Monday, September 29, 2008

あー安心した! I am relieved.

私の愛する 主イエスキリスト。

My lover, Jesus Christ.


He has bee pouring a lot of blessing onto me since I became a Christian. His blessing extends away beyond the one I expect.

もちろん 肉の思いでは楽しいことばかりではなく、信仰の成長をすべく数々の試練を与えられました。


It does not mean I was always happy in my life. I was given a lot of trials or challenges, but all helped me to be close to God. I could get to know God's real love through every single experiences.


I guess we might have to go through the valley of the shadow of death sometimes, otherwise, we never learn how much God's love is deep and true. This indicates that our sin is extremely deep and huge.


I am also one of unfaithful believers, but God still cares about me and never stop giving me blessings in the way I can reacognize his presence.


I already have so many gift that I received from God and am still receiving his grace.

However, I sometimes feel scared to receive those from God because his gift or grace is gigantic!


The direction that he tries to lead me is often too good or righteous, so I honestly think this unfaithful beliaver should not be lead to that way.


I even point a finger out to my heart and see it. No! No! No! I am not such a good girl at all.

He would know all about me!

そしてとても 心が苦しくなります。Then I feel pain in my heart because.....


I know my dirty heart and it tells me that I should not deserve to be accepted by the way the Lord tries to guide me. It is really true. I am not great at all!


God gave me this scripture.

知りなさい。あなたの神、主は、あなたが正しいということで、この良い地をあなたに与えて所有させられるのれはない。あなたはうなじのこわい民であるからだ。 申命記9:6

Understand, then, that it is not because of your righteousness that the LORD your God is giving you this good land to possess, for you are a stiff-necked people. Deuteronomy 9:6

私はある意味 この聖句をもらって安心しました。This comforted me a lot.

だって 神様が私を罪人だって分かってくださった上で 用いてくださっているんだって再確認できたので。I could make sure that God has been using me as a sinner. He knows it.

神様にしか 完璧な義になれないからなー。 Only God can be perfectly righteous.

分かっていても、祝福受けると、神様のようにならなくちゃって思って とてもプレッシャーを受ける。

Even though I know it, I feel pressured by thinking if I sould be as perfect as God when I receive different kinds of God's great guidance or blessing.

あーーー。良かった。 Hu...... I am relieved to hear God's great words from Deuteronomy 9:6.

神様が私を罪人って 分かってくれていて本当に安心した:)


God knows I am a sinner, but still uses me for his purpose.

The thing I need is obedience.

教科書なんて信じない?Do not trust the text book?


It has been 3 and a half years since I started living in U.S.A.

最初の7ヶ月は 語学学校に行って、一番下から2番目のクラスから始まりました。

I belonged to the Englishi language institute for the first 7 months to study of basics of English.

その後は 今の呼吸器の2年のプログラムにはいるために1年間の一般医療学をとらなくてはなりませんでした。

Then, I was accepted to the college and started taking prerequisists for Respiratory Therapist program.

ということで 私は医療単語はたくさん英語で学んでいますが、それ以外の一般英語を知らないということが 最近私の中で問題になってきています。

So, I have been learning English for the last 3 and a half years; however, I spent more than a half period of time since I started living in U.S.A for medical field. Therefore, not knowing common words is my recent problem.

先日は新生児ICUでの研修でした。ここに入ってくる赤ちゃんはみんな未熟児で 片手にのってしまうくらいのちいさな赤ちゃんばかりです。(めっちゃかわいいーーー:D)

I was placed in NICU the other day. All infants who are treated in this unit are premature babies. Their body size is as big as our one hand.


They are tiny, little and cute babies and I almost felt I want to take them home with me!


Well,,,,another baby just came in. This baby was again very little, but he was strong enough to cry by himself, so resuscitation did not seem to be necessary.

しかし、ここからが大変でした。 Here is the things I wanted to share.


A nurse asked me to run to get a pacifier.

私はファイヤーと聞くと 呼吸器系の機械でファイヤーと名のつくものしか思い浮かびません。


I did not get the words of padifier b/c it did not sound familiar to me. If I hear something fire, just something respiratory epuipment comes up in my mind such as humidifier. However, I knew she was not looking for it at least. So, I asked the nurse what she wanted me to get once more.


She said, " Pacifier. It should be the second drawer behind the incubator."

まだそれが何だか分からない私。単語もいまいち正確に聞き取れない。でもみんな忙しそう。3回聞くのはちょっと。。。とりあえず その棚のところに言って見よう。

I still did not get what it was. I did not even understand the pronaunciation.

Anyway I decided to go the place where the thing seemed to be located since I hesitated to ask her what it was three times during busy time.


