your name will be praised today too."

I did not say anything about me since I knew my heart.

I knew that my heart was not fully thankful or joyful toward the Lord this morning.

At the same time, however, I was nervous about today's clinical at ICU; therefore, I wanted to ask the Lord to protect and help me during the clinical.

Yet, I kind of hesitated to beg something with this dry and selfish heart.

So I realized anyway today has to be the day for the Lord not for me.

He is just wonderful. He answered my prayer.

My preceptor was Chrisitan. I could tell that she should be a Chrisitan at the first meeting.

Her attitude toward patient, family, staff or work was always very thankful and joyful and it did not fade for straight 12 hours!

Once I got a chance to talk about a little bit private thing with her before clinical finished, I could make sure that she was a Christian.

She shared that her daughters aloso love Lord and consider theier non-Christian friends.

Actually her daghter has a Japanese friends and has been trying to share the gospel with them!

Oh my goodness!!

Also my preceptor has been shareing about the gospel of Christ to staff at the hospital whenever she is given a chance.

On my way home from the hospital, I took a time to talk to the Lord while driving as usual.

I againg just ralized people that holly spirit is working inside are different.

They have such a diefferent power that people can not creat by themselves.

I was fully satisfied and just thankful to the Lord who always send people who encourage my faith.

Even if my fleshness says," Whatever, Lord. He does not stop giving us the path of light."

I felt I am totally moved by God, but it is huge blessing.

In addition to this episode, I was given a chance to talk to one lady from hospital for 40 mins after my clinical finished.

She shared about her private life and those were quite sad.

Since I was fully charged with my faith and holly spirit, thanks to my preceptor, I could be brave enough to talk about my opinion based on biblical aspect and she liked it. HUH!!

You hem me in—behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.
Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? ( Pslam 139:5-7)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

道に迷う #2

今日も シャトルバスにゆられ、車探しに1時間。
研修後、体がつかれていたので、バスのゆれが 心地よかった。

どこの駐車場のビルだったか 思い出せない。
バスの窓から 景色をながめながら こんなことはしょっちゅうなので 穏やかに賛美を頭の中で始めた。

頭に浮かんできた ワーシップソング!

♪♪主は道をつくられる♪♪(God will make a way)
主は道を 日々つくられる
何もない ように 思える 時でも
主は御手で 身元でささえ
新しい明日へ 主は道を つくられる
天と地が 滅び失せても
主の御言葉は 滅びず
荒野に道を 砂漠に川を今日も つくられる
主は御手で 身元でささえ
新しい明日へ 主は道を つくられる

そうなんですねー。 神様からのまっすぐな光に照らされた道が私の足元にひかれている!
そんなこんなで 一時間後 私の車を無事に発見。

Today was also my day which took 1 hr to look for my car after my clnical finished.
I was tired from my all day clinical so that I felt comfortable by being swung by bus.

I can not remember which parking building I used....
This is not the first time that I forget the place that I park a car, so I was calmly enjoying sight seeing through the window at the same time.
One worship music also helped to give me a great comfort.

"God will make a way"

Where there seems to be no way
He works in ways we cannot see
He will make a way for me
He will be my guide
Hold me closely to His side
With love and strength for each new day
He will make a way, He will make a way.
By a roadway in the wilderness, He'll lead me
And rivers in the desert will I see
Heaven and earth will fade
But His Word will still remain
He will do something new today.
God will make a way,Where there seems to be no way
He works in ways we cannot see
He will make a way for me
He will be my guideHold me closely to His side
With love and strength for each new day
He will make a way, He will make a way

It is true that God has already prepaired great path for us.
We are blessed since we can step on the path of light given by God.
I was thinking the path toward my car would be here for me!!
I finally found my car in one hour, but it was such a blessing day.
I might sometimes feel like I always make a detour on my eyes, but actually it might be straight path for God!

Anywas, I was so happy when I found my lovely car!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

完全 Perfect



主はすべての彼に身を避ける者の盾。 (詩篇18:30)




思ったよりもスムーズに病院の近くまでつきましたが、車のガソリンが切れいていることに気がつきました。完全にゲージが0をさしていました。 しかし、走っても走ってもガソリンスタンドが見当たらず、手に汗をにぎる思いで 車が止まらないことを祈りながら走っていました。

祈りは聞かれ、ガソリンスタンドを一つ発見。 肩の荷がおりたような思いで ガソリンを入れいているとあるカップルが声をかけてきました。 


ガソリンスタンドのスタッフもクレジットカードは受け付けていないとのこと。(これは私も以前に体験したことがあるので アメリカではあり得ます。)




私はここでは 稼ぎは一円もなく貧乏学生です。心の中で祈りました。どうしましょう神様?




