Monday, February 8, 2010

希望の力 the power of hope

A scripture given from Today's devotion is below.


For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? 25But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.
( Roma 8:24-25)

This scripture reminded me about a conversation I had with my friende in Japan.

Only three of us including me is still single out of 10 girls best friends from my nursing school.

So three of us decided to travel together and talked different things, but gilrs mainly like to talk about something romantic stories that we have.

But!!! I do not have a boyfriend. I do not have any boy's friend whom I perticurally consider any romantic relationship either. My friends concerned about me so much.

They said, " I can not say much about you, but are you really ok???''

I loughed so hard and said, " I am completely fine!! I do not worry because it'll happen when the time comes!!"
They frowned.

One of the girl had a relationship with a guy who had a kind of complicated isues and broke up.
The other girl has been dating with the same boy friend a long, long time, but nothing procceded.
Additionally they even said that they might not be able to find anyone they like if they lose the contact with a guy who is in contact now or the guy who cares about them might not appear forever!!!

Oh my goodness. You are the ones who have problem!!!! " Excuse me, are you ok???"
That I want to say to them.

Then one of girls said, " You are too optimistic. You have the worst situation than anybody else, but you do not worry. It is strange that you can still hope!!"

Thank you, thank you, thank you, the Lord! Amen.
That is right!

We have hope!!!

My heart is full of joy because of the hope that God has given to me.
I did not even realize it until she said that.
So I am thankful to my friends as well!

In the devotion, it tells us a study result from prisoners in a shelter. The examiners devided prisoners into 2 groups, and they kept giving negative information to one group and positive one to another group. Negative information was such as the death of family members or friends, multiple death from terrorist or war.)

The study showed that prisoners given negative infomation started being pale, depressed and even thinking suicide. On the other hand, prisoners given positive infomation started having more hope and being eager to survive.

Our heart becomes more joyful and passionate when hope is given.

また私たちクリスチャンに与えられている希望は 一時的ではなくて”永遠の命”という滅びることのない神様からの約束によって この地上にいるあいだずーーーと上を見上げて、生きていくという力を与えてくださるものです。
And the hope that Christian is given is eternal. It is never destroyed and perished.
We can seek for living because of unchangeable eternal hope given by God.
How strong courage it is for us to live on the earth if we have it in our heart!!!

この水を飲む者はだれでもまた渇く。しかし、わたしが与える水を飲む者は決して渇かない。わたしが与える水はその人の内で泉となり、永遠の命に至る水が湧き出る。(ヨハネ 4: 13-14)
Jesus answered, " Anyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but who ever drinks the water that I give him will never thirst. In deed the water I give him become in him spring of water welling up to the eternal life."
( John 4:13)

We tend to focus on something which is happening at this moment and suffere from it.
I would like to be thankful to anything happening on the earth and overcome traials with my joy due to the hope he gives me! Help me Lord:D

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