I got there. You know what? There is no meaning to go there if you do not know what you are looking for. My brain was like....?????

その棚の近くにいた看護婦さんが 親切に何を探しているのか聞いてくれた。

A very kind nurse standing near the drawer asked me what I was looking for.

聞いたままのとおりに発音してみた。 2回も言った。

I pronounced the words by the way I heard. I repeated it twice.....

その看護婦さんの答え。  ”いまいち何さがしているのか分からない。”

The answer from the nurse..." I do not know what you saiyng...."

私、” それ分かります。私も実を言うと 何をさがしているのか分からないんです。”

There is no way she could identify what I is saying because I do not know what I am saying either!! I honestly told it to her.


あー正直に言っちゃった。  ぜったい怒られる。 

I regreted what I said because I felt she might be upset to hear that.

しかし!さすがアメリカ! However! Here is U.S.A !!!???


She started laughing and said, " Then I can not help you!"  

そりゃそうだ。 It is understandable!


I went back to the original nurse and asked what she wanted me to get again.

看護婦さんの答え。 ”パッシファイヤー”

She said, " Pacifier."


I was like, ".................. so I so not know what it is."

看護婦さんと私の呼吸器のプリセプターが 赤ちゃんのおしゃぶりだということを教えてくれた。

The nurse and my RT preceptor explained what pacifier was.

これで終わればよかった。 I wanted to end up the story till this.

しかし、私。。。。 However, I said...

”あーー!! プラスティック ニプルね!”

" Oh! I see! You were looking for a plastic nipple!"


Everybody was like.... ????????????????

私、もう一度、” 赤ちゃんのスペシャルプラスティック ニプルでしょ?”

I said again, " It is the special plastic nipple for babies, isn't it?"

そのあと どひゃどひゃどひゃー!ってみんなが笑い出した。

They looked at me and started laughing loudly!


Oh my goodness! This is the way written in my handout or text book !!!!!!

確かに、直訳したら少しグロテスク? It is true it might sound a little bit strange, but , but , but!

ちょー 恥ずかしい!! I learn vocabularies from text book! It is embarassing!!


I learned the text book was not about everything!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008



I still remembter the day that I went to my church in Japan for the first time.


I was just amazed to see all women who were shining and delight regardless of their ages.

お母さんに抱かれて幸せそうな赤ちゃん。 A happy looking baby holded in Mom's arms.

楽しそうに目をきらきら輝かせてはしゃぐこども。 Children chutting each other with the full of joy.


Teenagers whose hurt is strong in their faith and filled with hopes for their future.

自分の役割を認識し、任務を務める大人たち。Adults who knows who they are and use the gift for God's kingdom.

またもう手も顔もしわしわ(?)なのに、目にたくさんの光をもち 喜び歌うおばあちゃんたち。

Old ladies who shout worships toward the sky with delightful eyes.


I could see something miraculous power which was working within those women.

私も一生を通して、こんなんでありたい! そう思ったんです。

Then I thought that I want to be like these women through my entire life!


I recently again wondered what kind of woman I want to be.

あなたがたは、髪をあんだり、金の飾りをつけたり、着物を着飾るような外面的なものではなく、むしろ柔和で穏やかな霊という朽ちることのないものを持つ、心の中の隠れた人柄を飾りにしなさい。これこそ、髪の御前に価値あるものです。   1ペテロ3:3-4

Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. 4Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight.

(主は)人が見るようには見ないからだ。人はうわべを見るが、主は心を見る。 1サムエル16:7

The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7

聖なる飾り物をつけて、主にひれ伏せ。  詩篇96:9

Worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness 96:9



You will be a crown of splendor in the LORD's hand, a royal diadem in the hand of your God.

Isaia 62:3


彼女は口を開いて知恵を深く語り、その舌には恵みの教えがある。 箴言31:25-26

She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.
She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.  Proverbs 31:25-26


できていないことが多すぎて グサグサっときます。

I feel pain in my heart while writing those by myself......

Bible verses are poking my heart..........


I still want to enjoy fassion or cosmetic as a girl, but it means nothing if my heart was dying.

私も信仰をもって、内側から美にされていくように気をつけて生きたいと思います。女性のみなさま お祈りよろしくお願いします!そして 私も女性のためにお祈りしています:D

I want to pay attention internal beauty with my faith and want to be attractive from inside.

Dear my lady friends! Please pray for me and I pray for you guys too!

おたがいもっともっと主にあって 美しくなっていきましょう:D

Let's be more beautiful and attractive with our faith each other :D

キャハ! 私単純かも。 もうなんかちょっと 主にあってきれいにしてもらった感じ!!!