よし誰かに道を聞くしかない! 私は小さな教会を見つけたので、そこに車をとめて2人の子供連れのお母さんに道をたずねました。すると、



しかし、まだまだ困難はつづきました。なんといってもこの病院 一つの町といってもいいぐらいにビルもたくさんあって、シャトルバスで移動するようなところ。 私のビルが見つからない!

人に聞いて、聞いて、聞いて。  リレーのバトンのように、私は人から人へと引き継がれ、10分前に目的地到着!!!!!!



ご褒美に 呼吸器リハビリでつかっているハーモニカを頂き、アイスクリームももらい。


朝のガソリンスタンドの段階では どんな一日になるのだろうと不安でいっぱいでしたが、祝福に満たされる一日になりました。


むやみやたらに 誰にでもお金を渡すものではないと思います。

でも、どうするべきか考えていたときに ”渡しなさい”という深い平安を与えてくださった神に感謝しています。




As for God, his way is perfect;

the word of the LORD is flawless.

He is a shield for all who take refuge in him.  (Psalm 18:30)

I always get lost.  I do not know why, but I lose my way. Even the place it takes 20 mins for people, it takes 1 and a half hour for me.

Therefore, I left 1 and a half hour before my clinical started this morning.

I could get close to the hospital smoothly, but I realized the gasolin was runing out. The gas tank gage was indicating totally 0!

Even though I kept driving while looking for a gas station, there was non around there.

I started being very nervouse and worried if car stopped.

Finally I found one and was filling up the tank while being relaxed.

A couple talked to me and ask me if I can give some money. First of all, I said no.

He showed credic card and said, " we can get gas because credit card is not available here. We went to CVS ( there was CVS across the street.), but there was no ATM. The gas tank is completely empty."

I was still skeptical about him and denied gently.

However, I started praying in my heart and felt peace to talk to them again. So I went back to them and ask them to let me see the gas gage. It was really empty.

They were wearing nice close and their car was also a pretty nice one. They even showed their credit card. I could tell they are not poor or anything, but they could not get gasolin at that time for some reasons.

I decided to give cash that I have, which was tiny amount of money but everything I had, and said, " I wish you can ge to ATM place at least with this money."

Anyway, I left there soon and approached to the hospital.

Again, I got lost while just time had been passing.

I parked my car in front of the small church and ask a lady with 2 kids if she knows a parking lot that I was looking for.

She said, " Don't worry. Hospital is right there. I give you a permission card for this parking lot so that you can leave your car here," and she gave it to me.

However, my survival time still last.

The hospital is tremendously huge. It is almost like a town. People even move from building to building by shuttle bus.

I kept asking the place I was looking for to people, and I was delivered from people to people.

Pepole's help was also incredible! It was 10 min before when I got there!!

Also after that, just blessings and grace covered my entire day.

All stuff and patients were very friendly, so I was given such a reluxing time.

In addition, today was the special activity day for Patient which is given once a month.

I was given a harmonica for pulmonary rehab and free ice cream through helping that activity.

When my professor came after the activity finished, he gave me an extra credit on it since I was doing those after actual clinical time was over!! ( of course I was not doing those for extra credits.)

I was wondering how my day was going to be after I met the couple at gas station, however all day turned into such a blessing day!

I am not saying my day became better because I gave money to them.

I shoule be careful about giving money in any kinds of situation from now on too.

Yet I am thankful to God who gave me a chance to pray in my heart and peace for giving today.

I do not know if they were telling me a lie or not, but I do not care.

I could make sure that I did right thing based on God's order for today by experiencing such a blessed day.

By the way, this hospital was really great in service, technics, facilities and everything!
I was almost melted!
I am also blessed that I can take clinicals at this great hospital, too!

Thank you, Lord!

Monday, June 16, 2008



私たちは とっても弱い。 



もっとしっかりしていたら。 もっと強かったら。





そんなか細くなった わずかな心のともし火を支えていてくれたのは何だろうって、ふと考えた。

雨あがりで きらきら光っている素敵な木々を見ながら考えた。






神を愛する心が 全てのことに対して感謝と喜びに変わる。





神を愛する人々、すなわち、神の計画に従って召された人々のためには、神がすべてのことを働かせて益としてくださることを、私たちは知っています。 (ローマ8:28)

On my way home from school, I was thinking about God while driving a car.

