Saturday, November 8, 2008

Early Christmas

期末が始まる少し前の 一段落ついたところでということでプログラムのお友達のところへお邪魔しに行ってきました!
My friend from RT program invited me to have Iranian Food for dinner!

イラン食は最高でした! It was very delicious and healthy!
Green paste next to the rice is hearb and beans. They are cooked,smashed till it becomes like paste and then mixed with beans. We can add any kinds of hearbs. These flavers are just gougeous!

Dry and long rice is typically used in Iran and cooked until it gets brown on the bottom.
So the surface is soft and the bottom thin layer is crunchy! It is just good :)

そして クリスマスツリーを一緒に?(私は見る役)飾りました!!
Then we ( maybe I was not helping :b) decorated Christmas Tree !!!
私はその代わりに Instead of helping them, I decided to play piano!?

きよしこの夜 や アメージンググレースをピアノで弾いてみんなで少し早いクリスマス気分を味わいました!
I played Silent night , Amazinf Grace or some Worship music and sung.
I also enjoyed to play some kids music and to sing them with kids too!
It was blessing time :)
Thank you for the invitation and great dinner!!