I might be simple! I already started to think that I am getting to be more beautiful with the Lord!!!!!!!


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

No Regret!?


I do not have any regrets basically in my life.

後悔について 昔ものすごーい長い討論を友達としたことがあるんだけど、やっぱりありません。

I have had a debate about regret with my friend long time ago, but I still do not think I have regrets.


However, I realized that there is one thing that I become so obsessed not to regret.

私が絶対に後悔したくないと 思うほどに執着しているもの!それは 食べ物です!

It is about food!


That is why it takes almost forever to make a decision to order and ordering menue which I would never regret is my strong policy.

そして、冷蔵庫にある食べ物もそう。 もうすでに腐りかかってきた野菜がいたら ”彼らを救わなければならない!”という食べ物に対する後悔をしないという念が 私の中に非常にあつく燃え盛る。食べ物を救う会会長として我が家の中で頑張りました!

Food in refrigerator is also my target.If I see vegetables which are getting to be bad, I think " I have to be their savior!"My compassion and mercy toward those vegetables extremely burn up in my heart and I became obsessed about cooking.


My attachment, once I have it, is sometimes too persistent.

毎日毎日 授業中でも even during classes at school......

冷蔵庫の下の段には、まだじゃがいも4つに、小さいにんじんのパックが1つ半。たまねぎの半分の残りが上のだんにあって、きゅうりは2/3、いんげんは昨日いためてもう味ついたやつがのこってるのと、生のインゲンも100グラムくらいあって。あーーそうそう、5本あるさつまいものうち1本は ものすごいダメージをうけているから、トータルで500グラムくらいでしょ。。。あーあの青ねぎ束になって5本あるけど、1本は絶対にやばいわ。

I was thinking my little vegetables in the fridge.There are 4 potatoes, one and a hal packages of little carrots. We still have a half of onion. Cucumber is like 2/3. There are green beans cooked last night and also a package of fresh ones.So tatal seems to be about 100g. Also there are 5 sweet potaoes, but one of them has gone badly already. Well....maybe I can still use a part. Maybe tatal is about 500g. Green onion....there are 5 pieces, but I know one of them is definitely bad.

細かい。 そして数学?

I just kept thinking so many details including other ingredients like species of cheese, milk, eggs or whatever in fridge. Was I doing math problem as well?

ていうか、どーでもいいんです。こんなこと授業中。でも 食べ物のため!と思うととまらない。

Well...I do not know. Anyway, those are not important for my class at all; however, I could not stop thinking those!

ホストマザーが ”あれー チキン5切れまだのこってたっけ?”とか独り言いっていたら、”おととい3きれ使ったから、残り2きれ。”  即答。 早押しクイズじゃないって。。。。

If my host mom was talking herself like how many piece of chickens is remaining.I quickly answered, " there are 2 piece remaining since we used 3 pices 2 days ago."I am not doing the quick answer game, either.


As conculusion, what I want to say is that we should save Mr.vegetables in fridge since GOd saved us!?

うまいか、下手かは別にして。 料理って理にかなってるなって思う。

I do not care if I am good cook or not, but I think cooking makes sence.


We touch, see, smell, taste ingredients and our stomach gets full, too!


No wonder why I am satisfied from cooking because I have such a deep flesh toward food.




Mybe it is just SELF-SATISFACTION :b

Monday, September 22, 2008



It is a little bit embarassing to share, but a lot of tears came up in my eyes while listening to worship music today when I was driving a car.


Because....I am fully sartisfied with God for a last couple of months.


There is mom who got saved this summer in Japan, and I have been experiencing that our conversation was totally changed and blessed.


I also have such a great and surportive Christian family and wonderful friends in here Orlando. My education is blessed. I do not even have to concern about my finance recently.


I has been given such a graceful opportunity to pray basically for my friends or family lately.


It is shame on me, but I used to have a lot of prayer list to just pray for myself.


However, I realized there was almost nothing I needed to pray hard for myself or driness of spirit.


Only I needed to pray for myself was to ask the Lord to wash my self-centered flesh mind away by his blood and to give me joyful obedience to Him all.


Also I have been dedicating a lot of gratitude to the Lord all the time.


In addition to it, I received many opportunities that I could hear brother and sister's testimony or prayers. I have been lerning how faithful God is again. God listens our prayer and really shows his glory, majesty or power! It is such a special time for me to experience those with my friends.

To be honest, I have not experienced this kind of special time in my life before.

Nothing for myself came out into my prayer for a couple of months and I just focused on ministry, brothers and sisters or my family.

I did not intend to do it, but it has been occuring when I noticed, because I wondered where this fully satisfaction came from.

