Saturday, November 1, 2008

Amazing God's grace!

今日も私が 心から慕いそして励ましを与えてくれる神学生のNさんと話していました。
I was talking my friend from Missionay School today.

We were wondering how each of our life was going to be after graduation.
Each of us still does not see any God's vision or plan yet.

I was thinking about Japanese Ministry afterwords.
始めた時は3人だった。When we started it, we had only 3 prayers.

途中からはほぼNさんと私が ただ祈るだけで奇跡のように導かれてきたJM。
For about last 5 months, even only N san and I were in charge for JM and JM was mirouculously lead by the Lord.

When we had a conference the other day, we had 46 people which is 15 times as much as we used to had originaly.

これは本当にNさんや私の努力ではなかった。It was not N-san or my efforts.

一時 いろいろとあって踏み倒されそうで、JMを閉じようかという話もあった。
There was a time we are considering about the closure of JM.
There was a time both of us stayed at the church till midnight and devoted our prayer to the Lord.
It was not easy or fun at all, but we were lead to repent and experienced the relief from sin again.

His blessing was much greater than our tempral pain or bitterness.

We could see people who coud get to know about God.
私も 周りの人からの励ましを頂いた。
We were also encouraged by people around us.


It might not be the place we can always happy all the time.
Satins works at the place that God bless.

でも、確かにいえるのは主が生きておられる。However, God is alive and nothing can do beyond his power.

聖霊に満たされている。The church is also filled with holy spirit.

Joining JM is such a precious experience for me and I devote my thank to the Lord.

I think God is a quite interesting guy.

なんで私をつかわせてくれるんだ?I do not understand why God uses me..?

逃げたい逃げたいって ヨナのように神様の命令から背けようとばかりしているのに、

それでも 主は導く。
I always think I am like Jonah.
I always pretend not to hear any orders from God.
I always try to turn away from God's calling.
However, he always guides me to the way he wants me to go for somehow.



I have received a pretty appropriate biblical sentence which describes me before.

God is adequate as our keeper. Your faith will not fail while God sustains it; you are not strong enough to fail away while God is resolved to hold you.


It may be true...

Chariot of Fire

1924年 オリンピックの本当の話。
It is true story about Olympic in 1924.

金メダルだけを追い求める イギリス出身のアブラハム。
A racer, Abraham, who is from England and seeks for just gold medal.
神様の勝利を求めるために走る スコットランド出身のエリック。
Another racer, Eric, who is Scottish and runs for God's glory.

イギリス出身のアブラハムは 国内競技では誰にも負けたことのない走者。
Nobody could beat Abraham in his country.
However, Eric could run much faster than Abraham.

アブラハムが唯一恐れているつわもの。 Eric is the only one whome Abraham scared about.
予行で アブラハムはエリックに敗れた。Abraham lost his game and was defeated by Eric at the first race.
彼にとっての初めての敗戦。It was his first time to be beaten in the race.
アブラハムは 本番を非常に恐れた。Abraham was afraid of the next race.

However, the race was on Sunday.
神を仰ぎみて走るエリックは 日曜日に走ることを拒否した。
Eric who runs for God's glory denied to run.
アブラハムにとっては 金メダル獲得の絶好の機会。彼は金メダルを獲得することができた。
It gave more chance to Abraham to win. He won the race and got a gold medal.

翌日のレースにエリックは進出した。Next day, there was another race for both of them.
もちろん優勝。金メダル獲得をする。Eric beated all racers and stood up on the stage of gold medalist.

この二人の金メダル獲得後には 大きな差ができる。
There are huge differences between Abraham and Eric after the Olympic.

Abraham completely lost his way to go.
He could not figure out the purpose of his life after achieving his goal.

On the other hand, Eric praised God's name and shared God's glory and victory with his accomplishment of the race.
His vicory was not for his own. It was God's glory through him.
世の人は 彼に耳を傾けた。
People listened to him.

There is a part of our heart that only God can fullfill even if we could obtain everything we want.
I think all pepole have it.

お金、家族、名誉、世界一を示す金メダル。Houses, family, fame even Gold medal as a top world record.

The heart which can not be satisfied with these visible and tachable things.

Even if we feel we are satisfied, it would not last forever.

Only God can eternally give love, peace, hope or joy to us :)

主のはかりごとはとこしえに立ち、御心の計画は代よに至る。 詩篇33:11
But the plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations. Psalm 33:11