Saturday, January 31, 2009

神様からのメッセージ Message from God

みことばは 神様からのメッセージ。

God's words are message from God.


Even though we know it, these words do not seem to be penetrating our heart sometimes.


We feel like the Bible is just a story book.


I experience such a thing often as well.




Before I could make a decision of leadership of our ministry, there is an American lady I was asking to pray for it.( Because I knew she is always such a prayer.)

A message from her was surprising. She attached the verse that I raised as a year verse for 2009 which is Philipians 4:8.


Then, I got an e-mail from a Chrsitian sister from Japan.


Even I kept praying for her, I did not receive any God's verse for a while and it took me time for a couple days until I finaly responded to her.

ある日、ふっと ”あっ!あれだ!”とひらめくごとく聖句が与えられ、彼女にメールをやっと返すことができました。

One day, I just felt like "Yea!! this is the verse I need to share with her." All sudden, the verse came down into my heart, so I attached the verse into the e-mail and I gave it to her.


It is just amazing.

She said, " Oh wow! ( well, maybe Japanese never say like WOW as you know, but it sounded like...) this is the verse actually I received from God recently and wrote it down as a testimony!"


Isn't it just wonderful?

神様は生きておられる。 God is alive!

そして 祈り人を通して、聖句に神様からのメッセージとしてさらなる確信が与えられてくる!

God even sometimes gives us sureness of God's words through pther prayers like this!!


Personal relationship with God is important. It is sometimes difficult for us to estabilish the relasionship through just our own prayers.

祈ってもらおう! We need to ask to pray for us.

他の人のために祈ろう! We need to pray for the others!

これって本当に大切だなって 改めて実感しました。

Again, this event reminded me the basic principle of our christian life!

Thank you, Lord!!

Friday, January 30, 2009

new info of our ministry

親愛なる皆様   Dear My Fiends


How have you been? I hope all of you have been doing good.Well, it has been alrady about one months since 2009 started and finally we are ready to start JM for 2009!

ファーストバプティストのメンバー代表として、牧師ビルと その秘書ナンシーの応援のもと、私がFBCO代表 そして、デイビッドが顧問。 マイク、ジェン が専門講師として入ってくださいます。

I is going to be a representative of JM for this year and we have David as a counslor and Mike and Jen as biblical adviser under supervision of Pastor B and his secretary Mis.N from FBCO.


To be honest with you, I was thinking to quit this ministry during winter vacation.

しかし、日本語でみことばを学び、祈り、周りの人とシェアしていくことの大切さ、力強さを覚えます。However, I realized how much important for us to learn God's words in our own language, pray and share the gospel!  Language, just itself, has power. That is another special tool that God has given us:D

そして数の多い、少ないにかかわらず 様々な方から この日本人ミニストリーで励まされたとう証をいただくなかで、主の御栄光のためにFBCOからのサポートのもと、奉仕をさせてもらいという決断をしていくことができました。

I was also encouraged by those who left comment for our ministry and let us know how much this ministry could be used to reach out, encourage and noulish each of attendant's faith.


I met Pastor Bill today and raised these verses as this year's verse for our ministry.


Luke 15:4-6"Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Does he not leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? 5And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders 6and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, 'Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.'


I expect that we can experieneGod's blessings, grace and share the delightful life together with God!

前代表の 素晴らしいクリスチャン姉妹であるFさんがいなくなってしまう分、たよりないミニストリーかも分かりませんが、お祈りに覚えてもらえたら感謝です。

Our wonderful great sister, Miss N, is not with us, so our minisry might become a little bit less powerful for missing her; but we believe that God leads us.I appreciate if you remember our ministry and pray for it.

そして、過去2年間 力強くこのミニストリーを指揮してきてくださった姉が今後より主に高く用いられていくように 是非お祈りをつづけてお願いします。

Also, I would like you to pray for Miss N who had been graciously leading this ministry for last 2 years so that she will be guided and used to glorify God more!

定期的メンバーにかかわらず 裏で支え、祈りささえてくださっている方々にも心より感謝申し上げます。今後ともよろしくお願いします!!

I am thankful to people who have been praying for our ministry and supporting us as the backstage personnel as well. Thank you very much:)


Here is new information of our ministry.