It is really embarassing and I realized our prayer can be a good indicater to show our sinful mind as well... :P


Anyway, I gain thought that this time is such a special gift given by God and it is blessing and grace.

We are walking in life which has always various difficulties or trials and we sometimes have to focus on those to pray. I do not know when this difficult time comes again, so now I receive this great time from god thankfuly and use it for his porpuse:D

私の今月残りの姿勢はこんなんでありたい! ペテロさんから学ぶ!



I want my faithful attitude to be like this especially for the rest of days of this month at least! I learn from Peter!

For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 6and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; 7and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love.
2Peter 1:5-7

とろけるーー!I am melted!

Just, wonderful, wonderful, WONDERFUL!!

友達が 病院の呼吸器器具管理室で働いているので、その職場を拝見させてもらいに 土曜日言ってきました!!
I visited to my friend's working place on Satruday last week. He works at the respiratory equipment room .

My host mother said that I am funny....but

I was almost melted while being surrounded by great respiratory machines!

何がそんなにおもしろいの?と聞かれるとよく分からないのですが、この機械たちがなす業ってすごいんですよね。 I do not know why those attract me so much if you ask me the reason, but I always think that the work of those machines do is just amazing!

Ventilation care is invasive,patient has to be sedated by medication and intubated before machine controls Pt's breathing. However, this has greater value than risks it has. Those machine was invented in 1950's. That means my grand parent's generation when they were little would be suffered from just a little respiratory disorder and possibly past away.

呼吸器は生命を延ばすことを目的だけに 使用されているわけではありません。
This machine has not been used only to prolong the human being life.

This machine supports our bereathing temporaly and leads us to have spontaneous breathing again.
Breathing difficulty or distress is assumed that one of the most crinical symptons which make people think their death.

However, this machine helps to heal their mental anxiety or threat.

そんなヒーローたち。かっこよすぎる!Don't you think it is cool? These machines are such a hero!

すべての生き物のいのちと、すべての人間の息とは、その御手のうちにある。 ヨブ12:10
In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind. Job 12:10
そして この病院はクリスチャンによって設立された病院で、院内のいたるところに、イエス様や聖句の絵画が展示されています。
This hospital policy is based on Chirstianity, so we see pictures or painting of Jesus and bible scripture everywhere in the hospital.
神にとって不可能なことは一つもありません。 ルカ1:37
I remember I was encouraged by a bible scripture on one of the painting on the wall when I was doing my clinical one day.
For nothing is impossible with God. Luke 1:37
I wish we have such a christian based hospital more in Japan as well.
Well....I do not know His plan, but I should do my best with my obedience to God so that he will give me a wisdome how to apply my skill or experience for Japanese medical society sometime..?
So I want to be trained at medical field more in English environment....!?

Friday, September 19, 2008



神様が作り出した ユニークな小動物。

神様が届けてくれる おいしい野菜。

夏が終わる前に フロリダの夏を楽しみました!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

肺 Lungs



My work in Japan this summer was so much blessed.

It was so much fun and joyful and tear was almost coming up from my eyes with my happiness!


Working with LPN from China or Philipine was my first experience in my life in Japan, and it is such a precious memory.


English is getting to be more paied attention in medical filed in Japan lately.

本屋さんへ行ったら、今年初めて 医療用語英語検定といものが開始されていることを知りました。


Official medical terminology exam has been started from this year.

They have not prepaired only up to grade 4 yet, but greater gades seem to be offered later.

日本も医療において 海外に頼らなくてはならなくなってきている時代のようです。


Japan seems to need to depend on workers from over seas nowadays in medical field,too.

I like mixed cultural area like U.S.A, so it makes me excited; however, there seems to be prons and cons to this chage ot the time.


Today was the first clinical since thie semester started.


It was the day that I belonged to the MD group and visited each patients in the intencive care unit.


Honestly, there were days that I was pretending to listen to them during medical around since I could not get what they were talking about due to thier fast conversation.


Today, I decided to focus on them hard. I really did it.


I could see the pt's phisical condition better!!!

I could identify what MD was trying to achieve for each patient!


Especialy, a lot of conversation about lungs was being done, so it was more interesting for me to hear.


Trachea seen from bronchoscopy was just wonderful. BEAUTIFUL!!

私たちが吸い込む乾いた空気が肺にダメージを及ぼさないように 柔らかい細胞から粘液をだして空気を潤すしてくれる粘膜。 

There is a layer of soft membrane whose cell produces secretion to give moisture to the inhaled air so that our lung tissue would not be hurt by dry air.


There are cartilages to make a shape of trache and those are also flexible so that we can move our neck!


