Wednesday, October 8, 2008

不平不満はいいません!No more complaint!

Both Japan and U.S.A are such spoiled and blessed countries.


While all necessaries are given to us, our fleshly and self-centered desire has grown more and more.

I used to think I was sent to U.S.A so that my faith was trained and grown.

でも、最近は日本からの一人のクリスチャンとして海外に送られてきたという感覚が強くなってきました。However, I recently think I was sent here from Japan to be used and to share the gospel with people from different countries.

There was something which had lead me to repent at bible study yesterday.

God pointed out my sin which I complain about such a little thing in my life or require something to accomplish my own thoughts or desires.

Can I really pray for somebody else instead of trying to satisfy myself or my life?

Isn't there anything I can do for somebody?

There are children who do not have parents and were placed in Children's home.

勉強をしたくても 勉強道具さえあたえられない子供もいます。
There are children who are not given any stationeries or books.
There are children who have to overcome the winter seasons with clothes or shoes which have many holes.

There are children who can not go to hospital even though they are sick.

We were born in an advanced contry according to God's plan.

I do not think God is asking me to change my life style completely so that it becomes as same as those people's and I would be able to understand how it looks like.

でも同じ地球に住む人間です。However, we should not forget we are same humanbeings.

Shouldn't we have more responsibilities to share something important with people who are significantly suffered since we are already given by God?

まず私たちができる小さな一歩。 The first step that we can do.
不平不満をこぼさない。 No more complaint!
どれだけ恵まれているのか改めて知る。We should recognize how much we are already blessed.
神様に心から感謝する。Have and show our gratitude toward God from bottom of our heart.
Look around us and see if there is anybody who is suffered. What can we do for s/he?

I do not know what kind of path God has been preparing for me; however, I again realized I want to be used by using great gift God has given for me. It is medical.

God has given me everything I have kept looking for since I was a kid.
何も恐れずに主についていきたい。So I really want to follow that powerful God.
He changed my life completely and this testimony is true.

宗教ではなく、真実を伝えていきたい。I want to tell the truth, not religion.
そして、主に愛される子供が増えていきますように。I pray children who do not know God's love can receive real love from God so that they will be guided to the righteousness.

あなたがたのすることは、ことばによると行いによるとを問わず、すべて主イエスの名によってなし、主によって父なる神に感謝しなさい。  コロサイ3:16-17
16Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. 17And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:16-17
あなたがたは、主から報いとして、御国を相続させていただくことを知っています。あなたがたは主キリストに仕えているのです。    コロサイ3:23-24
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, 24since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Colossians 3:23-24