By hearing other people's testimonies, it makes me think, " Why am I complaining? Why do I think my life is sometimes so hard?"
I saw the lady who was raised up by a single mom. She chose to be in orphanage when her mom past away. She was still 14 year-old at that time.
After graduating from high school, she moved to Germany to obtain a nanny job for an American couple who were working in American base there. She stayed there for 3 years while saving money for college.
After coming back from Germany,she went to college, worked hard and strain her life by herself until she met the one who was going to marry her.
In one year after their engagement, which was a little before their marriage, her fiance past away.
She has also been struggling from a lot of complications regarding her health now so that she can not expect to obtain a decent job.
Regardless of these all hardships throughout her life, she stands still upon God's Word and says, " God is great!" with her beautiful shining eyes and smile.
She continues, " I did not even think my life is so unique and different until you( Tsukasa) told me. I have been to different countries for mission trips and saw children lying on the bed without getting any attention, care and love. Compared to those, I know my mom. I know my mom loved me. My mom also told me about God. My life is much better than those who do not know anybody around. I believe we are all children of God. It does not matter where you are from. American, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish or whatever, we all deserve to be loved by the same God, Jesus Christ. I really want people know that each of us is so precious in Him and want to keep working for the name of Jesus Christ. "
さらに彼女はこう続けます。”自分の人生がそんなにユニークで他の人と違ったものだなんて、あなたに言われるまで知らなかった。まだ元気なころにいろいろな国へミッションとリップに行って、たくさんのほうりっぱなしにされている赤ちゃんや子供を見てきました。両親を全く知らないそれらの子供たちに比べたら、私の人生なんて比べものにならないわ。私はお母さんを知っているし、お母さんは本当に私を愛してくれました。そしてお母さんは私に神様のことを教えてくれました。 私はどこの国出身だろうと、アメリカ人、日本人、中国人、スペイン人 誰もがみんな神の子供だと信じています。 そしてだれもが唯一の真の神に愛されるに値します。 私はイエスキリストの御名のために、今後ももっと用いられていきたいし、まだ神を知らない一人ひとりに神の目にかなって本当に貴重な存在であるということを伝えて生きたいと思います。
I got just stunned and could not say any words for a while when she finished her story. To me, the fact that she does not even think that her life is different or hard is amazing. In addition, she is not mad at God. She is thankful to all matters happened in her life and wants people to know God who gives us strength, courage, love, grace and hope. Because the God's presence working in her heart, she is like who she is. It is all about God's amazing work. Thank you, Lord, for working in her life. Please keep protecting her from anything which disturbs the relationship with you and guiding her according to your will. You are almighty God, above all. Praise to your name. Amen.
P.S She did not mind sharing her testimony and attaching video clip of orphanage where she was. I appreciate if you remember this facility and kids there in your prayer.
Thank you for giving my testimony a voice. I pray now that it will help bring joy and peace will God and help it stregthens their walk with God. God bless you and keep you forever in his arms.
I am so blessed by you! Thank you for posting these wonderful worship songs back in 2006, while I was in 8th grade not saved. I'm a sophomore in college now, and I have the opportunity to go on a mission trip this summer in Japan, and the worship songs you posted over six years ago will be practiced and played in Japan. Thank you for your faithfulness because I build on it. We are all brothers and sisters and your faith and obedience helped me years down the line.
Love you,
Ashley Lewis :)
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