Tuesday, July 28, 2009

雨の中の海水浴  Beach in the rain

今日は教会の子供たちと。。。。  海!!!

Today I went to the ocean with kids from my church.

日本に帰ってきて 初海!しかし、今週一週間 横浜は曇り。

This is my first visit to the sea in Japan since I came back to home.

However, the weather of this week in Yokoham is cloudy.


Anyway we decided to go to the sea even though it is cloudy unless it is not raining.


Well...it tunrned into a blessing rainy day after we arrived at the beach.

しかし、子供は雨など気にすることなく ひたすら遊びます。

In spite of such a strong rain, kids' power is stronger!


They do not care about the rain. They were busy from catching fishes or crabs.


It remeinds me when I was a kid.



I realized the adults tend to forget about enjoying the nature which is given by God.

全てのものが 神様によって造られています。

Whenever we go to natural area, we then realize that all creatures are created by God.


Natures from God's grace.


We should be thankful more and enjoy natures.


I felt that I learned thankful mind toward the natures form kids today:D

これからも 自然の中で 両手いっぱいひろげて

Now I feel like I want to strech my body in the grace of nature and enjoy it more!!


Be thankful to all creaturs that God made for us!!


”産めよ、増えよ、海の水に満ちよ。鳥は地の上に増えよ。”  創世記1:22

He blessed them all and told the creatures that live in water to reproduce and to fill the sea, and he told the birds to increse in number. Genesis 1:22

Sunday, July 26, 2009

豪華結婚式  Gogeous Wedding in Japan!

It has been for a while since I attended to a pretty gougeous wedding last time in Japan.

I could tell it costed a lot. She changed her dresses three times in total a day!!

Here is Japan, so everything was very organized and went on time.

Decorations were pretty and gougeous and looked cleanly.

二人の誓いが始まると フロントのブラインドがあいて空に十字架が浮き上がるように配置されていて、

Especially I really liked the wedding ceremoney room which as a big cross on the window. The blind was raised up when they started promising a marrige each other.
The big view from the window was very beautiful and the cross on the window looked
floted in the air!

ホテルの牧師さんは バイトの外人さんだと聞いたことがある。
Sad part is that I have heard that the pastor at hotel in Japan is usually fake and
a part time worked as a English speaker.

式では聖書で有名な箇所 第一コリント13:4 愛は寛容であり、愛は親切です。。。と聖句を読み上げ、目を閉じてお祈りもささげる。お祈り箇所は英語なので 何を言っているか100%分かる人のほうが少ないだろう。
そして アーメンでお祈りを閉じる。
We read bible scripture of 1 Cor 13:4 in Japanese at first. Then everybody closed eyes and listened to the prayer from Pastor. However prayer was English; therefore, only a few people would be able to understand what he was saying.

アーメンをいつ言うのかそのタイミングさえ 英語なので分からなければ、それを言うものだを知っている人も少ないだろう。
Who can say Amen after prayer?
How peoplw would be able to say Amen after listening to English based prayer? It would be difficult to figure out the closing of prayer. Nobody might not even know if we supposely say Amen in the end of prayer though....

不思議な気持ちだった。 It was awkeward to me.

Anyway I prayed in my heart by myself and asked God to bless their marriage.

私たちの余興の歌もなんとか無事に終わり、朝から晩までにぎやかな一日でしたが、とても和やかで 素敵な一日でした!
We would be able to sing well for them as well....!?
It was very wonderful and beautiful wedding of my friend today!!

第一コリント 13:4
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

何歳になっても証人 Age is not matter to be a witness of Christ



I still remember I used to think this old women is very beautiful and wonderful even though I was not Christian yet back then but was in the service at my church.
I do not know why I felt something was different to this women, but I felt so whenever I was seeing her from behind.

中でもある一人のご老人は背もちっちゃくて 前に丸まって 椅子の上にチョコンと座っているのが印象的でした。
This old lady was very very tiny and leaning toward since her back was bent. It was quite impressive that this little women was sitting on the chair.

とっても穏やかな表情で、平安に満ちた様子で 説教に耳を傾けている。そんなある一人の女性の姿をみながら、
She always looked calm and peaceful and was listening to the sermon very carefully.

I always wondered why I can not see any bitterness or tiredness from her.

Then, I finally realized that was God's works.

愛情に満ちて、平安に満ちる。 Love and Peace.

I am sure that she went through a lot of trials or challenges in her life; however, the Lord was showing his victory which overcomes anrything with his healings and grace.

The Lord was giving me his deep mercy and love through her as well.

This old lady is too aged to come to church now. She also stays at nursing home.

I decided to visit her and encourage the faith each other!!!

Her dimentia has been progresed; therefore, our conversation was sometimes confused.
However, amazing thing is that she cries a lot whenever we talk about God!

I felt that the Lord definitely lives in her heart and she also has a deep heart to the Lord:D

I guess this lady told us that the age is not matter to shaw the the glory of God.

年をとって、体の自由がきかなかったとしても 主はその人の心の中にいてくださって 御霊とともにその素晴らしさを周りに流してくださるのですね。
Even if we are aged and have physical difficulties, our Lord is always with us and show his great love, peace or hope with his holy spirit.

I am very thankful to this old lady and the Lord.

I also appreciate to old generation who has helped us to be guided to the Lord.

Monday, July 6, 2009

いつも一緒だった友達, いまも一緒!

I had been living in a domitory when I was a nursing student in Japan.

Living togetehr with many firends under the same house causes sometimes problems or some kinds of events.

Especially, my domitory was next to the hospital where I was doing clinicals; therefore, students needed to be stuck between hospital and the domitory.

Friends become like a family.

We can not be nice each other on the surface.

We have to be ourselves. We sometimes fight against each other and forgive each other, then we can understand each other more.

そんな 3年間の共同生活を終えたからこそ、今でも本当に気を使うことなく友人としていられる。
We went through many things toghether throughout the domitory life of 3 years, so we can have a good friendship even now.

We lough a lot and can be ourselves without worrying how the other thinks.
It is such a relaxing relationship.

本当に私たち 一人一人自分勝手にやってきた3年間だったけど、今はちょっと大人になったよねなんて
It has been 11 years since we met each other. Are we growing??

There are no Christian friends from High School,nursing school and hospital which I used to work.
It takes really long time,but it has finally become normal for them that I am a Christian. My friends started thinking that Christianity is not abnormal.
You might think it the lowest standard about gospel, but it is still a big stage for them. So I am very thankful to God.

It is a big change!

In Japanese society, people tend to generalize the religion and it is biased like people who depend on the religion is either extremely weak or psychologically crazy.

私たちの仲間の一人が7月25日に結婚します!そのための余興の練習に今 励んでいます!
One of our group member from nursing school is going to get marry on July 25.

None of us can organize a group work well, but I hope we can do well.....

I really want to make the relationship with non-Christian precious. Even if they did not understand God, I believe the time that they can see the real love from God will come sometime.

Lord, please bless our relationship and satisfy with your grace!

あなた方のすることは、ことばによると行いによるとを問わず、すべて主イエスの名によってなし、主によって、父なる神に感謝しなさい。  コロサイ316
16Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. Collosians 3:16