Sunday, June 8, 2008

awesome musician

今日は私たちの家に 素敵なゲストが来ました!

私のホストファミリーが通う教会で 日曜日にワーシップを提供してくれるということで、そのグループのメンバーである一人の男の子がうちに一晩泊まりました。


Today we had such a great guest!
He is a professional pianist and belongs to a worship group.
This group has been touring all over the places for 10 weeks while offering worhship musics.
Since they drop by our host parent's church on this Sunday, this guy stayed at our house for one night.

He gave us a special concert for us at house.
It was a really cool performance.
Here is one of them: a jazz style " Amazing Grace"

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