We become sometimes weak.

We even sometime feel like we might be thrown away by wind and dissappear.

At that time, we notice that we are such a small creature which might be compressed by someting.

We become to hate such our weakness.

We wish if I were more brave or stronger.

Yet I do not think weakness is bad.

It is ok for us to think we feel fading away.

We can not think anything, can not do anything and even feel totally lost.

I have experienced those many times.

However, I just wondered what it was which supported my thin light almost dissappearing in my heart.

I was wondering while watching beautiful green leaves shining due to water drops after the rain.

That was the heart to love God.

The thing which never left away from my heart was the heart to love God for God loves us first.

Yea! I love God!!

God who gives us real love, peace and hope and those are unchangeable.

Loving God changes everything into joy and appreciation.

Injured heart, wounded heart or almost rotten heart.....everyting is healed.

Love overcomes everything.

We feel happy when we are loved.

Yet I think loving gives sometimes more grace or blessing to our heart.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,who have been called according to his purpose. ( Roma 8:28)

Sunday, June 15, 2008


今日 一年近く毎週かかさず 私たちの日本人ミニストリーに来ていてくれた N君がついに最後の日本人ミニストリー参加となりました。


私たちにも とても励ましや祝福なる時間を与えてくれていました。



一年間このJMでも 本当に信仰的成長を見させてくれました。




日本には 本当に救いが必要です。 愛、平安、希望に満ちる 本物の義による神からの救い。



しかし、信仰をつらぬけなかったたくさんの 悲しい話を聞きます。


ここで与えられた、本物の愛の力によって 信仰により力強くいてください。

そして 主の素晴らしい光を与えるものとして、日本の愛に飢えている人の助けとなってください。


みんな いつも祈っています。

またいつか 神様の素晴らしい御言葉をともにシェアできる日を楽しみにしています。

この神こそ、私に力を帯びさせて 私の道を完全にされる。


戦いのために私の手を鍛え、私の腕を青銅の弓をも引けるようにされる。 (詩篇18:32-34)

あ!!そういえば N君リクエストで As a deer を弾いた。 たまたま祈って神様からもらった聖句だったけど、ここにも鹿がでてきた! すごい!神様こんな小さなところにも祝福くださる!感謝!!!

Today was the last day for Mr.N to come to Japanese Ministry.

He has been to JM for about last one year and has come almost every week.

He always stays with us after JM finishes and helped to clean up room or move some heavy stuff to the storage place.

He has given us great encouragement or blessing time.

He was already a great Japanese speaker since he had studies Japanese by himself for 8 years!

He speask and reads Japanese as much as we do.

His dream was to improve Japanese and work at computer company in Japan.

It was a spontaneous thing, but God opened the gate for hime to go to Japan this time and he decided to go.

He was also prepared faithfuly while using Japanse Bible at JM for last 1 year.

I just thought it is such a perfect God's plan!

We always see God's perfect work by seeing brother's and sister's life or testimony, don't we?

There is the thing I want to pray from bottom of my heart.

There are so many missionaries or Chiristians who stay in Japan, but forget about faithful heart or life gradually. It is very sad to hear, but the fact.

Japan needs Savior.
There are so many people who do not know God and are suffered from loniness, depression or tiredness. They do not know real Love from God.

Please, please do not forget truely love you received here.

Please coutinually be strong in faith with God's love from bottom of your heart all the time.

Also please be a man of the light of God and share gospel.

Again, thank you for a wonderful time with us, Mr.N.

We will be always praying for you.

I am looking forward to the day that we can share our great God's word sometime again!

It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect.
He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he enables me to stand on the heights.
He trains my hands for battle; my arms can bend a bow of bronze.
( Psalm 38:32-34)

Wow! we sung "As a Deer " today since Mr.N requested.

I just received this verse for him though my pray and see deer in this verse too!

God is great!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

アルバム リリース!?Album release?




そして、この姉妹にいつも励ましを与えてくださっている主を心から褒め称えます。 is not about me :)
One of my Christian friend from Atlanta released album recently!!

Her very unique voice, lyrics or sounds are very atractive and her music express her love, appreciation or praises toward the Lord.

