Monday, September 29, 2008

あー安心した! I am relieved.

私の愛する 主イエスキリスト。

My lover, Jesus Christ.


He has bee pouring a lot of blessing onto me since I became a Christian. His blessing extends away beyond the one I expect.

もちろん 肉の思いでは楽しいことばかりではなく、信仰の成長をすべく数々の試練を与えられました。


It does not mean I was always happy in my life. I was given a lot of trials or challenges, but all helped me to be close to God. I could get to know God's real love through every single experiences.


I guess we might have to go through the valley of the shadow of death sometimes, otherwise, we never learn how much God's love is deep and true. This indicates that our sin is extremely deep and huge.


I am also one of unfaithful believers, but God still cares about me and never stop giving me blessings in the way I can reacognize his presence.


I already have so many gift that I received from God and am still receiving his grace.

However, I sometimes feel scared to receive those from God because his gift or grace is gigantic!


The direction that he tries to lead me is often too good or righteous, so I honestly think this unfaithful beliaver should not be lead to that way.


I even point a finger out to my heart and see it. No! No! No! I am not such a good girl at all.

He would know all about me!

そしてとても 心が苦しくなります。Then I feel pain in my heart because.....


I know my dirty heart and it tells me that I should not deserve to be accepted by the way the Lord tries to guide me. It is really true. I am not great at all!


God gave me this scripture.

知りなさい。あなたの神、主は、あなたが正しいということで、この良い地をあなたに与えて所有させられるのれはない。あなたはうなじのこわい民であるからだ。 申命記9:6

Understand, then, that it is not because of your righteousness that the LORD your God is giving you this good land to possess, for you are a stiff-necked people. Deuteronomy 9:6

私はある意味 この聖句をもらって安心しました。This comforted me a lot.

だって 神様が私を罪人だって分かってくださった上で 用いてくださっているんだって再確認できたので。I could make sure that God has been using me as a sinner. He knows it.

神様にしか 完璧な義になれないからなー。 Only God can be perfectly righteous.

分かっていても、祝福受けると、神様のようにならなくちゃって思って とてもプレッシャーを受ける。

Even though I know it, I feel pressured by thinking if I sould be as perfect as God when I receive different kinds of God's great guidance or blessing.

あーーー。良かった。 Hu...... I am relieved to hear God's great words from Deuteronomy 9:6.

神様が私を罪人って 分かってくれていて本当に安心した:)


God knows I am a sinner, but still uses me for his purpose.

The thing I need is obedience.

教科書なんて信じない?Do not trust the text book?


It has been 3 and a half years since I started living in U.S.A.

最初の7ヶ月は 語学学校に行って、一番下から2番目のクラスから始まりました。

I belonged to the Englishi language institute for the first 7 months to study of basics of English.

その後は 今の呼吸器の2年のプログラムにはいるために1年間の一般医療学をとらなくてはなりませんでした。

Then, I was accepted to the college and started taking prerequisists for Respiratory Therapist program.

ということで 私は医療単語はたくさん英語で学んでいますが、それ以外の一般英語を知らないということが 最近私の中で問題になってきています。

So, I have been learning English for the last 3 and a half years; however, I spent more than a half period of time since I started living in U.S.A for medical field. Therefore, not knowing common words is my recent problem.

先日は新生児ICUでの研修でした。ここに入ってくる赤ちゃんはみんな未熟児で 片手にのってしまうくらいのちいさな赤ちゃんばかりです。(めっちゃかわいいーーー:D)

I was placed in NICU the other day. All infants who are treated in this unit are premature babies. Their body size is as big as our one hand.


They are tiny, little and cute babies and I almost felt I want to take them home with me!


Well,,,,another baby just came in. This baby was again very little, but he was strong enough to cry by himself, so resuscitation did not seem to be necessary.

しかし、ここからが大変でした。 Here is the things I wanted to share.


A nurse asked me to run to get a pacifier.

私はファイヤーと聞くと 呼吸器系の機械でファイヤーと名のつくものしか思い浮かびません。


I did not get the words of padifier b/c it did not sound familiar to me. If I hear something fire, just something respiratory epuipment comes up in my mind such as humidifier. However, I knew she was not looking for it at least. So, I asked the nurse what she wanted me to get once more.


She said, " Pacifier. It should be the second drawer behind the incubator."

まだそれが何だか分からない私。単語もいまいち正確に聞き取れない。でもみんな忙しそう。3回聞くのはちょっと。。。とりあえず その棚のところに言って見よう。

I still did not get what it was. I did not even understand the pronaunciation.

Anyway I decided to go the place where the thing seemed to be located since I hesitated to ask her what it was three times during busy time.


I got there. You know what? There is no meaning to go there if you do not know what you are looking for. My brain was like....?????

その棚の近くにいた看護婦さんが 親切に何を探しているのか聞いてくれた。

A very kind nurse standing near the drawer asked me what I was looking for.

聞いたままのとおりに発音してみた。 2回も言った。

I pronounced the words by the way I heard. I repeated it twice.....

その看護婦さんの答え。  ”いまいち何さがしているのか分からない。”

The answer from the nurse..." I do not know what you saiyng...."

私、” それ分かります。私も実を言うと 何をさがしているのか分からないんです。”

There is no way she could identify what I is saying because I do not know what I am saying either!! I honestly told it to her.


あー正直に言っちゃった。  ぜったい怒られる。 

I regreted what I said because I felt she might be upset to hear that.

しかし!さすがアメリカ! However! Here is U.S.A !!!???


She started laughing and said, " Then I can not help you!"  

そりゃそうだ。 It is understandable!


I went back to the original nurse and asked what she wanted me to get again.

看護婦さんの答え。 ”パッシファイヤー”

She said, " Pacifier."


I was like, ".................. so I so not know what it is."

看護婦さんと私の呼吸器のプリセプターが 赤ちゃんのおしゃぶりだということを教えてくれた。

The nurse and my RT preceptor explained what pacifier was.

これで終わればよかった。 I wanted to end up the story till this.

しかし、私。。。。 However, I said...

”あーー!! プラスティック ニプルね!”

" Oh! I see! You were looking for a plastic nipple!"


Everybody was like.... ????????????????

私、もう一度、” 赤ちゃんのスペシャルプラスティック ニプルでしょ?”

I said again, " It is the special plastic nipple for babies, isn't it?"

そのあと どひゃどひゃどひゃー!ってみんなが笑い出した。

They looked at me and started laughing loudly!


Oh my goodness! This is the way written in my handout or text book !!!!!!

確かに、直訳したら少しグロテスク? It is true it might sound a little bit strange, but , but , but!

ちょー 恥ずかしい!! I learn vocabularies from text book! It is embarassing!!


I learned the text book was not about everything!