There is a esophagus behind a trachea; therefore, the shape of cartilage is C and its shape does not bother the movement of esophagus to swallow food!

神様の作るものって そごすぎるーーーーー!

How perfect our body formation that God made for us is!!


Membrane, itself , is too soft to make a shape.

でも軟骨がいるから形ができます。Since there is cartilages, trachea can stay stably.


However, if trachea was made of only cartilages, the lung tisse would be dameged by dry air.


Everything has to be together!!


それは、からだの中に分裂がなく、各部分が互いにいたわり合うためです。 1コリント13:24-25

while our presentable parts need no special treatment. But God has combined the members of the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it,

so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other.   1Crointhians 13:24-25

こんな完璧な体与えれている私たち。 We are given such a perfectly functionable body!

体をいたわりましょう!!Be thankful to God and take care of it!

Wake up!

黙示録 3:1-3




耳のある者は、御霊が諸教会に言われることを聞きなさい。 (6節)

Revelation 3:1-3

These are the words of him who holds the seven spirits of God and the seven stars. I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead. 2Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your deeds complete in the sight of my God. 3Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; obey it, and repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you.

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. (Revelation 3:6)


実は、以前に彼も同じことをクリスチャンになる前に経験しており、クリスチャンではない弟に あることについて気をつけるように言っていた。

Today, I had a great chance to hear about one of Christian brother's story.

He shared that his brother experienced the same thing what he did in the past.

Therefore, he was giving his brother the caution.

それは、お金である。 It is about money.


His brother became crazy about money and he did anything to get money and then he became a so called millionair.


However, my friend knew that his brother will be tormented for somehow and some day because he experienced that his whole money was taken away when money was his idol before he became a Chrisitian.

その弟は 彼のいうことには耳を傾けず、一気に入ってきたお金に大満足していた。

His brother, however, did not listened to him and was happy about getting to be ritcher.


His money life did not last even for 2 weeks. He lost whole money.


He even needed to ask borrow some money to live from relatives or friends.


His wife also got tired to be with him and even said she did not love him any more......


”神様はお金が彼を気違いにさせていたことを知っていた。だから神様は 神以上に崇拝しているお金をすべて彼から取り去ったんだと思う。”

My friednd told me,

" I guess God knew that money made him crazy. So he needed to take all money he was away from him because money was his idol."

私たちは 神様から頂いた貴重な購いと救いをすぐに忘れてしまう。

We easily forget God's great gift: redemption or salvation.


I think we always need to remember what he has done for us and let people, who goes to the wrong direction, know waking up!

耳をかすか、かさないか。 We do not know if he or she listens to us.

それは、相手次第です。 It depends on the listener.


We still need to be brave enough to say " Wrong is wrong!" sometimes.

I think the relationship that we can be honest each other and forgive each other is precious and blessing.

裁くのは神です。However, we have to remember that God is the judger adn we are not.

救うのも神です。And God is the one who saves us!


So We always want to wake up in our faith!!


Jesus Crist is the one that we are chasing. We are not chasing cloth, food, house, land or even people!





For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and approved by men.
Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.

Romans 14:17-19



その人も 神様に喜ばれるんだね!!

Warning something to somebody or talking abtou God requires us to be brave and feel bad, but that is the best for him or her because the person could go back to God.

God will be pleased with the one and the one will experience real joy and blessing from God!

Thursday, September 11, 2008




It has been 7 yrs since such a terrific news happened in New York.

That new is still hard for us to believe even now.



I still remember when it happened.

I was talking with my friend over the phone at home.


Suddenly, my friend said," Turn on TV! Something big thing seems to be occuring in New York!"




Every year I watch a documentary TV show about 911.

My heart is always upset every time I see it.

I feel still shocked, angry, sad or disappointed and I have mercy on all victimes or those family.

I am also amazed about fire fighter or volunteer worker's braveness or passion for their works.


There is a part of TV show about 911 that I can not forget.

それは、第二の飛行機のビル追突の直前に ある一人の乗客員が家族に電話をする場面です。

It is a scene which was describing the scenario tha one of the passenger in the second plane was calling to his family before the plane ran into the building.


”ごめんね。僕は死ぬことになるかもしれない。最後まで子供たちの世話をできなくてごめんね。死ぬ前にもう一度 お前と子供たちに会いたかったよ。愛してるよ。”


He called his wife and left a message like this.

" I am sorry. I will die soon. I am sorry that I could not take care of our children till the end. I wanted to see you and kids before dying. I love you."


I heard more than 3000 people died from this matter.



I guess the bereaved family would wonder, " Can it happen? Why is our family the one? How can God allow it?"


