Wednesday, June 18, 2008

完全 Perfect



主はすべての彼に身を避ける者の盾。 (詩篇18:30)




思ったよりもスムーズに病院の近くまでつきましたが、車のガソリンが切れいていることに気がつきました。完全にゲージが0をさしていました。 しかし、走っても走ってもガソリンスタンドが見当たらず、手に汗をにぎる思いで 車が止まらないことを祈りながら走っていました。

祈りは聞かれ、ガソリンスタンドを一つ発見。 肩の荷がおりたような思いで ガソリンを入れいているとあるカップルが声をかけてきました。 


ガソリンスタンドのスタッフもクレジットカードは受け付けていないとのこと。(これは私も以前に体験したことがあるので アメリカではあり得ます。)




私はここでは 稼ぎは一円もなく貧乏学生です。心の中で祈りました。どうしましょう神様?




よし誰かに道を聞くしかない! 私は小さな教会を見つけたので、そこに車をとめて2人の子供連れのお母さんに道をたずねました。すると、



しかし、まだまだ困難はつづきました。なんといってもこの病院 一つの町といってもいいぐらいにビルもたくさんあって、シャトルバスで移動するようなところ。 私のビルが見つからない!

人に聞いて、聞いて、聞いて。  リレーのバトンのように、私は人から人へと引き継がれ、10分前に目的地到着!!!!!!



ご褒美に 呼吸器リハビリでつかっているハーモニカを頂き、アイスクリームももらい。


朝のガソリンスタンドの段階では どんな一日になるのだろうと不安でいっぱいでしたが、祝福に満たされる一日になりました。


むやみやたらに 誰にでもお金を渡すものではないと思います。

でも、どうするべきか考えていたときに ”渡しなさい”という深い平安を与えてくださった神に感謝しています。




As for God, his way is perfect;

the word of the LORD is flawless.

He is a shield for all who take refuge in him.  (Psalm 18:30)

I always get lost.  I do not know why, but I lose my way. Even the place it takes 20 mins for people, it takes 1 and a half hour for me.

Therefore, I left 1 and a half hour before my clinical started this morning.

I could get close to the hospital smoothly, but I realized the gasolin was runing out. The gas tank gage was indicating totally 0!

Even though I kept driving while looking for a gas station, there was non around there.

I started being very nervouse and worried if car stopped.

Finally I found one and was filling up the tank while being relaxed.

A couple talked to me and ask me if I can give some money. First of all, I said no.

He showed credic card and said, " we can get gas because credit card is not available here. We went to CVS ( there was CVS across the street.), but there was no ATM. The gas tank is completely empty."

I was still skeptical about him and denied gently.

However, I started praying in my heart and felt peace to talk to them again. So I went back to them and ask them to let me see the gas gage. It was really empty.

They were wearing nice close and their car was also a pretty nice one. They even showed their credit card. I could tell they are not poor or anything, but they could not get gasolin at that time for some reasons.

I decided to give cash that I have, which was tiny amount of money but everything I had, and said, " I wish you can ge to ATM place at least with this money."

Anyway, I left there soon and approached to the hospital.

Again, I got lost while just time had been passing.

I parked my car in front of the small church and ask a lady with 2 kids if she knows a parking lot that I was looking for.

She said, " Don't worry. Hospital is right there. I give you a permission card for this parking lot so that you can leave your car here," and she gave it to me.

However, my survival time still last.

The hospital is tremendously huge. It is almost like a town. People even move from building to building by shuttle bus.

I kept asking the place I was looking for to people, and I was delivered from people to people.

Pepole's help was also incredible! It was 10 min before when I got there!!

Also after that, just blessings and grace covered my entire day.

All stuff and patients were very friendly, so I was given such a reluxing time.

In addition, today was the special activity day for Patient which is given once a month.

I was given a harmonica for pulmonary rehab and free ice cream through helping that activity.

When my professor came after the activity finished, he gave me an extra credit on it since I was doing those after actual clinical time was over!! ( of course I was not doing those for extra credits.)

I was wondering how my day was going to be after I met the couple at gas station, however all day turned into such a blessing day!

I am not saying my day became better because I gave money to them.

I shoule be careful about giving money in any kinds of situation from now on too.

Yet I am thankful to God who gave me a chance to pray in my heart and peace for giving today.

I do not know if they were telling me a lie or not, but I do not care.

I could make sure that I did right thing based on God's order for today by experiencing such a blessed day.

By the way, this hospital was really great in service, technics, facilities and everything!
I was almost melted!
I am also blessed that I can take clinicals at this great hospital, too!

Thank you, Lord!

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