I guess it would not be easy for her to accomplish this dream and took so much time and effort.
I assume that she processed all procedures one by one gently with her all heart.

I want to say " Congratulation" from bottom of my heart to her.
Also I praise our Lord who has been working in her heart and her music.

Here is the link that you can listen her music.

Best sermon about dating!

I am sorry...
This is an English Sermon about dating, but this is the best sermon about dating I have ever heard!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

今日の悔い改め Today's repentance

今日、私の心から信頼しているお友達のYちゃんが この前の日曜日にYちゃんの教会の説教の話の一部を分かち合ってくれた。



大家族のお父さんは 十分に払うだけのお金を持っていませんでした。

その小さな男の子づれのお父さんは わざとお金を下に落として、その大家族のお父さんに、


私はちょうど スカーラーシップの手続きが自分の都合いいように段取りうまくいかずに、すごくあせっていました。そして、祈っていても、あせっているので、

しかし、こんなにも締め切りぎりぎりにあせることになったのは 誰のせい?
そしてスカーラーシップほしいのはなぜ? ただ単純にほしいから。自分の生活が楽になるから。

自分の予定通りにいかないと、先のことを考えて不安になったり 心配になったり。

スカーラーシップが入ったら、とても金銭的負担が楽になります。でも入らなかったとしても、自分を死に追い込むということはない。誰に迷惑をかけるわけでもない。なんて自分勝手に、自分の楽だけを考えて望んでいる望みだろうと恥ずかしくなりました。 本当に恥ずかしくて、悔い改めをせずにはいられませんでした。自分の欲しいものは脇において、人のために自分の欲しいものを差し出す優しさ。私にはこのような姿勢が本当に必要です。

ぐっとタイミングで この素敵なお話を分かち合ってくれたYちゃんに心から感謝します。

ローマ 13:14

Today, Yoko, one of my great Christian friends, shared a story she heard at her church on last Sunday.

A father took his son to a circus.
There was a big family in front of them when they were in line for the tickets.
There were 8 childre in that family and they did not look like wealthy.

Once the big family's turn came to buy tickets, the little boy and his father saw that the big family's father's face turned into pale. He did not have enough money to buy tickets for all of them.

The little boy's father dropped his bill on the floor on purpose and pretended to find out that the big family father dropped by accident.
He said to the big family fahter, " Excuse me. I think you dropped your bill."
He gave it to him , hold his son's hand and left there.

Actually, there was not enough money for the littel boy's father to let his son show the circus after giving the bill to that big family.

My friend, Y chan, told me that she could not stop crying when she heard this great story.
I also could not hide my sin in my heart when she shared this story too.

Actually I was very in rush to gather some documents to apply for my schoolarship for a last couple of days. I was frastrated whenever I saw nothing in mail box from school since the due is getting to be just closer and closer.

However, whose falt is it that things got behind?
It is my falt since I was misunderstanding the date of due.
Why does it make me so frastrated?
Because I want it right now!
I had been just praying like " God! Please, please, please give the document as quick as possible! I want it. I Want It. I WANT THAT SCHOOLARSIP!!!!!"

I was very embarrased about my sinful attitude by listing to this story.
I just keep throwing my desire to Lord continually and being frastrated if the things did not happen according to my plan.
Of course, schoolarship will help my finance, but it would not kill my life even if I could not get a shoolarship, either.

I needed to repent my attitude before Lord, again.
Put the things I want away and even give those to somebodyelse.
I need to learn this attitude with my faith since God has been blessing me without expectaion of paying back!
I am so much thankful to Yoko who shared this story at the great timing!

14Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature. ( Roma 13:14)

Sunday, June 8, 2008

感謝でいっぱい Full of appreciation!

日本からある牧師先生とその奥さんをお迎えしての 特別スピーチをいただきました。

もうとにかく 笑顔と喜びに耐えないお二人をみて、将来自分もこんな夫婦でありたいなーなど想像しながらお話を聞いていました!!