I think it is very natural for people to be weak in their faith and become skepticak about God.

I can not imagine how I become crazy if I encounter to this kind of situation.



I think the key to keep maintaining our faith anytime is if we really understand about God.


(ヨハネ 14:18)

I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. ( John 14:18)


We, our Christian, are not the ones who say that we are happy because I can see or experience God's great work for me right now!

キリストは、今の悪の世界から私たちを救い出そうとして、私たちの罪のためにご自身をお捨てになりました。私たちの神であり父れある方のみこころによったのです。 (ガラテヤ1:4)

who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father. ( Galathians 1:4)

何一つ罪を犯したことのないイエスキリストを私たちは 十字架にかけるために、いばらの冠をかぶらせ、服を脱がせ、つばきをはきかけ、そしてあざけ笑いました。 (マタイ27:29-31)

We hung Jesus, who was perfectly pure, on the cross. We set a crown of thorn on his head, took off his cloth, spit on him and mocked him.


However, the Lord kept loving us while saying...

そのとき、イエスはこう言われた。”父よ。彼らをお赦しください。彼らは、何をしているのか自分でわからないのです。”  (ルカ23:34)

Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing. ( Luke 23:34)

今起きたこと。また過去に起きた悲しいできごと,それらは、本当に私たちの理解を超える出来事かもしれない。                                                      Tragetic thing which has just happened or sad events occured in the past, those can be huge matters for us to accept.

でも、主を信じているもの、すなわち主を愛しているものは たとえ命をおとすことがあったとしても、主が天国に導いてくださる。だから、大丈夫。                              However, anybody who believes Jesus Christ ,loves Him and is faithful to God is blessed and lead to Heaven. So, we do not have to worry.

残されて、信仰的な挫折をうけそうな人。 信仰はときに試練をともなう。

Faith involeves trials especially for people who encounter the difficulties.


So, we always want to remember what Jesus has done for us.


Let's tie up the belt of the faith around our waist and leave His foot print in this world as a testimonier because we are already forgiven and saved by him.




No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.
Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees.

Hebrews 12:11-12

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

夢からのレシピ?  Recipe from dream?





I had a dream that I was cooking a crepes.

The procedure of cooking was vivid in the dream, the smell was good and I saw myself eating that crepe with a big smile!



I woke up at 6:30 am while the dream was fading,,,,

ベッドからコンピューターをつかみ、 I grabbed my computer from my bed.

インターネットから クレープの生地の部分だけ材料の部分をチェックし、

I checked the ingredient or quantity for cooking crepe from scratch.

7時! At 7:00 am!

朝っぱらから 機械の卵泡だて器を ガーガーとならし


I was making a big noise while mixing all ingredient with an egg beater, and my host mom was suprised to see me cooking something such an early morning.


However, it went really well!

もちろん パパとホストマザーの分もつくって

みんなで ちょっと優雅な 朝食を!

I made it for my host mom and grand-papa and all of us enjoyed a little bit formal breakfast!

夢からきたレシピ。 Recipe from dream,


It is a little bit interesting feeling, but I would love to share it with you!

It is an easy, quick but very tasty crepes!  

Please try it!

1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon white sugar
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cups milk
2 tablespoons butter, melted
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 eggs

1: beat 2 eggs until it becomes fluffy.

2: add remaining all ingredients and mix together.

3: heat a pan and spread scratch thinly. fold the cooked material into triangle shape.

4: once you used all mixture, wash a pan.

5: add orange juice and put all triangle-shaped materila back in the pan and cook them with low heat until crepes becomes hot.

6: put some crepes on the dish and add heated oranje source on them.

7: you can add any kinds of fruits if you want!


クレープの生地の作り方は インターネットでクレープの生地で検索すると、日本で使用しているメジャーカップをベースにした作り方を紹介していると思います。生地はクレープなら何でもいいと思います。





Sunday, September 7, 2008


今日も 礼拝とそして日本人ミニストリーとで 本当にたくさんの学びをいただきました。

書き記しておきたいことが たくさんあるのですが、



I learned a lot of great things about God in the morning service or at JM today, too.

There are so many things I want to write down, but I will do sometime since I am tired today...

今日もただただ 一言言いたいこと。 Only thing I want to say today is......

神様に感謝。 Thank you, Lord!

めっちゃ感謝。 Thank you, Thank you.


宗教じみてて わずらわしいそうとか、


There might be some people who misunderstand that believing God is annoying, religious or make them feel regulated.


However, God I believe is not that small God.

私たちを奴隷のように縛って楽しむ神様なんて 神様じゃないことは誰にでも分かるだろう。

I think it is common sense that God is not a simply ruler who enjoys controling people and treats them like slaves.

