Wednesday, July 23, 2008


神様の祝福のもと 夏のセメスターも無事に終えることができました!
My summer sester has done today!
感謝!I am thankuful to God :)

本当に楽しい学習の期間でした。 It was such a great opportunity for my education.

出発するという前日になって 母から連絡があり、姉が入院したとの報告でした。
My mom gave me an e-mail today and told me that my sister was hospitalized today.

神様はまさに 何が起こるのかご存知なんですね。
I really thought God knew what was going on and coming back to Japan was definitely his plan.

I felt to be told why I needed to come home this time.

I am planing to drop by her hospital on my way from airport directly.

それでは皆様 しばらく連絡が途絶えると思いますが
I might not be able to check e-mail constantly since my house does not have any connection of internet and I am not going to set up this time since I would be there only for 1 month.


I will keep praying God bless each of you at each place.

Love, Tsukasa

Friday, July 18, 2008

Last clinical in Summer


Today was my last day of clinical in this summer!


The most difficult thing I got struggled this time was the conversation in English.

発音がうまくできていない。 I can't pronouce medicar term correctly.


I can't report Pt's condition accurately in short words.

単語がすっと出てこない。 Appropriate vocab did not come out in the brain smoothly.

などなどいろいろ苦労しました。 was hard.


I can't even count how many staff loughed at my poor pronaunciation and corrected me this time.

最後の最後まで ある一つの薬剤の名前が発音できずに 今日も車の中で帰り道に一人で何度も練習しながら帰ってきました!!

I kept practicing one of meds' name over and over even on my way home from hospital while driving a car today.... :)



毎回ちゃんと時間も合わせて みんなで行けたからよかった!

My group members to the same hospital was great!

Lunch time was always the best relaxing? and fan time for all of us!

It was nice that we always could make a time for breakfast and lunch all together this time!

そして帰ってきて、友達と ”China Cry” という映画をみて、さらに神様に感動!

Then I dropped by my friend's house and wathed a movie called China cry.

It was an incredibly wonderful true story.

神様は本当に生きておられ、私たちを一歩、一歩導いてくださるということをこの映画の主人公の女性によって 励まされて、充実した一日となりました!

My faith was encouraged by a lady in this movie and I could make sure again tha God is alive and surely leads us day by day.

It was such a graceful day today.


主はその道筋のすべてに心を配っておられる。 箴言5:21

For a man's ways are in full view of the LORD,

and he examines all his paths. Proverbs 5:21

Monday, July 14, 2008



I was told again that focusing on God completely is a power.



We have awful sinful natures. We complain, acuse ourselves or the others, stay in the past, do the things for just our satisfuction or try to figure out the future. Then we make various conflicts in our heart.


Let's have a good focus on God now again.

Actually, putting our heart into God supports our spirit and makes our heart healthier.



I would read this verse carefuly and slowly below.




2Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.
Hebrews 12:2-3


I was just thinking when Jesus was on the cross.

イエス様は人間です。  He is a humanbeing.

痛みも苦しみも、辱めもあったと思う。 He would feel pain and suffering.

でも、神に従った。 However, he selcted to obey God.


Because he wanted to give us reconciliation with God by letting us be free from death due to our sin.


Again, I want to devote my gratitude to Lord.

イエス様、あなたの救いをありがとう。 Jesus, thank you for your salvation.

病院  Hospital


Recently I have been experiencing that Hospital is not only the place where I am healed but also the place where I give healings.

1:癒しを受ける場としての病院 As the place where I receive the healing.


I met a lady who was fighting against the disease but always smiling and showing her gratitude to Lord.

彼女は言いました。 She said....


" I think seeking for the value of our life regardless of circumstances is very important. Majority of people may have difficulties to find out the great value of our life in thier unexpected situations. You know?, but I am trying to be thankful to any kinds of circumstances since I believe everything is done in His hand."


I bet there are so many things that she has to concern about since she is a mom of two daughters.


However, her smiling is so beautiful and I could not tell that she is even one of patients staying at hospital.


I will not forget her beautiful smile forever.

2:ミニストリーの場としての病院 Hospital that workers can do ministry.


My patient's breathing was deteriorated.


3 respirator therapists worked hard to improve his oxygenation by changing settings of ventilator or bagging; however, his oxygen level just kept going down.