お母さんが一人で8人の子供を子育てされました。 お母さんは必死に働いたそうです。
でもいつも子供たちには 愛情をいっぱい注いでいてくれたそうです。

また、空の月や星を指差し、”どんなお金持ちもあのすばらしい、月や星を買うことはできない。またどんな頭のいい科学者もあれを作ることはできない。 神様だけがそれをなすことができる。”

牧師先生はとっても愛に満ちている方で、”聖霊によってみたされる クリスチャンにあたえられた特別な喜び”を教えてくださった。


柔和、自制です。このようなものを禁ずる律法はありません。 (ガラテヤ5:22-23)

本当に聖霊にたくさん浴びされている ご夫婦でした。

Our Japanese ministry was blessed today too!
We had special guest speakers from Japan: a retired pastor and his wife.

First of all, his wife gave us her testimony.
She has 8 brothers and sisters. Her father died when shw was 3 , so she does not remember his face or anything. Therefore, her mom was the only one who raised up all children and she worked hard.

She said, however, her mom was always joyful and lovely while saying that " we are poor, but we do not have to worry about our life becuase our heavenly father is always with us."
Also her mom used to point the moon or stars in the sky and say, " nobody can buy those beautiful creatures even if he is rich. No very intelligent scientists can creat those, either. Only God can do."
Therefore, she could naturally see God's great power and authorities through her mom.

The pastor was also very joyful and lovely person. He shared " the special joy that only Christian has."

Pople tend to keep looking for something which make us satisfy.
Pople pick one little thing and test if it is the one which can make us happy, but it does not last.
Then they see a different attractive thing and try it, but again it does not give any full satisfaction. It does not just only satisfy him or her, but also it sometimes hurts others at the sametime. He said it is because of our selfishness.

"Don't do it!"
Let's be satisfied with God.
Let's be thankful to God always.
Holy spirit heals everything.

22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. ( Galatians 5:22-23)

They were a really joyful and gentle couple.
I was wishing that I can have this kind of relathionship with my partner sometime!!

I again really appreciate of God who gave us such a special opportunity today.

awesome musician

今日は私たちの家に 素敵なゲストが来ました!

私のホストファミリーが通う教会で 日曜日にワーシップを提供してくれるということで、そのグループのメンバーである一人の男の子がうちに一晩泊まりました。


Today we had such a great guest!
He is a professional pianist and belongs to a worship group.
This group has been touring all over the places for 10 weeks while offering worhship musics.
Since they drop by our host parent's church on this Sunday, this guy stayed at our house for one night.

He gave us a special concert for us at house.
It was a really cool performance.
Here is one of them: a jazz style " Amazing Grace"

Friday, June 6, 2008


なので最初のいくつかは まえのブログとダブっていると思いますが、ご了承ください。


I am very glad that I could have a new web page!

I attempted to transfer all information from my previous blog, but it was just time consuming process and I got tired.
Therefore, a couple of postings in the beginig is overlaped from previous one....Please understand it.

I wish I have more communication with you all with this new one!

God bless you!


Enjoy challenge with God!


Trusting God turns problem into opportunities.




神様はとても優しい方だと思う。彼は一人一人にものすごい貴重な体験をさせてくれる。でもむやみやたらに なげやりに物事をなげつけたりしない。 そしてその状況が起きているのも、私たちが罪をおかしたとか何か間違ったことをしたから、その仕返しに痛みつける目的で与えるわけでもない。神様はすべてのことを理解した上で、私たちに目的をもってユニークな人生の道を与えてくださる。 アーメン



I wrote that having a problem is not a problem the other day.
There is no way that we live withought any kinds of troble.
Today God also gave me a good wisdome through reading a small book about one of the person's testimony.
The title of the small brochure was Turning God turns problems into opportunities.
I agreeded with it again.
It is impossible for us not to have any problems.We face to God more and grow in the faith through experiencing those matters.
He shared one scripture which inspired him and lead him to be saved.

His disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?"

Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.( John 9:2-3)

Actually he does not have arms and legs congenitally. He does not even have any toes or fingers to feel pain by being smashed accidently. However, he was lead to be saved through this sctripture and now travels to different place to share Gospel.

I think God is a really sweet guy.
He gives us such a unique and precious experience for each of us. He does not give us experiences or circumstances for nothing. He knows what he is giving us and those are meaningful.
In addition, he does not give things to just punish us. He says he gave blindness to him for his glory. He selected that guy specially for his purpose so that he is also blessd under God's purpose. He even tells he gave him blindness not because he or his family committed sins. It is under his purpose.

Recetnly, I have been thinking what I gave up in my life.
Especially I was irresponsible about my life during age 17-22.There are so many things I gave up to do because of discouragement, depression, anger, loneliness or low self image.