神様は私たちの想像よりも遥かにまさる”愛”を 届けてくれている方なんだなって。

He is a great love giver and keeps showering his love more than we imagine.


There might be a person who might not accept such a unbelievable story and not receive it.

私たち、めっちゃ神様に愛されているから However, we are loved truely by God.

私たちが 神様を愛そうとする努力なんかくらべものにならないくらい


His love is much,much, much bigger than the amount of our effort that we try to love him.

感謝でいっぱい。So my heart is filled with grattitude toward the Lord.

見てごらんなさい。神のいつくしみときびしさを。倒れた者の上にあるのは、きびしさです。あなたの上にあるのは、神のいつくしみです。ただし、あなたがそのいつくしみの中にとどまっていればであって、そのでなければ、あなたも切り落とされるのです。  ローマ11:22

Consider therefore the kindness and sternness of God: sternness to those who fell, but kindness to you, provided that you continue in his kindness. Otherwise, you also will be cut off.

Roma 11:22


We are children of God, so we are continually in his kindness.

ありがとう 神様。

Love you, Lord.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

つくっちゃいました! I did it!

最近は 日本に伝道の思いをもつ アメリカ人の参加者が増えてきた私たちのミニストリー!!
We recently have more English speakers who has a heart for Japan in our ministry!

もちろん 基本は日本語で オーランドに住む日本人のためのミニストリー。
Basicaly, of course, we provide ministry in Japanese for Japanese people living in Orlando area.

だけど 同時に日本へ牧師として また 伝道師として真剣に日本への伝道をたくす アメリカ人との出会いもたくさんいただいています!
We, however, have more opportunity to get a lot of help or support from American brothers and sisters who join our ministry and eventually go to Japan as a pastor or evangelizer, and we see them off.

そこで、賛美は極力 日本語と英語の両方でやっていけたらと思い始めてきました!
So, I started to think we at least praise worship music in both Japanese and English!

I just realized there was no website which gathers and organizes worship music in both Japanese and English.

そこで、少しづつですけれども まとめて行きたいと思って、あらたなブログを作成しました!!
So I decided to create another blog and organize those little by little.

私のブログの右上にある Worship Japanese and English をクリックしていただけたら、そのブログにつながります!
If you click " Worship Japanese and English" on the top of right side, you see it!

I have not added music with lyrics yet, but eventually I want to add music,too.

本業の学校もはじまっているので、ゆっくり少しずつやろうと思うので、よろしくお願いします!! school has also started, so do not expect me to do in a hurry, please!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Lord I lift your name on high (Worship)

御名を掲げて (詩篇148:13)


十字架により いのちあがない

Lord I lift your name on high (Psalm 148:13)

Lord, I lift your name on high
LordI love to sing your praises
I'm so glad You're in my life
I'm so glad You came to save us

You came from heaven to earth to show the way
From the earth to the cross my debt to pay
From the cross to the grave
From the grave to the sky
Lord, I lift your name on high

Oh Magnify the Lord ( Worship)


さあ 賛美しよう
救い主 イエスに

さあ 賛美しよう
救い主 イエスに

ホザナ! たたえよう
賛美しよう  救いの岩

ホザナ! たたえよう
賛美しよう  救いの岩




Above all やった!

I was looking for Lyrics of Above all in Japanse.
Finally, I found it!!
神様ありがとう! Thank you, Lord!
Now we can sing this song both in Japanese and English in our Japanse ministry once I practice this music!

私はとくに 孤独で ふみつけられても 私を愛してくださった。

イエスキリストは 傷ついた。 十字架の上で苦しめられた。

I really liked the part of lyrics of " He loved us so much even he was stepped down and lonely.
That makes me cry and my gratitude toward the Lord fills my heart up .

He got hurt and was suffered on the cross, but He loved us.

Above All -

すべての国々 その富と栄光さえ

死なれた バラのように 
孤独で ふみつけられても 

Above all

Above all powers, above all kings
Above all nature and all created things
Above all wisdom and all the ways of man
You were here before the world began
Above all kingdoms, above all thrones
Above all wonders the world has ever known
Above all wealth and treasures of the earth
There's no way to measure what you're worth

Crucified Laid behind a stone
You lived to die Rejected and alone
Like a rose Trampled on the ground
You took the fall And thought of me
Above all

Thursday, September 4, 2008

バージンロード!? Virgin Road!?


Today was also such a graceful day!


It has been quiet and calm every single day since my clinical has not started yet.


So I am trying to see my friends as much as possible recently and share the gospel or testimony.