Finally, his oxygen level got recovered once my heart rate almost reached out to maximum on the other hand.


What one of respiratory therapists did after everything was all set.....

患者さんの胸に手をあてて、She put her hand on the patient's chest and started to pray.


" Thank you, Jesus. Thank you for recovering him. Please continually be with him and heal his body."


When I was doing the last vent check before leaving hospital, a guy came into this patient's room. ( This is the same patient whose oxygen dropped before.)

またまた私は彼が入ってきた瞬間に 彼がクリスチャンだとすぐに分かりました。

I could identify he would be a christian for somehow once he came in.


He started talking to the patient who was sedated and praying toward the end of conversation.


I also joined in his prayer.

彼は患者さんのお友達で お祈りにいらしたということでした。

He was a friend of his patient and visited him to pray.


Again this experience reminded me that hospital was such a great place to reach the gospel out to people who were hungry spiritually.


そして私もミニストリーを受けている! Also patients even encourage me.

なーんて素晴らしい!! Just wonderful.




39So he bent over her and rebuked the fever, and it left her. She got up at once and began to wait on them.
40When the sun was setting, the people brought to Jesus all who had various kinds of sickness, and laying his hands on each one, he healed them.

Luke 4:39-40

病気の人は癒しを求めている。 Sick people are seeking for healing.

またケアを提供する側も患者さんから証を頂く。 Care workers also receive great testimonies from the diseased people.

すごい!! Just wonderful!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

最近何に感謝してますか?What do you appreciate recently?



I appreciate of friends a lot.

Three more weeks are remaining until this semester finishes.


I feel physicaly tired more than mentaly tired this time.

そしてしまいには つい、ぼーーーーーーーとしがちになってしまい、


So, I am sometimes totally out of it in the class and can not pay attention to the lecture even though I look like I am listening.


My best talker through the letter in the class, Brendalee who is always joyful, smiling and loughing.


We always communicate by exchanging a pieace of paper during the lecture whenever we get bored.


How many pieaces of paper do we use per a day?

Sometimes 2?


Well, the context is not so important that I do not even remember.

でも彼女は集中するときには 集中します。

However, she gets intense into lecture suddenly and focus on it.


It is very spontaneous and quick change! 


I am like What? I thought we were loughing each other through the letter a couple of seconds ago and only I am still loughing about it now!


Now she is lining the sentences in the text book with highliter and her arm and hands are moving so fast to draw!

おー彼女はもう 勉強の世界へと入り込んでしまった。

She has already been in the study world!






Then she tells me who is still in the previoius mood from the letter....

"Tsukasa, come back! Focus! Focus!"

She always encourage me by saying, " Hung in there, hung in there! What we are doing is very important. Just focus on what we are supposed to do!"

また私のもう一人の大親友 Mr.デイビット! 彼はクラスのプレジデントになりました!!

Another my best friend, Mr.David! He became our class president!


彼はとにかく面倒見がいいです。 He takes care of people really well.

私はいつも ”私のお父さんはどこ?”というくらいに、私の勉強の姿勢から発音などなど細かく面倒みてくれます。

His treatment for me is just incredible! He teaches me about from life to english pronounciation.
I even look for him while saying, " Where is my daddy?"


He does his job as a husband, father, student and worker at one time, but never show his frustration or stress on the surface. He controls his emotions really well.


I also have a good relationship with his wife, so she trusts me even though we sometimes have to spend a time for school work.


She is like, " Oh, Tsukasa. I do not worry about her at all."

信頼されているってうれしい!! I am happy that we can trust each other and respect each other.

これも神様のおかげです。 It is because of God's work!

彼もいつも言ってくれます。 He tells me..


" This education is the wonderful opportunity from God. Do our best!"


Both Brendalee and David are married.


I think thier labor and responsibility that they have to take care of is more than I do.

でも 二人は本当にしっかりと 一つ一つこなしていきます。

However, they just do thier jobs one by one and finishes them up by the time that things have to be done.

そんな二人から言ってもらえる励ましによって 私は学ばされるし、大きな恵みです。

The encouragement or advise from them is such a huge help and grace. I have learned a lot from them!

よし!私も二人のように 力強くやっていこう!