Now I have been picking up the thing I feel I left in my past one by one.Then I realized there are one more thing I really want to challenge one more time.People think it is crazy for my age.It is stil secret, but I really want to do because I loved it, but I compromised to do it and gave up.
I do not know how things are going to be, but I want to be challenged.
Nothing is impossible with God!I want to be used for his glory as long as I live in this world.

There are only a few people that I shared my new desire and those people laughed at me. It is the time people can laugh at me, but they won't be able to make fun of me in 5 years.
I have been saying different desire recently, but this is serious.

Real life

本当の命って 私たちの心臓がただ動いていて、肺で呼吸をしている。身体的に体が起動していること、そのことだけが 生きているということだろうか?

私は 人の本当の命は心にあるのではないかと思う。心が健康でなければ、死と同然であるのではないか?

でもそうすることによって、疲れ、失望したり、生きている目的を失ったり。結局のところど-でもいーやーってなげやりになったり。大した家庭環境でそだったわけでもないし、自分に与えられた生活なんて 恵みにあふれているものではないだろうってあきらめたり。
でもクリスチャンになって私の人生は本当に変えられた。私がたった一つしたこと。 それは、神様が ”私があなたを心から愛しているから この世に送り出した。この本物の愛を信じて、受け取りなさい。” ただそれを信じた。勇気を持って受け取ってみた。 


ただ食べて、飲んで、体を機能させていたとしても、もしも心の内側から義や平和によって満たされていなかったら、喜びは生まれない。もし心が喜びに満たされていなければ、死も同然である。 自殺がいい例だろう。心の死が 肉体的死を及ぼす。
私の好きなワーシップシンガーで カークマン フランクリンというひとがいる。 イマジン ミーという曲で、神様に救われた後の自分を想像してみてごららん?と語りかける。 すべての悲しみ、痛み、失望、失敗、自身喪失感すべてとりさらわれた。 両親や友達、さまざまな形で受けた傷も神様によって取り去られた。 神様がささやいている。あなたが本当に求めていたもの、それは与えられる。

What is a real life? I do not think a real life is just about physical condition such as if heart is beating or lungs are functioning to breathe.

I think a real life is hidden inside of our heart.
If our heart was dying, it is almost equal to death.

I was walking in the darkness before I became a Chrisitan.I always felt I was missing something. I never felt I was turely loved. I was even thinking it would be impossible for me to belive that somebody really cares about me.Therefore, I should trust myselt. I am the one I can really trust and depend on.That was general idea I used to have.

However, I remember I used to feel tired or disappointed easily and even lose the purpose why I exit. "What do I live for?"
I ended to be tired of thinking about life and talk myself " What ever!!" Also I gave up to make an effort to change my life to be better by talking myself " There is no way you can get a better life since you anyway grew up in abnormal family."

However, I was changed totally.Only thing I did was just to accept his love by saying " I will trust you, Lord since you said you cahge me. Let me trust you."I just put my hands before Lord and accepted his Love.I was scared from thinking how painful it would be if I was betrayed by Him.I needed to be brave to accept him.

God says in Roma 14:17-18
For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.Whoever thus serves Christ is acceptable to God and approve by men.

We can not be joyful from bottom of our heart even if we eat adn drink unless God is wroking in our heart. We can not be fully satisfied without joy from righteousness, peace and holy spirit. If our heart is not filled with joy from God, it is equal to death. I think suicide is the good example. Our sick heart cause physical death.
Here is my another favorite worship music by Kirkman Franklin: Imagine me!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

信じる Trust

イエスは彼女に言われた。”もしあなたが信じるなら、あなたは神の栄光を見る、とわたしは言ったではありませんか。”  (ヨハネ11:40)

これは、むやみやたらに自分のほしいものを祈り、神にぶつけるというものではない。神様が計画されていることは 必ず約束どおりすべて成就するということ。そして神がご計画されていることは、私たちが想像している以上にすばらしいということ。



最近私は新たな目標のゴール達成のため、毎日かかさず行っていることがある。しかし、経済的余裕がないとか、学校のために時間に限界があるとかいろいろ理由があって、自分のできる範囲で行っている最中だ。いろいろWEBSITEで情報をリサーチしては夢をみて, あー本格的にできる日がきたらどれだけ楽しいだろうっと考えつつ、、、、(実を言うと、これ。ものすごい誘惑で、かなり勉強時間を阻害しいた。とりつかれるって怖い)でも神様に、

それだけでも 勉強の励みになる!