日にち: 2月6日 金曜日

時間 : 午後7:00から8:30

場所 : ファーストバプティスト オブ オーランド: E-2 building Room 215

Date: Feb 6 ( Fri) : every Fridays

Time: 7:00-8:30 pm

Place: First Baptist Church of Orlando E-2 building Room215


This is going to be a weekly thing.

お子様づれの場合、以前同様に前もって その週の火曜日までに連絡いだたけると幸いです。ご協力よろしくお願いいたします。

Please let us know how many kids would be able to come in the case you bring your kids in advance. I appreciate if you can tell me till Tuesday of the same week,


Then, I am looking for ward to seeing you on Feb 6!! 主の祝福がありまうように。

God bless you!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

混乱 confusion!


I has been confused about something recently....

そのあることとはミニストリーのことです。 It is abour our ministry.


Should we continually do it or not?


Why do we still need to do it, but why do we quit?

続けた場合は こんな感じ、、、It might be like this if we continue this ministry.

続けなかったら 変わりにあれをしてみる、、、、、???Do I do that instead if we quit ministry?

つづけたらみんなはどう思うかな、、、、How people would think if we continuously do it?

つづけなかったらみんなはどう思うかな、、、、???How people think if we did not?

考えます。A lot of thinking..... Hum Hum Hum Hum Hum.......


I am kind of amazed how much human being can be persistent to focus on just one thing sometimes!!

私だけかなぁ。。。Is is just because of me???

あるお友達に イザヤ43章を今週の始めに渡しました。

I gave one of my friends Isaiah 43 in the begining of this week.


I really thought those verses from this chapter would be helping this person for this week and wanted her to encourage in her faith. I also promised to read these verses for this week as well with my prayer.


However, I was the one who was encouraged :D


That was written in still same chapter but different place from the message I was memorizing and purposely gave her.

先の事どもを思い出すな。Remember not former things, nor consider the things of old.

昔の事どもを考えるな。 Behold, I am doing a new thing.

見よ。わたしは新しい事をする。今、もうそれが起ころうとしている。 (略)


Even though I know biblically it has been told like that; however, understanding it and accepting it are different.


The authority is upon the Lord. The Lord has power. Jesus is ever lasting. Jesus! You are righteous!!

ていうワーシップソングが確かあった。 This is the phrase from worship music.

主に主権!!! The authority is upon God!!!

Yes, Lord :D !!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

子供に夢を!Give dream to Children!


I think children have been observing adults really well and realize even little children are willing to help and support thier parents for somhow.

そして 子供なりに自分ができることを親に返したいと小さいながらにも思います。

私も幼いときそうでした。I was also like that when I was little.

今日お母さん帰ってくる前に 家を片付けておいたら お母さん喜ぶかな?

I used to think my mom would be happy if I tidy up the room before she comes home.


Does she feel thankful if I cook something for her?

今でも覚えています。I remember what I did and thought it would be a great idea for my mom one day when I was 7 years old.

小学校2年生のとき、見よう見まねでカレーを お母さんが夕方に帰ってくる前に作りました。

I decided to make curry rice for my mom one day.

そのころから料理番組に興味があり、チョコレートやブルドッグソース、はちみつ、しょうゆ、りんごなど隠し味をいれることによってカレーにこくが出るということを習っていた私は ありとあらゆるものをカレーの中に混ぜ込みました。確か珈琲やミルク、マヨネーズなどなんでも加えた気がします。


I was alreay very interested in cooking by then and used to watch cooking TV show; therefore, I knew sord of strategies to make curry better by adding different kinds of spices or sources.

I knew chocolate, soy source based source, apple, or hanny makes taste batter, so I put those into curry. Also I investigated some other stuff which might be able to help aditional flavors by myself. mayonaze, milk or coffee was my choise. I added all of them in the curry source and itended awful taste as you imagine. In addition, the mess I made in kitchen was GREATE!


When I was having a felloship with kids from my church in Japan, I again realized how much their heart is thoughtful to their parents.


I want to do this or that. Their desires come up in their mind; however, they also consier thier parent's financial situation ,mental situation or so on. Then they even gave up to think about it.


でも、教会ってすごいなって思う。However, remember we belong to church!


Church makes any kinds of stuff possible!

Children might think they want to learn piano for example, but it is expensive for their parents to let them take a lesson outside.

Yet! We have piano. We sing a song. They can learn piano at church! They can have opportunity to touch piano. Not only piano, but also a guiter, dram handbell.....