All right! I am couraged by them, so I will have better concentration and do my best for my future as a respiratory therapist!


Well, but you know what? There is one thing I might not be able to beat you is the speed and quantity that you eat, David!



You are such a great eater and improved why you are a tough man by the amount you ate at the restaurant.
I do not think I can overcome that forever.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008



私は 無知がゆえに ただただ神さまに自然に導かれ、ここまでやってきた。


無知だったから 悟りもなかった。

I can not count how much he strongly has guided me till now.

I was so ignorant that was led by him naturally so far.

There was not any my own thought in my way.

I was too ignorant to creat my own way.

でもそれで よかったのかもしれない。 I think that was right.

ただただ神様によって 自然と導かれる。 努力はいらない。

We just need to be guided by God naturlly. It does not require our own effort.

さあどの道に行こうかなって?思ったら 思い出そう!

When we think where we are supposed to go, let's just remember these verses from Bible!


あなたの御前には喜びが満ち、あなたの右には、楽しみがとこしえにあります。 詩篇16:11

You have made known to me the path of life;

you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

Psalm 16:11


私の道を完全にされる。  詩篇18:32

It is God who arms me with strength

and makes my way perfect. Psalm 18:32


その契約とそのさとしを守る者には。  詩篇25:10

All the ways of the LORD are loving and faithful

for those who keep the demands of his covenant. Psalm 25:10


主はその人に選ぶべき道を教えられる。  詩篇25:12

Who, then, is the man that fears the LORD ?

He will instruct him in the way chosen for him. Psalm 25:12

そして 神にささげる祈り。 Then this is my last prayer to devote for God tonight.




御名を恐れるように。    詩篇86:11

Teach me your way, O LORD,

and I will walk in your truth;

give me an undivided heart,

that I may fear your name. Psalm 86:11

Publish of book!Check it out please!


英語と日本語で 子供向けの神様の本です!


今月の20日までに 購入予約された方は少し安くなるそうです。

ハードバック 定価$23- 前売り価格は$18
ソフトカバー 定価$15- 前売り価格は$13
My friend from Atlanta has just published children's book called Meal time prayer.
It is such a cute book!
It is written both in English and Japanese.
If you book to purchase it by 20th of this month, you can get a discount.
Anybody who is interested in purchasing this wonderful book, please let me know!!
Hardback: Retail price $23- Discount price by 20th is $18
Softback: Retail price $15- Discount price by 20th is $13
Thank you!


Friday, July 4, 2008




There are so many believers who walk really away from God for a period of time.

It could be a context which makes wonderful pastors, evangelizers or missionary workers wonder, though.....

遠く、遠く 教会からかけ離れた生活をしてしまった。

そんなことがあっても 良いのかもしれません。

I personally think that it would be ok if there is a time for us to try to go away from God for somehow.



If we are not willing to going to church or serving at the church...

If we are not really obedient to God from bottom of our heart....

Just try to do whatever we want to do! Just do our best to accomplish our dream until we really see the limit that we can do.

神様が心から望んでおられること。 What God wishes for us

それは、心からの悔い改め。  It is our repentance.

神を愛する心。 It is our heart to love God from bottom of our heart.

伝道者の書 12:13


Ecclesiastes 12:13

Now all has been heard;here is the conclusion of the matter:

Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.


It might sound like a little bit boring and strict, but the real freedome comes from the truth.


Experiences from blessing or grace given by God.



John 14:23

Jesus replied, "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.


でも、もしかしたらそれだけでなく、神様を絶対的に信頼できていない心や神様に完全に自分思いや人生をゆだね切れていない心が 私たちの心をかき乱すということもあるんじゃないかな?

When we select the unfaithful way, our fleshness might be the one which covers up our faithful heart.

However, I do not think it is the always reason which affects our faituful mind.

I assume that our heart which can not be dependent on God completely or can not lift up our life to God with complete trust might be the other reason which leads us to be dependemt on our own.

ゆっくり深呼吸してみよう。 Let's have a deep breath!


Make sure if we received love from God today,too!?

今のこの状態でも 一秒たりとも愛に欠けない神様。

Remember God never stop loving us even for this moment.

愛されている。We are loved.


So, let's return all my thought to God.


He loves us so much, so he takes care of every little things as well.



John 3:16

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.