Friday, July 18, 2008

Last clinical in Summer


Today was my last day of clinical in this summer!


The most difficult thing I got struggled this time was the conversation in English.

発音がうまくできていない。 I can't pronouce medicar term correctly.


I can't report Pt's condition accurately in short words.

単語がすっと出てこない。 Appropriate vocab did not come out in the brain smoothly.

などなどいろいろ苦労しました。 was hard.


I can't even count how many staff loughed at my poor pronaunciation and corrected me this time.

最後の最後まで ある一つの薬剤の名前が発音できずに 今日も車の中で帰り道に一人で何度も練習しながら帰ってきました!!

I kept practicing one of meds' name over and over even on my way home from hospital while driving a car today.... :)



毎回ちゃんと時間も合わせて みんなで行けたからよかった!

My group members to the same hospital was great!

Lunch time was always the best relaxing? and fan time for all of us!

It was nice that we always could make a time for breakfast and lunch all together this time!

そして帰ってきて、友達と ”China Cry” という映画をみて、さらに神様に感動!

Then I dropped by my friend's house and wathed a movie called China cry.

It was an incredibly wonderful true story.

神様は本当に生きておられ、私たちを一歩、一歩導いてくださるということをこの映画の主人公の女性によって 励まされて、充実した一日となりました!

My faith was encouraged by a lady in this movie and I could make sure again tha God is alive and surely leads us day by day.

It was such a graceful day today.


主はその道筋のすべてに心を配っておられる。 箴言5:21

For a man's ways are in full view of the LORD,

and he examines all his paths. Proverbs 5:21