今日新しくならったこと :) New thing I learned today for the first time.

結婚式について! It is about wedding!

花嫁さんが お父さんに腕を組んで 花婿さんのところまで導かれるバージンロード。

When bride walks on the aisle toward groom, it is the most beautiful and brillliant scene which gathers attention from all guests. Actually we call "Virgin Road" in Japanese.

I heard that there is a deep meaning in this ceremony.



Genesis 2:22

Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib, he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.

実際に新婦と腕を組んでいる父は 神なる父の象徴であり、そのお父さんが ”人” すなわち ”夫”のところにつれていく。 


Bride holds her father's arm and the father takes her to the groom.

Her father is a symbol of Godly father and that Godly father takes her to a man.




So, only thing that single women is supposed to do is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hold the arm of God!

Then God leads us to a man naturally!

なっとく!! That makes sense!

なんて 単純なことでしょう!!! It is not a difficult concept. It is easy and simple!

先日 一生懸命 必死にボーイフレンドを探している2人の女の子に出会いました。 二人は本当に夢中でした。

The other day I met 2 girls who were making their effort to make a boyfriend.

They were hardly working to pick from one to another seriously at the party ( Cristian Party).

でも、そんなことしなくたっていい!However, we do not have to do it!

神様が ちゃーんと導いてくれるから! God leads us to the right man as long as we stay in Him.

だから、神様とともにいよう!So, let's be with God!

ちなみに、英語でバージンロードという言葉はないらしい。 特にそれを示す 特別な単語もないとのこと。 確認のため、ホストマザーにこの言葉を言ったらびっくりされた。 英語でバージンはとてもリアルな言葉だ。 確認しておいて よかった:D

Well....There is no specific term to describe the aisle which Bride walks on in English.

" Virgin Road" is likely a Japanese-English.

It could make sense because Virgin sounds too specific and descriptive in English.....

It was funny when I asked my host-mother if this word is present and saw her reaction.

I could tell there was none from her expression before her answer :D

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

癒しのメッセージ message for healing

I lose a piece of paper which has a small memo easily, so I decided to write it down in my blog before losing it.
一人の友達が やはり癌で苦しめられていたときにお友達から頂いて、励ましを受けた聖句だそうです。 先日私にもそれを分かち合ってくれました。
One of my friends who has been suffered from cancer gave these scriptures for my sister.
She told me that she was encouraged by God's word at that time a lot.

I have just gotten home from my friend's house and heard that one of her friends, who is a 23yrs male, has been suffered from cancer as well.

そして その話をしてくれている奥さんのそばで、その旦那さんが明日の検査のためにと飲んでいた薬の影響で 吐いていました。
In addition to it, her husband was vomitting due to the side effect of one of the medication next to us while we were having conversation.

私の周りには 病を抱えている人がたくさんいます。
I always tend to be surrounded by sick people.

だから なくしてしまわない前に この聖句を書きとめて 病を抱えている方お一人お一人のためにお祈りをしたいと思いました。
So I realized I needed to write scriptures down before losing memo and pray for sick people.

マルコ 16:17-18

17And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well. Mark 16:17-18

主はみことばを送って彼らをいやし、その滅びの穴から彼らを助け出された。 詩篇107:20
He sent forth his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave. Psalm 107:20

まことに、彼は私たちの病を負い、私たちの痛みをになった。 だが、私たちは思った。彼は罰せられ、神に打たれ、苦しめられたのだと。 しかし、彼は、私たちのそむきの罪のために刺し通され、私たちの咎のために砕かれた。彼への懲らしめが私たちに平安をもたらし、彼の打ち傷によって、私たちはいやされた。 イザヤ53:4-5
Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted.
But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. Isaiah 53:4-5

そして自分から十字架の上で、私たちの罪をその身に負われました。それは、私たちが罪を離れ、義のために生きるためです。キリストの打ち傷のゆえに、あなたがたは、いやされたのです。       1ペテロ2:24

24He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed. 25For you were like sheep going astray, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls. 1 Peter 2:24-25

いつも主にあって喜びなさい。もう一度いいます。喜びなさい。 ピリピ4:4
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Philippians 4:4

私は、私を強くしてくださる方によって、どんなことでもできるのです。 ピリピ4:13
I can do everything through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13

また、私の神は、キリスト イエスにあるご自身の栄光の富をもって、あなたがたの必要をすべて満たしてくださいます。  ピリピ 4:19
And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19

どうか、望みの神が、あなたがたを信仰によるすべての喜びと平和をもって満たし、聖霊の力によって望みにあふれさせてくださいますように。  ローマ 15:13
13May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Roma 15:13