Sunday, September 7, 2008


今日も 礼拝とそして日本人ミニストリーとで 本当にたくさんの学びをいただきました。

書き記しておきたいことが たくさんあるのですが、



I learned a lot of great things about God in the morning service or at JM today, too.

There are so many things I want to write down, but I will do sometime since I am tired today...

今日もただただ 一言言いたいこと。 Only thing I want to say today is......

神様に感謝。 Thank you, Lord!

めっちゃ感謝。 Thank you, Thank you.


宗教じみてて わずらわしいそうとか、


There might be some people who misunderstand that believing God is annoying, religious or make them feel regulated.


However, God I believe is not that small God.

私たちを奴隷のように縛って楽しむ神様なんて 神様じゃないことは誰にでも分かるだろう。

I think it is common sense that God is not a simply ruler who enjoys controling people and treats them like slaves.

神様は私たちの想像よりも遥かにまさる”愛”を 届けてくれている方なんだなって。

He is a great love giver and keeps showering his love more than we imagine.


There might be a person who might not accept such a unbelievable story and not receive it.

私たち、めっちゃ神様に愛されているから However, we are loved truely by God.

私たちが 神様を愛そうとする努力なんかくらべものにならないくらい


His love is much,much, much bigger than the amount of our effort that we try to love him.

感謝でいっぱい。So my heart is filled with grattitude toward the Lord.

見てごらんなさい。神のいつくしみときびしさを。倒れた者の上にあるのは、きびしさです。あなたの上にあるのは、神のいつくしみです。ただし、あなたがそのいつくしみの中にとどまっていればであって、そのでなければ、あなたも切り落とされるのです。  ローマ11:22

Consider therefore the kindness and sternness of God: sternness to those who fell, but kindness to you, provided that you continue in his kindness. Otherwise, you also will be cut off.

Roma 11:22


We are children of God, so we are continually in his kindness.

ありがとう 神様。

Love you, Lord.