Tuesday, September 16, 2008

肺 Lungs



My work in Japan this summer was so much blessed.

It was so much fun and joyful and tear was almost coming up from my eyes with my happiness!


Working with LPN from China or Philipine was my first experience in my life in Japan, and it is such a precious memory.


English is getting to be more paied attention in medical filed in Japan lately.

本屋さんへ行ったら、今年初めて 医療用語英語検定といものが開始されていることを知りました。


Official medical terminology exam has been started from this year.

They have not prepaired only up to grade 4 yet, but greater gades seem to be offered later.

日本も医療において 海外に頼らなくてはならなくなってきている時代のようです。


Japan seems to need to depend on workers from over seas nowadays in medical field,too.

I like mixed cultural area like U.S.A, so it makes me excited; however, there seems to be prons and cons to this chage ot the time.


Today was the first clinical since thie semester started.


It was the day that I belonged to the MD group and visited each patients in the intencive care unit.


Honestly, there were days that I was pretending to listen to them during medical around since I could not get what they were talking about due to thier fast conversation.


Today, I decided to focus on them hard. I really did it.


I could see the pt's phisical condition better!!!

I could identify what MD was trying to achieve for each patient!


Especialy, a lot of conversation about lungs was being done, so it was more interesting for me to hear.


Trachea seen from bronchoscopy was just wonderful. BEAUTIFUL!!

私たちが吸い込む乾いた空気が肺にダメージを及ぼさないように 柔らかい細胞から粘液をだして空気を潤すしてくれる粘膜。 

There is a layer of soft membrane whose cell produces secretion to give moisture to the inhaled air so that our lung tissue would not be hurt by dry air.


There are cartilages to make a shape of trache and those are also flexible so that we can move our neck!


There is a esophagus behind a trachea; therefore, the shape of cartilage is C and its shape does not bother the movement of esophagus to swallow food!

神様の作るものって そごすぎるーーーーー!

How perfect our body formation that God made for us is!!


Membrane, itself , is too soft to make a shape.

でも軟骨がいるから形ができます。Since there is cartilages, trachea can stay stably.


However, if trachea was made of only cartilages, the lung tisse would be dameged by dry air.


Everything has to be together!!


それは、からだの中に分裂がなく、各部分が互いにいたわり合うためです。 1コリント13:24-25

while our presentable parts need no special treatment. But God has combined the members of the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it,

so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other.   1Crointhians 13:24-25

こんな完璧な体与えれている私たち。 We are given such a perfectly functionable body!

体をいたわりましょう!!Be thankful to God and take care of it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

体内の器官関係が見つけたそうね。私の意見だけ、西方は風邪には風邪薬、頭痛は頭薬、でも器官はお互いの関係も大切、だから漢方の思考も要るじゃないかな。。。肺が病気なったら、肺を治すだけじゃない、何処が他の器官が弱っているかも知らない、だから肺が病気になった。 Balanceをとらないといけない、私個人意見知識なしです 終了。
右であれば左がいます、and God will working on them.