If you want to learn claft, there are so many ladies who can do claft at churh.

教会は神の家。 Church is the house of God.


People who have different kinds of gift has been assembled at church.


I really thought I do not want children to give up having dreams or desires and going forward to achieve those.

欲しかったときと与えられるタイミングやその方法は 想像していたものと違うかも知れない。

The timing or the way given might be different from the one we are expecting sometimes, but keep trusting God and seeking for it.

でも信じ続けて 主の御名によって願い求め続ける。



To keep trusting might demand patience and courage as well since we completely have to lift those prayers to the Lord. Cildren might need to be encouraged by adult's faith so that they can see faith which is to keep trusting the Lord is powerful and meaningful for our life.



Our great God does not miss even a little prayer in our heart.

”そんなこと今させてあげられません”ではなく、大人も神の働きを信じて 子供に信じる信仰の励ましを勇気をもっていしていきたい!

Insrtead of saying " We do not afford to let you do it," we as adult should believe that God should amazingly work for children's life and encourage children to trust God.

イスラエルの民たちは、エジプトから脱出するときに 主の祝福をなんども体験するにもかかわらず、それでも主の働きを疑いました。

People in Islael could not stop doubting God even though they were experiencing God's mercy or grace when they were runing away from Egypt.

これが、私たちの罪なる性質です。This is the sinful character that we have.


Tomas could not believe the man who was standing in front of him was Jesus either, ( John 20)

主はいいます。The Lord says,


"Have you believed because you have seenme? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."


Sunday, January 18, 2009


Well,,I am still in Japan and leaving for U.S.A on this comming Wednesday.

5 Weeks. I thought it would be long enough for me to be realaxed and calm; however, it was not at all. I feel like I am always fighting againt time.

Work, churches activities, a personal couseking at church, coffe or dinner time with my friends, meeting with people form respiratory industory, fellowship with my relatieves...

家でゆっくり母と聖書の時間をなんて考えてたがそんなことができずーーーーーと思いきや、神様はすばらしい! 時間の制限にかかわらずきちんと 神様について話せる時間が与えられる!
I was planing to spend a calm bible study time with my mom, but I could not. Inspite of my packed tight schedlue, God has been giving me a grace on our family relationship. There was no day that I did not talk about God or gosple to my mom. Even if I could not come home, I still can share gospel or grace that God has giving me for today or grace on the phone. GOd is the one who always gives us wisdome:D!!

The best thing I felt since I came back to Japan this time is that Japanese are very serious about everything basically and do not hesitate to make their effort in anything. Anything such as food, music, dance, medicine, whatever.
日本人ってやっぱりまじめだな。 がんばりやだなって。そして、私もやっぱり日本人だよなって。

I was so much encouraged about what I am doing or am trying to do by meeting different people from different business or activities in Japan.

”熱い”っていいじゃんみたいな。 " Passioon!"

熱しすぎて疲れちゃうのが日本人だけど、その熱さの矛先を神様に向けていったとき もっともっと力が湧き出されていくんじゃないかなって。
Japanese tend to foclus on just one thing and put all energy or effort in it and then burn out.
HOwever, I believe that we will be more strengthened and pwerful if we are guided by God and lead to one straight path all the time toward heavenas long as we are used on the earth.

Do not put our all effort or energy for our satisfaction.

やりたいと思うことに対して ”できる!”って信じて前にすすむ。
Just go forward do things you believe you should do while trusting you can do it!
I received that kind of passion from pepole in Japan this time.

今年30歳!? 自分でも信じられないけど。
I'll be 30 yrs this year. I know I can not believe it either...
People sometimes say I do things without thinking my age.

でもできることを ”できる”って信じて成長させられることを日々楽しみたい!
I do not care what people say.
I do things I belive I have to do and want to enjoy to be strengthen and noulished.

今年私の課題成句。(ごめんなさい。私仕事前に 日本帰ってきて始めてインターネットカフェに立ち寄りブログを書いているので 日本語での聖書がないのですが、、、)
ピリピ 4:8
My God's word for 2009!! Philippians 4:8 ( Well it is my Birthday! I did not chose it becaus of it, it just happened. God is wonderful!)

そして そのとこによって神様が ピリピ4:13を成し遂げてくださることを信じます!!
Then I believe that God let me achieve the things written in Phillipians 4:13!

Amen and Hallelujha!!