Then Jesus said, "Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?"  (John 11:40)

Trusting Lord does not mean that we just dream about things we want and beg them to God.However, the things promised by God is surely happned by Him.Those things might be different that we imagine, but always more blessing than we expect.
I used to have a confidence that I have been trusting Lord completely; however, there was a time that I realized that I had not been trusting Lord at all, but it took time for me until I realized it because of my high confidence. Then I was disppointed about my self when I noticed it.
A couple of weeks ago, I needed to repent my weakeness which I have not been absolutely trusting God and lifted up my life to God again. Since then, things has been changing. My heart, my life, my soul, everything.Great Gods' words come to my heart more smoothly and purely.
Recently, there is the things I have making an effort to accomplish another new goal. It is getting to be actually more temptation by researching or obtaining the information.
However, it is so much fun.
Then I realized I have been spending so much time for that new project and affecting my heart and study time. Again, I needed to lift up this desire to God and promised I do just the things I can do right now and wait until your time comes because I knew there is a limited budget and time.
"If you want me to do it, you will give me a chance to do sometime in a wise way."

Well... today he gives me a light of possibility to accomplish my dream.
I sitll do not know how things are working out with my tight schedule from resp program, but possibly I could take my dream class with Resp program in the next semester. In that case, it does not extra cost or time since I have to take one extra class to meet the criteria from goverment as a foreign student.
I wish it happens!Only thing I can do is just to keep praying about it.
Anyway, my point is not about my dream, but God's great plan for us.His idea or plan is perfect. There are no mistakes and he cares about every little details,too.This is the real truth.I would love to be flown by Him through my entire life.

The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases. ( Proverb 21:1)

この世の中 In this world



6:愛とは御父の命令に従って歩むことであり、命令とは、あなたが初めから聞いているとおり、愛のう ちを歩むことです。

そして同じクリスチャンだからこそ、そういう時とても悲しく思うと同時に、誘惑も受ける。確かにほどほどは 楽?思い煩うこともないだろうし、罪を感じるその重みも半分になったり?
私もたくさん ”人”の言葉によってだまされた。 ”人の行い”をみて誘惑された。
でも違う。私はとっても とっても罪びとだけど。たくさん たくさんこの世の声や物事に 目、耳、心を奪われそうになることもあるけど。でも、神様を愛しているという気持ちは失わない。
神は、”だれでも行き過ぎをして、キリストの教えのうちにとどまらない者は、神を持っていません。” とも言う。
といことは、キリストを信じていようが信じていまいが だれでも神を持っていない条件になりうるということ。もちろん私も含めて。
だからやはり、人が言ったことや 周りの行いをみて自分の信仰の尺度を図ったり、落ち込んだりせず、神様と実をもっと結ぶことに集中しよう!
やっぱ。神様知ってるんだな。私に”今必要な 真実なる言葉”

It is really true that we are in the world which makes us confused.
Today God gave me this great scripture. ( 2John:6-9)

6And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love.
7Many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist.
8Watch out that you do not lose what you have worked for, but that you may be rewarded fully.
9Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God; whoever continues in the teaching has both the Father and the Son.

I felt that I learned great things from these.
Unfortunately there are some brothers and sisters who can not respect of the way that other believers try to be changed biblically, spiritually and seriously.
Those Christian just think....
Do not be so serious.
You would be fine as long as you believe Jesus. is true. Nothing is wrong with it, but those attitude sometimes disturb the path when the other Christian are tryiing to be nourished in their faith and does not help to encourage each other to grow either.However, I often see those situations.
And I am a type of person who is easily encouraged or discouraged by what people say or how people act and get confused .
I even feel like I am stupid because I just keep trusting Lord who is unseen...?
Especially when things happened within Christian sometimes, that gives me more deception.
I am also sinner; therefore, I can also be the one who decieve somebody, though.
So I should be careful what I say or how I act,too....since God also says,
"Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God."That means anybody can be regardless of believer or non-believer.

As a conclusion, we do not have to be confused or discouraged by people around us.
God is the only one who fully reward us.
Lord! I am so much encouraged by you today too!
As long as you say, " Do it!" That is the way I am supposed to walk on.
I am a little bit embarrased because I feel like God always know what kinds of truely word is necessary for this ignorant girl at this moment.
Love you, Lord