Friday, June 6, 2008


なので最初のいくつかは まえのブログとダブっていると思いますが、ご了承ください。


I am very glad that I could have a new web page!

I attempted to transfer all information from my previous blog, but it was just time consuming process and I got tired.
Therefore, a couple of postings in the beginig is overlaped from previous one....Please understand it.

I wish I have more communication with you all with this new one!

God bless you!


Enjoy challenge with God!


Trusting God turns problem into opportunities.




神様はとても優しい方だと思う。彼は一人一人にものすごい貴重な体験をさせてくれる。でもむやみやたらに なげやりに物事をなげつけたりしない。 そしてその状況が起きているのも、私たちが罪をおかしたとか何か間違ったことをしたから、その仕返しに痛みつける目的で与えるわけでもない。神様はすべてのことを理解した上で、私たちに目的をもってユニークな人生の道を与えてくださる。 アーメン



I wrote that having a problem is not a problem the other day.
There is no way that we live withought any kinds of troble.
Today God also gave me a good wisdome through reading a small book about one of the person's testimony.
The title of the small brochure was Turning God turns problems into opportunities.
I agreeded with it again.
It is impossible for us not to have any problems.We face to God more and grow in the faith through experiencing those matters.
He shared one scripture which inspired him and lead him to be saved.

His disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?"

Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.( John 9:2-3)

Actually he does not have arms and legs congenitally. He does not even have any toes or fingers to feel pain by being smashed accidently. However, he was lead to be saved through this sctripture and now travels to different place to share Gospel.

I think God is a really sweet guy.
He gives us such a unique and precious experience for each of us. He does not give us experiences or circumstances for nothing. He knows what he is giving us and those are meaningful.
In addition, he does not give things to just punish us. He says he gave blindness to him for his glory. He selected that guy specially for his purpose so that he is also blessd under God's purpose. He even tells he gave him blindness not because he or his family committed sins. It is under his purpose.

Recetnly, I have been thinking what I gave up in my life.
Especially I was irresponsible about my life during age 17-22.There are so many things I gave up to do because of discouragement, depression, anger, loneliness or low self image.

Now I have been picking up the thing I feel I left in my past one by one.Then I realized there are one more thing I really want to challenge one more time.People think it is crazy for my age.It is stil secret, but I really want to do because I loved it, but I compromised to do it and gave up.
I do not know how things are going to be, but I want to be challenged.
Nothing is impossible with God!I want to be used for his glory as long as I live in this world.

There are only a few people that I shared my new desire and those people laughed at me. It is the time people can laugh at me, but they won't be able to make fun of me in 5 years.
I have been saying different desire recently, but this is serious.

Real life

本当の命って 私たちの心臓がただ動いていて、肺で呼吸をしている。身体的に体が起動していること、そのことだけが 生きているということだろうか?

私は 人の本当の命は心にあるのではないかと思う。心が健康でなければ、死と同然であるのではないか?

でもそうすることによって、疲れ、失望したり、生きている目的を失ったり。結局のところど-でもいーやーってなげやりになったり。大した家庭環境でそだったわけでもないし、自分に与えられた生活なんて 恵みにあふれているものではないだろうってあきらめたり。
でもクリスチャンになって私の人生は本当に変えられた。私がたった一つしたこと。 それは、神様が ”私があなたを心から愛しているから この世に送り出した。この本物の愛を信じて、受け取りなさい。” ただそれを信じた。勇気を持って受け取ってみた。 


ただ食べて、飲んで、体を機能させていたとしても、もしも心の内側から義や平和によって満たされていなかったら、喜びは生まれない。もし心が喜びに満たされていなければ、死も同然である。 自殺がいい例だろう。心の死が 肉体的死を及ぼす。
私の好きなワーシップシンガーで カークマン フランクリンというひとがいる。 イマジン ミーという曲で、神様に救われた後の自分を想像してみてごららん?と語りかける。 すべての悲しみ、痛み、失望、失敗、自身喪失感すべてとりさらわれた。 両親や友達、さまざまな形で受けた傷も神様によって取り去られた。 神様がささやいている。あなたが本当に求めていたもの、それは与えられる。

What is a real life? I do not think a real life is just about physical condition such as if heart is beating or lungs are functioning to breathe.

I think a real life is hidden inside of our heart.
If our heart was dying, it is almost equal to death.

I was walking in the darkness before I became a Chrisitan.I always felt I was missing something. I never felt I was turely loved. I was even thinking it would be impossible for me to belive that somebody really cares about me.Therefore, I should trust myselt. I am the one I can really trust and depend on.That was general idea I used to have.

However, I remember I used to feel tired or disappointed easily and even lose the purpose why I exit. "What do I live for?"
I ended to be tired of thinking about life and talk myself " What ever!!" Also I gave up to make an effort to change my life to be better by talking myself " There is no way you can get a better life since you anyway grew up in abnormal family."

However, I was changed totally.Only thing I did was just to accept his love by saying " I will trust you, Lord since you said you cahge me. Let me trust you."I just put my hands before Lord and accepted his Love.I was scared from thinking how painful it would be if I was betrayed by Him.I needed to be brave to accept him.

God says in Roma 14:17-18
For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.Whoever thus serves Christ is acceptable to God and approve by men.

We can not be joyful from bottom of our heart even if we eat adn drink unless God is wroking in our heart. We can not be fully satisfied without joy from righteousness, peace and holy spirit. If our heart is not filled with joy from God, it is equal to death. I think suicide is the good example. Our sick heart cause physical death.
Here is my another favorite worship music by Kirkman Franklin: Imagine me!